
McHenry Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Huntley Committee of the Whole reviews site plans

The village of Huntley Committee of the Whole met Aug. 4 to review the site plans for a medical office development.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

08.04.16 COW Minutes 1



August 4, 2016



A meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday,

August 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley,

Illinois 60142.


PRESENT: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Tim Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, Harry

Leopold, John Piwko and JR Westberg


IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour,

Management Assistant Barbara Read, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman and Village

Attorney James Hess.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.



a) Discussion – Approval of the July 14, 2016 Village Board and July 21, 2016 Committee

of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or changes to the Minutes; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval

the July 14, 2016 Village Board and July 21, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.

b) Discussion – Approval of the August 11, 2016 Bill List in the amount of $853,583.88

Mayor Sass reported that $576,980.76 (67.6%) of the total bill list is attributable to payment of SSA &

TIF Property Taxes ($225,904.56), Payout#1 to Arrow Road Construction for the 2016 MFT Street

Program ($285,329.70) and payment to Michels Pipe Services for the 2016 Sewer Televising Program


Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval

the August 11, 2016 Bill List in the amount of $853,583.88.

c) Discussion – Consideration of an Ordinance Approving (i) a Final Plat of Subdivision

08.04.16 COW Minutes 2

and (ii) Site Plan Review for the proposed medical office development on the ±5.89-acre

property at the southeast end of Quality Drive / Advocate Health Care

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported

that Advocate Health Care is proposing development of a ±18,102 square foot medical office and related

improvements on the ±5.89 acre site at the southeast end of Quality Drive within the northwest corner of

Route 47 and Interstate 90. The single-story medical office building will have its main entrance oriented

facing east, toward Route 47 and client parking located on that side of the facility and along the south

side of the site. The rear (west side) entrance to the outpatient facility will serve employees, provide

ambulance access to the facility and the western portion of the site will accommodate employee parking.

The north portion of the site accommodates stormwater detention adjacent to the entrance drive.

Staff Analysis

Final Plat of Subdivision

The proposed final plat serves to divide the existing Lot 3, Huntley Corporate Park - Phase 1 into the

subject ±5.89-acre, Lot 1 site for Advocate Health Care office building and 1.076-acre stormwater

management easement area and the residual-portion of Lot 3 to the north at the southeast corner of Jim

Dhamer and Quality Drives. The proposed subdivision also reflects property that was previously

conveyed to the Illinois Tollway Authority in 2012 for the interchange project. The Corporate Office (O)

site standards include a minimum lot size of two (2) acres, and does not dictate a minimum lot width,

therefore, the resulting lots are conforming with zoning requirements.

Site Plan

The proposed medical office site includes the ±18,102 square foot building with an open space for a

possible future expansion adjacent to the north of the facility. The site will be accessed from Quality

Drive with an ingress/egress drive aisle providing access to the employee/emergency vehicle parking on

the west side of the site and those areas on the east and south portions of the development intended for

client parking.

Medical Clinics require four (4) parking spaces per 1,000 gross square feet, therefore, seventy-three (73)

parking stalls including four (4) accessible spaces are required for the 18,102 square foot medical office

building. The proposed development includes eighty-eight (88) parking stalls including nine (9)

accessible spaces. Where possible, the parking lot includes wider parking spaces and drive aisles.

Building Elevations

The front (east) elevation features a combination of Harvard modular brick veneer, cast stone and large

windows and the rear (west) elevation includes a combination of the Harvard modular brick veneer and

preformed metal panels.


The majority of the property’s existing trees will remain, with the exception of two (2) trees removed

along the south property line. The landscape plan for the development conforms to the tree plantings

required for the site perimeter, adjacent to the parking lot and around the detention area. Additionally,

the proposed ground cover and shrub plantings around the building foundation, within the parking lot

islands and screening the dumpster enclosure is of sufficient size and quantity to meet the landscape

ordinance requirements.


The lighting plan includes VLX LED low-profile fixtures mounted upon twenty (20’) foot poles at

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twenty-seven (27) locations throughout the site. The photometric plan meets the requisite 2.0 footcandle

average for parking areas (2.1 fc) and 0.5 foot-candle maximum at the property line.


The proposed signage includes three (3) wall signs and one (1) ground sign. The proposed wall signs

will be located on the north, south, and east elevations so to be visible from Quality Drive, Interstate 90,

and Rout 47. All signs will state “Advocate Medical Group”.

A monument sign is proposed on the site plan, however, no elevations are provided at this time. The

proposed ground sign is located at the northwest corner of the building to be visible to vehicles entering

the site. In accordance with the Village’s sign regulations and design guidelines, the monument sign for

the site must include masonry base and sides matching the principal structure and the requisite

landscaping around the base of the sign.

Village Board Conceptual Review

The Village Board reviewed conceptual plans for the project at the June 16, 2016 Committee of the

Whole meeting and expressed concerns regarding the following project design elements:

• Wall signage for facility should be larger for better visibility from Route 47 and I-90 Tollway.

Plan Commission Concept Review

The Plan Commission reviewed conceptual plans for the project on June 27, 2016 and expressed

concerns regarding the following elements of the proposed development:

? It was recommended that the entrance canopy extend over the driver’s side of the vehicle. As

proposed, it extends only over the passenger side of the vehicle.

? It was recommended that architectural elements be added to the south elevation.

? The Commission encouraged the placement of a ground sign along the property’s Route 47


Plan Commission Recommendation

The Plan Commission considered the request for (i) Final Plat of Subdivision and (ii) Site Plan Review

for the proposed medical office development on the ±5.89-acre property at the southeast end of Quality

Drive on Monday, July 25, 2016.

The Plan Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted

plans (see list of exhibits) and all other applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering,

Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village

Engineer and Development Services Department.

3. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management

practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible

for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to

minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi stage outlet


4. The proposed monument sign shall include brick sides and stone cap to match/complement the

principal building materials.

5. Parking spaces in the easternmost parking area shall be increased to 18 feet in depth (19.5 feet

total with overhang).

08.04.16 COW Minutes 4

6. The petitioner shall obtain final approval of the Landscape Plan from the Development Services


7. All landscaping is to be properly monitored and pruned so as to not block the view of the


8. All permanent and seasonal plantings must be replaced immediately upon decline.

9. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection


10. In accordance with Section 155.221(A)(6) of the Subdivision Ordinance, the developer shall

record the plat of consolidation with the Recorder of Kane County within three months of

approval by the Village Board. Failure to record the Plat(s) of Subdivision within three (3)

months shall render the documents null and void.

11. No building permits are approved as part of this submittal.

12. No sign permits are approved as part of this submittal.

13. The petitioner is encouraged to work with Staff regarding the placement of a ground sign along

the property’s Route 47 frontage.

Financial Impact

The petitioner is required to pay any applicable building permit/inspection, engineering inspection,

occupancy and sign permit fees.

Director Nordman reported that the petitioner was in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold stated that he liked the plan and asked if the Huntley Fire Protection District would

require a second entrance/exit; Director Nordman stated that the Fire Protection District had reviewed

and approved the plans.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board an Ordinance

Adopting (i) a Final Plat of Subdivision and (ii) Site Plan Review for the proposed medical office

development on the ±5.89-acre property at the southeast end of Quality Drive / Advocate Health Care.

d) Discussion – Consideration of an Ordinance Approving the Issuance of a Class “A”

Liquor License to Cuhlife LLC Huntley d/b/a Lucky Bernie’s; 9800 Route 47, Unit B

Mayor Sass reported that the Village of Huntley regulates the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Village

through its Liquor Control Ordinance, which provides for the issuance of certain classes of liquor

licenses and establishes the number of licenses available in each class.

Staff Analysis

The Village is in receipt of an application for a Class “A” liquor license from Ms. Kathleen Leavitt and

Mr. Bryan Sterbenz of Cuhlife LLC Huntley d/b/a Lucky Bernie’s (Lucky Bernie’s) to open a signature

wine deli, featuring Boars Head meat, at 9800 Route 47, Unit B. Video gaming is expected to be

applied for after the deli is opened.

All documents required have been submitted with the exception of the State Liquor License. This is not

uncommon to be waiting on the State’s approval while asking for approval from the local Liquor

Commission. The Liquor Commission can approve the Class “A” liquor license with the condition of

08.04.16 COW Minutes 5

approval being that Lucky Bernie’s must provide a certified copy (proof) that they obtained a State

Liquor License before the Village’s liquor license becomes effective.

Financial Impact

The yearly fee of $950 for the liquor license has been received and deposited to 01-00-1-4120 / Liquor

License revenue line item.

Legal Analysis

Section 110 of the Village Code of Ordinances regulates liquor sales in the Village. The application has

been reviewed and is in compliance with Section 110: Alcoholic Beverages requirements.

Mayor Sass reported that the petitioner was in attendance to answer questions.

Mr. Bryan Sterbenz, business owner, distributed photos of the restaurant’s set up and food and drink

menu. Mr. Sterbenz reported that they will be offering 20-25 different wines. Mr. Sterbenz reported

that they recently opened a restaurant in Spring Grove and in the first month grossed approximately

$24,000 with no advanced advertising.

Trustee Goldman asked what the business hours would be; Mr. Sterbenz stated that they will open at

9:00 a.m. and close at the required time per the Liquor License.

Trustee Piwko asked if the business was going into the new Dunkin Donut center; Village Manager

Johnson concurred. Mr. Sterbenz stated that currently they have a Letter of Intent with the property

owner and expect to sign the lease on August 5th.

Trustee Kanakaris asked what size the space was for the business; Mr. Sterbenz stated that it was 1,900

square feet.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Liquor Commission for the

Approval and Issuance of a Class “A” Liquor License to Cuhlife LLC Huntley d/b/a Lucky Bernie’s;

9800 Route 47, Unit B subject to the following condition of approval:

1. Petitioner must show proof of the State of Illinois Liquor Licenses before the Village of

Huntley Class “A” Liquor License becomes effective.

e) Discussion – Consideration of the Approval of Payout Request No. 1 to Arrow Road

Construction Company for the 2016 MFT Street Program in the amount of $285,329.70

Mayor Sass reported that on April 28, 2016, the Village Board approved a resolution appropriating

$860,000.00 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Maintenance of Streets and Highways for the 2016 Street

Improvement Program and a Resolution Authorizing a Bid Award and Construction Contract to Arrow

Road Construction Company in the amount of $757,990.20 for grind and overlay of Heritage of Huntley

Subdivision. Change Order No.1 was approved on June 9, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $40,000 for

grind and overlay of a section of Main Street.

Arrow Road Construction Company has submitted the first payout request for the 2016 MFT Street

Program. The Village’s project engineer, CBBEL, has reviewed the request and recommends approval

of the payout request No. 1.

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Staff Analysis

Financial Impact

The FY2016 Budget includes $860,000 in the MFT Fund line item 42-05-3-6750 and $73,000 in the

Street Improvement Fund line item 04-10-2-6320 for the 2016 Street Improvement Program.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval

Payout Request No. 1 to Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount of $285,329.70 for the

work completed under the 2016 MFT Street Program.

f) Discussion – Consideration of the Approval of Payout Request No. 1 (Final) in the

amount of $65,746.50 to Michels Pipe Services for Sewer Televising and Lining

Mayor Sass reported that on February 11, 2016, the Village Board of Trustees awarded the contract for

Sewer Televising, Jetting and Lining to Michels Pipe Services. The contract amount was $75,850.

Staff Analysis

Michels Pipe Services started working on the Sewer Lining Program the first week of May and

completed work in June. The first and final pay request has been submitted in the amount of

$65,746.50. The final cost is 13.3% under the original bid amount of $75,850.00.

Financial Impact

The FY 16 Budget includes $75,000 for the Sewer Lining Program in the Sewer Capital Fund,


Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked if the equipment has already been removed; Village Manager Johnson reported

that the equipment was removed.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval

Payout Request No. 1 (Final) to Michels Pipe Services in the amount of $65,746.50 for the Sewer

Lining Program.

g) Discussion – Accept and Place on File the Second Quarter 2016 Financial and Investment

Reports for the Village of Huntley

Village Manager David Johnson reported that the Village’s 2nd Quarter 2016 Financial and Investment

Pay Request Total

Completed Work Retention Previous Payments Amount Requested

#1 $317,033.00 $31,703.30 (10%) $0.00 $285,329.70

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Reports were included in the Committee’s packets.

Staff Analysis

As of June 30, 2016 activity ended as projected. First installments of the 2016 property tax bills have

been received, and expenditures are within budgeted thresholds.

Notes to consider when reviewing this report:


• 01-00-0-4020 Sales Tax: Sales tax collections are in arrears. Collections through June 30, 2016,

total $1,314,487, and include 2015 revenues of $677,222, that will be adjusted during the 2016

audit process.

• 01-00-0-4021 Local Use Tax: Local Use Tax collections through June 30, 2016, total $333,319,

and include 2015 revenues of $46,970, that will be adjusted during the 2016 audit process.

• 01-00-0-4025 Income Tax: Income tax collections through June 30, 2016, total $1,511,759, and

include 2015 revenues of $291,225, that will be adjusted during the 2016 audit process.

• 01-00-0-4060 Video Gaming Tax: Video gaming tax receipts through June 30, 2016, total

$33,811, and include 2015 revenues of $5,297, that will be adjusted during the 2016 audit


• 01-00-2-4210 Building Permits: Building Permit fees collected through June 30, 2016, total

$591,656, or 80% of the 2016 budgeted revenue projection of $740,000.

• 42-00-0-4005 Motor Fuel Tax: Motor Fuel Tax collections through June 30, 2016, total

$317,220, and include 2015 revenues of $54,822, that will be adjusted during the 2016 audit



• 01-10-1-6015 Special Census Salaries: The Special Census was originally budgeted in 2015

however the U.S. Census Bureau delayed the project several times pushing the enumeration into

January 2016. A 2016 budget transfer will be prepared to cover this expense.

• 01-20-2-6470 Property Tax: This line item exceeds the budget due to Village-owned parcels in

the process of exemption status.

At the end of the 2nd Quarter 2016, General Fund expenditures compute to 55.0% of the 2016 budget,

excluding the one-time revenue transfer of $2,295,284. The Water Operating Fund expenditures total

53.5 % of the 2016 budget, and Sewer Operating Fund expenditures total 54.6% of the 2016 budget at

the end of the 2nd Quarter 2016.

Investment Report

The Village’s investment report as of June 30, 2016, details of the Village’s cash position by financial

institution, maturity and fund allocation.

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Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked if this included the last payment to the TIF; Village Manager Johnson reported

that the TIF reimbursements will end this year. Mayor Sass reported that the report shows the payment

of $220,950.30 as a result of the bond refinancing several years ago. Village Manager Johnson added

that this was the first payment from the 2009 settlement agreement.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board the

recommendation to accept and place the 2nd Quarter 2016 Financial and Investment Reports on file

for the Village of Huntley.



Trustee Leopold asked if there was any new information about the Outlet Mall being torn down; Village

Manager Johnson reported that currently Staff is working with court system regarding the property

maintenance violations. Attorney Hess stated that they are set for the trial and that there are fines,

including daily fines, which would hopefully be an incentive to bring it into compliance.


Mayor Sass reported that August is Bring Your Own Bag month and encouraged everyone to bring

reusable bags when shopping. Mayor Sass invited everyone to take a reusable bag from the staff table

as they leave the meeting.


Trustee Kanakaris noted the possibility of the fire fighters doing fundraising on Route 47; Village

Manager Johnson stated that he will follow up with the Chief.

Trustee Piwko reported that Wagner’s Farm donated 450 ears of corn for the Corn Boil at the Farmers

Market on July 30th. Trustee Piwko also complimented the Police Department on the great job they did

for Bike Huntley on July 31st






There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Piwko

SECOND: Trustee Kanakaris

08.04.16 COW Minutes 9

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Read

Recording Secretary



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