Marengo-Union Elementary CSD No. 165 Board of Education met March 21.
Here is the agenda as provided by Marengo-Union CSD No. 165:
MARENGO-UNION ELEMENTARY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST. 165 BOARD OF EDUCATION Room 10, 816 E. Grant Highway, Marengo, Illinois March 21, 2017 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Additional Agenda Items
5. Communication and Recognition of Visitors - Citizen's Forum:Questions & Communication Opportunity
6. Superintendent's Report
6. 1. Bus Purchase
6. 2. Window Project
6. 3. Milk Products
6. 4. FOIA
6. 5. Insurance Rates
6. 6. Revenue Update
6. 7. Staffing Update
6. 8. Personnel Report
6. 9. Lease Agreement-Evergreen
7. Consent Agenda Items-Consider a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items
7. 1. Minutes of the February 28, 2017 Regular and Executive Session
7. 2. March Treasurers Report, March Accounts Payables and April Payroll
7. 3. Bus Bid
7. 4. Window Bid
7. 5. Milk Bid
7. 6. Personnel Report
7. 7. FY-18 Lease Agreement of Evergreen School
8. Consider a motion to enter into closed session for the appointment, employment, resignation, compensation, discipline, negotiations, and performance of staff and litigation
8. 1. Consider a motion for a Resolution of Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel
9. Consider a motion to adjourn