
McHenry Times

Monday, January 13, 2025

Crystal Lake Public Library Board of Trustees met May 16.


Crystal Lake Public Library Board of Trustees met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Crystal Lake Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Chuck Ebann at 7:00 pm in the Ames Meeting Room at the Library.

Roll Call:

Present: James Becker, John Engebretson, Chuck Ebann, Alice Fellers (7:15pm), Stacey Lorenz, Don Peters, Terri Reece, William Weller

Absent: Monica Szalaj

Other: none

Staff Present: Kathryn I. Martens, Library Director; Karen Migaldi, Assistant Director; Nan Goerlitz, Recording Secretary; Cheryl Riendeau, Business Office Manager; Stephanie Price, Public Relations Coordinator; Becky Fyolek, Head of Youth Services; Julie Gibson, Head of Circulation Services; Penny Ramirez, Head of Technical & Automation Services; Nancy Weber, Head of Adult Services; Denise Faler, IT Manager

Public Comment: none

Board Development: Penny and Denise showed the Board the new technology being added to the Library’s offering.

Consent Agenda: It was moved by Don Peters and seconded by John Engebretson to approve the consent agenda including Items V. A and E.

V. A. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) – Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 18, 2018.

V. E. Financial reports – Approve the Financial Report for FY 17/18 as of April 30, 2018.

Voice Vote: Aye- 8; Nay- 0; Absent- 1; Abstain- 0; Motion Passed.

Approval of Disbursements: It was moved by John Engebretson and seconded by Terri Reece to approve the disbursements in the total amount of $523,065.20 as follows:

FY 17/18; FY 18/19; Total:

Operating Fund 356,448.88 88,305.27 444,754.15

IMRF/FICA Funds 46,524.30 8,810.90 55,335.20

Construction & Repair 702.87 21,344.67 22,047.54

Gift & Memorial Funds 778.31 150.00 928.31

Grand Total: 404,454.36 118,610.84 523,065.20

Roll Call:

Aye: James Becker, Chuck Ebann, John Engebretson, Alice Fellers, Stacey Lorenz, Don Peters, Terri Reece, William Weller

Nay: none

Absent: Monica Szalaj

Abstain: none

Motion Passed.

Board Action:

A) Library Strategies – revised proposal: It was moved by Don Peters and seconded by William Weller to approve the recommendation from the Planning/PR Committee to hire Library Strategies to facilitate a strategic planning process during 2018 at a cost not to exceed $21,500.

Voice Vote: Aye- 8; Nay- 0; Absent- 1; Abstain- 0; Motion Passed.

Board Discussion: none.

Executive Session: It was moved by Don Peters and seconded by William Weller to move into Executive Session for the purposes of discussing personnel [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)] and to allow Kathryn I. Martens to remain for the Executive Session at 7:44 pm.

Roll Call:

Aye: James Becker, Chuck Ebann, John Engebretson, Alice Fellers, Stacey Lorenz, Don Peters, Terri Reece, William Weller

Nay: none

Absent: Monica Szalaj

Motion Passed.

The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:00 pm.

It was moved by William Weller and seconded by Don Peters to approve the Library Director’s salary increase effective 5/20/18 as discussed in Executive Session.

Roll Call:

Aye: James Becker, Chuck Ebann, John Engebretson, Alice Fellers, Stacey Lorenz, Don Peters, Terri Reece, William Weller

Nay: none

Absent: Monica Szalaj

Motion Passed.


It was moved by William Weller and seconded by John Engebretson to adjourn.

Voice Vote: Aye- 8; Nay- 0; Absent- 1; Abstain- 0; Motion Passed.

Time: 9:05 pm
