
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cary Park District Board of Commissioners Committee of the Whole met April 19.

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Cary Park District Board of Commissioners Committee of the Whole met April 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Board Members Present: Frangiamore, Hauck, Stanko, and Renner.

Commissioner Howell entered the meeting at 7:39 PM.

Staff Present: Jones, Krueger, Kelly, Rogus, Raica, Hughes, Nesler, J. Miles, and Lee.

Renner called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were no items from the Public or Staff.

Under Direction Items, Recommendation of Tentative FY2018-19 Budget and

Appropriation Ordinance O-2018-19-01 was discussed.

Director of Finance and Administration Krueger, led the presentation of the budget and explained the timelines concerning public display (30 days prior to approval) to take place beginning April 23, 2018 which is required by law. It will be posted on the website and be available at the front desk.

On May 24, 2018, a Public Hearing will be held at 6:55 PM, prior to the Board Meeting.

The budget will be approved at the regular Board Meeting held at 7:00 PM on May 24.

Krueger reviewed the budget packet by section, highlighting the revenues and expenses for each area.

After discussing expenditures, Stanko asked how the increased expenditures in the Capital Fund, as a percent of overall expenditures, due to the Kaper and Lions Park Revitalization Project, impacts the other funds. Jones stated that the other funds changed proportionally as well.

After discussing individual Fund information, Frangiamore asked if developer donations were accounted for in the upcoming year. Krueger explained that she received information from the Village of Cary pertaining to a few projects occurring within the Park District’s boundaries that could include developer donation fees in the future, but that information is not included in the current budget because implementation of those projects has not yet been finalized or determined.

After discussing the Foxford Hills Golf Club Fund, Frangiamore asked if the bonds for the golf course will be paid in full in 2020 or 2022. Krueger stated that in 2020 the golf course debt will be paid off.

After discussing the Capital Projects Fund, Stanko asked if funds are received from the ITEP Grant for development of a trail through Hoffman Park, are those funds included in the budget this year. Jones explained that the funds would be included in FY 19-20.

Renner asked if there was money allocated for the replacement of Knotty Pines playground in FY18-19, and Krueger stated that project was moved to FY 19-20.

After reviewing the CERF Fund, Frangiamore asked why the CERF Fund becomes negative in the upcoming year. Jones stated that over time, larger purchases have been made which then creates a larger deficit in the account. A goal of staff in the upcoming year is to rectify this issue in the CERF Fund for upcoming budgets.

After discussing the IMRF/Social Security Fund, Frangiamore asked that since the employer’s contribution is less this year than in the past, will that have a negative impact on the overall IMRF fund in the future. Jones explained that IMRF determines the employer contribution based on the health of the fund.

Krueger asked if the Board had further questions. There were none.

Frangiamore moved to recommend Board of Commissioners approval of the FY 18/19 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance O-2018-19-01 Adopting the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation of Funds for the Cary Park District. Second by Hauck.

Roll call vote: Yes – Hauck, Stanko, Howell, Frangiamore, and Renner. No – None.

Motion carried.

Stanko moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Howell.

Voice vote: All voting yes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM.
