
McHenry Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

McHenry Community High School District 154 Board of Education met June 26.

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McHenry Community High School District 154 Board of Education met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Henning called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Present: Henning, Dujmovich, Ranzino, and Kanaly. Absent: Torman, Volkening, and Signore Administration: Engelbrecht, and Secretary Baser Guests: None Press: None

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to approve the following consent agenda items: the minutes of the regular meetings of May 24, 2017 and June 16, 2017; to not release the executive session minutes of May 24, 2017; to pay the financial obligations of the district as presented; and to accept the Kooi and Pingel Educational Loan Trust Summary, the John Swanson Trust, the Union American Legion Scholarship, and the Franks Family Fine Arts Fund reports of May 31, 2017; to approve David Engelbrecht as District Authorized Agent for TRS, IMRF, Bond and Investment Accounts, building and Grounds, bus, Rentals and all previously granted authority given the Superintendent according to District adopted board of Education Policy and the School Code of Illinois for the Fiscal year 2018; and the Board of Education and Superintendent Engelbrecht to attend the Joint Conference in Chicago on November 17- 19, 2017 as part of Board member training and development. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to adjourn to a Public Hearing to review the amended FY17 Marengo Community High School Budget at 7:25 p.m. Roll Call vote: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Discussed the amended budget as presented.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Dujmovich to close the budget hearing and to reconvene to the regular session at 7:30 p.m. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Dujmovich to adopt the amended FY17 budget as presented. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Ranzino and seconded Kanaly to employ Julie Urbanek as a teacher for the 2017/18 school year; to employ Kristi Durlak as a teacher for the 2017/18 school year; and to approve the employment of coaches and activity sponsors for the 2017-18 school year. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Dujmovich and seconded by Kanaly to approve the Prevailing Wage Resolution of the Marengo Community High School District #154, McHenry County, Illinois asserting the Prevailing Wages of laborers, Workmen, and mechanics employed on public works of District #154. Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes, 1 Nay. Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to approve the proposed changes/additions to Board policies. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

No action was taken on the bids for the purchase of a new bus.

Moved by Dujmovich and seconded by Kanaly to approve the 2017-18 parent/Student Handbook as presented. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to release the following closed session minutes: November 30, 2015; August 29, 2016; November 28, 2016; December 20, 2016; and February 27, 2017. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to authorize Superintendent Engelbrecht to request bids for a walk in cooler and installation for the 2017-18 school year. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Dujmovich and seconded by Kanaly to approve the application to the Illinois State Board of Education for waiver of the 40 percent school poverty threshold requirement for Title I, Part A school wide eligibility. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Superintendent/Board Report:

1. The annual joint conference is November 17-19 in Chicago, IL.

2. The next meeting is scheduled for July 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

3. Discussed the article in the Marengo Union Times on the MCHS levy abatement.

4. No discussion on the SDB articles.

5. Discussed the letter from State Representative Steven Reick on Illinois School Funding bill.

6. No discussion on the Chicago Sun Times article on the Illinois School Funding bill.

7. Discussed the IHSA letter of congratulations dated June 15, 2017.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to go into executive session at 8:17 p.m.to discuss compensation and performance of employees of the District (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)). Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

The Board returned to the regular meeting at 9:20 p.m.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to approve the wage increases for support personal as discussed. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to approve the wage increases for administration as discussed. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

There being no other business, Kanaly moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:27 p.m.

“Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays” indicates: Members voting aye: Henning, Dujmovich, Kanaly, and Ranzino. Members voting nay: none. “Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes, 1 Nays” indicates: Members voting aye: Dujmovich, Kanaly, and Ranzino. Members voting nay: Henning.
