
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

CARY PARK DISTRICT: Gypsy Moth Tree Wraps

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Cary Park District recently issued the following announcement.

The Cary Park District has wrapped selected trees throughout the district with a pest barrier glue in an effort to capture gypsy moth caterpillars. The gypsy moth is responsible for millions of acres of defoliation annually. Although gypsy moths are capable of feeding on over 500 different species of trees and plants, they prefer oak trees. Gypsy moth caterpillars consume as much leaf tissue as they can to obtain nourishment and become reproducing adults. Since the caterpillars’ feeding period lasts seven to ten weeks through spring and summer, they can do a lot of damage to young tree leaves. If a tree loses more than 50% of its leaves for more than two years in a row, it will certainly be weakened and may not survive. The wraps are an effort to capture gypsy moth caterpillars before they feed on the foliage of a tree.

Trees have been wrapped at Jaycee Park, Kiwanis Park, and the Rawson Bridge right of way. Please do not touch the wraps. If you touch the pest barrier glue, immediately remove the glue with baby oil and wash your hands with soap and water.

Please contact Paul Rogus, Superintendent of Parks & Facilities, with any questions at 847-639-8440.

Original source can be found here.

Source: Cary Park District