Marengo Community High School District 154 Board met April 23.
President Henning called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Present: Henning, Dujmovich, Ranzino, Martin, Torman and Kanaly.
Absent: Volkening.
Administration: Engelbrecht, Fink
Guests: Dan Schirmer, Vince Long, and Natasha Schultz.
Press: None
Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to approve the following consent agenda items: the minutes of the March 21, 2018 regular meeting; to not release the executive session minutes of March 21, 2018; to pay the financial obligations of the District as presented; to approve the March Treasurer’s report; to accept the John Swanson Trust, the Union American Legion Scholarship trust; and the review of the Kooi and Pingel Educational Loan Trust summary report. Roll Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried. Natasha Schultz, Dan Schirmer, and Vince Long gave a presentation on the Skills USA program. Moved by Kanaly and seconded to table the proposed changes/addition to Board policies. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
The Kooi and Pingel Education Foundation Trust loans were discussed.
Moved by
Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to approve the 3rd quarter financial report as presented. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
Moved by Martin and seconded by Dujmovich to approve the proposed 2018-19 Board meeting schedule as presented. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to accept the donation from New Dimensions Precision Machining of a comparator at an estimated value of $5000. It will be used in our manufacturing program. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
Moved by Dujmovich and seconded by Kanaly to authorize Superintendent Engelbrecht to solicit quotes for the district’s banking services. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Martin to appoint Board Member Kanaly to the John Swanson Scholarship committee. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.
Superintendent/Board report:
1. Discussed end of the year items.
2. Discussed the IASB delegate assembly.
3. Economic Interest forms need to be completed by May1, 2018. These are to be completed on-line.
4. No discussion on the School Business Daily.
5. Discussed upcoming dates.
Moved by Kanaly and seconded by
The Board returned to the regular meeting at 9:05 p.m.