
McHenry Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 Board of Education met November 2.


Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 Board of Education met November 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

A meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Board of Education of Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 2017 by John Armstrong, President.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

3. Roll Call

Present: Armstrong, Bianco, Feryance, McHugh, Patterson, Stein, Swanson

Absent: Others

Present: D. Coles, W. Harkin, D. Wilm, S. Cittadino, C. Willis, V. Donnan and one guest

4. Acceptance Of Agenda

Motion: By Feryance second by Stein to approve the agenda as presented.

Vote: Voice vote - All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

5. Approval Of Minutes

Motion: By Feryance second by Patterson to approve the minutes of the COW meeting of October 5, 2017 as presented.

Vote: Roll call vote – All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

6. Recognition Of Audience


7. Budget Calendar Fy2018/19

Mr. Harkin noted that this is the time of year that the Board is asked to approve the Budget process. When the Board approves the Budget Calendar they also direct the Superintendent to begin the process of preparing the FY2018/19 Budget. Mr. Harkin reviewed the 2018/19 Budget Calendar as proposed. Board direction was given to place this item on the November 9th Business Meeting agenda for Board approval.

8. 2017 Tax Levy

Mr. Harkin spoke about the notice that appeared in the Daily Herald. The administration is seeking direction to bring forth the proposed 2017 Tax Levy to the Levy hearing scheduled on November 9th. Since the notice appeared in the paper, Mr. Harkin has not received any calls or inquiries. Mr. Harkin spoke to the language used in the notice indicating an increase of 24.05%. This is not the true increase the district will receive due to PTELL. Mr. Harkin explained that due to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL), the increase in the tax-capped Funds is limited to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the previous year or 5%, whichever is less. For 2016, CPI came in at 2.1%. This is the increase the district can expect to receive on the tax-capped funds.

Mr. Harkin proceeded to review the documents that will be included in the 2017 Tax Levy Hearing. The tax rate comparison document shows how District 118 lines up among other surrounding school districts including other unit districts. Dr. Coles noted that around the year 2025 the majority of the district’s debt will be paid off and asked Mr. Harkin how much he would predict our rate to drop once that occurs. Mr. Harkin referenced the assumption page and indicated that he would anticipate a savings of $1.40 to the tax rate. Dr. Coles noted that when that happens we would fall right above Libertyville in the comparison chart. Further discussion followed regarding the debt payment schedule and refunding opportunities.

Board direction was given to bring the 2017 Tax Levy forward to the 2017 Tax Levy Hearing on November 9th.

9. Request To Waive Developer Lag Fees

Dr. Coles informed the Board of a request he received from an attorney representing a developer, Napa Suwe LLC, to waive lag fees for a planned subdivision of 21 homes. The developer had previously put in most of the infrastructure. They will still pay impact fees. Dr. Coles stated that the Board has the discretion to waive fees but he does not recommend it. It would set a precedent for future development. Board discussion followed and the Board decided not to waive the lag fees. The Board directed Dr. Coles to draft a letter to the attorney on their behalf.

10. Updated Staffing Plan 2017/18

Mr. Willis noted that there is a vacancy in the Technology Department due to a recent retirement. Mr. Cittadino would like to restructure some of the job responsibilities for positions in the Technology Department. He would like to change the vacant position from a twelve month position to an eleven month position. He also feels there is a need for an additional Technology Assistant at the high school. These changes would be cost neutral to the district. Board direction was given to move forward with the proposed changes.

11. Presentation Of Schoolwide Plan For Wauconda High School

Dr. Coles noted that the Board has seen school-wide plans for the other schools in our district. Robert Crown School does not qualify. The Every Student Succeeds Act allows for a threshold of 20% of students on free/reduced lunch. WHS is at 33%.

Dr. Wilm noted that the process began last spring with a committee of stakeholders including teachers, non- certified staff, administrators and parents. The plan identifies target areas for improvement. Dr. Wilm provided an overview of the process the committee goes through. The district will have five schools that qualify for Title I. Those most at need, WGS and WMS, still have the highest allocation of funds. RCS is at 22% free/reduced lunch so they are still a bit away. Dr. Wilm noted that the state opened up Title IV funds for Technology and we will direct those funds for STEM at RCS.

Board direction was given to bring this item forward for approval at the November 9th Business Meeting.

12. Presentation Of State Issued School Report Cards 2017

The 2017 State Issued School Report Cards were presented to the Board in the classic format. At-A- Glance Report Cards will be available on our district website and the IIRC website in the near future.

Dr. Coles mentioned some demographic items of note. District 118 continues to become a more diverse community. The percent for low income seems to have leveled off at 27% while the state poverty rate is 50%. The district’s attendance rate is steady at 95% and the mobility rate continues to be low at just over 4%. The average class size is solid with some grade levels higher than the state average. Average teacher and administrator salaries continue to be lower than the state average. Our per pupil operating cost continues to be $1,100 less than the state average. Discussion followed regarding evidence based funding.

Dr. Coles also noted that the district continues to outpace the state in most areas on assessments. District 118 was one of a few Lake County School Districts with a significant increase in the number of students meeting and exceeding standards on the PARCC Assessment and was recently featured in a Daily Herald article.

13. IASB Resolutions Committee Report

Mr. Armstrong encouraged the Board Members to review the Resolutions Committee Report. The Board will be asked to give direction to Mr. Feryance, our delegate, on how to vote at the IASB Conference. Discussion followed regarding a resolution concerning using schools as polling places. The resolution calls for the school to be reimbursed for security costs. Dr. Coles mentioned that he received an email from the McHenry County Clerk informing us that they have found another polling location and will not need to use Cotton Creek. The calendar for next year has an Institute Day scheduled on the first Tuesday in November. Dr. Coles noted that he is inclined to keep it that way and see if it comes to fruition. Dr. Coles stated that in the past McHenry County did pay for an off duty officer to be present.

Mr. Armstrong also initiated discussion regarding resolutions concerning PTELL and the Energy Contracting Fund. The Committee does not recommend adopting the resolution allowing administrators to conceal and carry.

Board Members are to contact Mr. Armstrong if they have questions or want to discuss a certain resolution.

12. Closed Session


17. Adjournment

Motion: By McHugh second by Feryance to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Vote: Voice Vote - all members present voted aye. Motion carried.
