City of Harvard Water and Sewer Committee met Feb. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Chairman Burlingame called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Committee members present: Chairman
Ron Burlingame, Alderman Carl Opper and Alderwoman Bona Heinsohn, Alderwoman Tammy Herrera.
Also present were Alderman Jay Schulz, Mayor Michael Kelly and City Administrator Dave Nelson
Public Comment: None
Water/Sewer Waste Water Treatment Plant Financing
Administrator Nelson highlighted his remarks made in the memo concerning the financing options for the waste water treatment plant. There was a lot of discussion concerning how the City should approach our customers and how we should schedule the increases. The Mayor updated the committee on the City’s efforts at getting grant money. Alderwoman Heinsohn thought perhaps that a public hearing would be a good idea to try to get the word out about the plant and cost. There was further discussion concerning how to pay for the improvements necessary at the plant.
Motion made by Alderwoman Herrera seconded by Alderman Opper to implement a flat fee with the collections to be set aside into a separate account for the Waste Water Treatment Plant re-habilitation. The flat fees are as follows:
May 1, 2018 $10.00 per billing cycle
May 1, 2019 $ 7.50 per billing cycle
May 1, 2020 $ 7.50 per billing cycle
All ayes motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Opper, seconded by Alderwoman Heinsohn to adjourn the meeting.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned 6:56 pm.