
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cary Park District Board met September 27

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Cary Park District Board met September 27. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

President Renner called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

II. Roll Call

Upon roll call the following Commissioners answered present: Mr. Stanko, Mrs. Hauck,

Mr. Frangiamore, and Mr. Renner.

Commissioners Absent: Mr. Howell


Staff present: Dan Jones, Executive Director; David Raica, Director of Planning and Development; and Megan Lee, Recording Secretary.



III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

IV. Matters from the Public


V. Items from Commissioners

Renner explained that he is thankful for the opportunity to attend the NRPA Conference in Indianapolis. He stated it was a good opportunity to meet with other Park Districts and their staff to compare projects.

Renner also mentioned that he met staff from the Lake Bluff Park District at NRPA, and they were amazed with all of the work currently being done by the Cary Park District. He explained it is nice to hear from other districts what a great job the Cary Park District is doing.

VI. Consent Agenda

Renner asked if any items were to be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Stanko requested VI.A.2 – Approval – Committee of the Whole Minutes September 13, 2018 be removed.

Stanko moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: VI.A.1 – Approval – Minutes Regular Board Meeting dated August 23, 2018; VI.A.3 – Approval – September 21, 2018, Disbursements in the Amount of $321,253.20; VI.A.4 – Acceptance – Treasurer’s Report dated August 30, 2018; and VI.A.5 – Acceptance – Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, FY ended August 30, 2018. Second by Frangiamore.

Roll call vote: Yes – Hauck, Frangiamore, Stanko, and Renner. No – None. Motion carried.

VII. Business Items

VII.A. Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda

Stanko requested that in the Committee of the Whole Meeting minutes dated September 13, 2018 on page three, the words “expanding boarders of the Park District” be added after the word referendum in the second full paragraph.

Stanko moved to approve Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting dated September 13, 2018 as amended. Second by Frangiamore.

Voice vote: Yes – 4. No – None. Motion carried.

VII.B. Action Items

VII.B.1. Consider – Lease Agreement with O & S Alexander Office, LLC for property located at 855 Feinberg Court, Suite 113 in the Cary Square Professional Center

Jones explained on September 13th a lease agreement was presented to the OPS Committee regarding property at 855 Feinberg Court, Suite 113 in the Cary Square Professional Center. At the meeting, there was a full recommendation of the Committee to move forward, but the Committee asked for it to be an action item on the agenda (rather than Consent Agenda) so additional changes could be made to the lease and reviewed by the Board before final approval. Jones highlighted changes to the lease document since the Committee meeting. They include a 60 days’ notice of its intent to extend the lease and the option to extend the lease for two years. Additionally, there was an item added at the execution of the lease where first and last month’s rent be paid upon execution of the lease. Another item changed had to deal with attorney fees if the owner of the property faulted on their lease, and that should have been included in the first draft. Jones recommended Board approval of the lease.

Stanko moved to approve a lease agreement with O & S Alexander, LLC for office space at 855 Feinberg Court, Suite 113 in the Cary Square Professional Center and direct the Executive Director to execute the lease agreement. Second by Hauck.

Roll call vote: Yes – Hauck, Frangiamore, Stanko, and Renner. No – None. Motion carried.

VIII. Executive Director Report

Jones stated staff has already contacted Sign X about external signage on the outside of the leased property. Within the next month staff will transition over to the new office space. The lease starts October 1, 2018. Expected move-in date is November 1, 2018.

Jones explained that he has been asked to serve on a planning team for High School District 155’s Comprehensive Plan. This is the first time the school district has done a Comprehensive Master Plan. He stated this is an opportunity to be involved with the process and represent the Park District.

Jones stated that the Park District provided the hay wagon and a driver for high school students to use as a float in the Cary-Grove High School (CGHS) Homecoming Parade, and explained that it is a great way to support local youth. He then explained that next week at Cary-Grove High School there will be a career day for the seniors. Jones will be attending to talk about careers in local government.

Jones explained that the lightning prediction system has arrived, and the installation will take place by the end of October. Rogus and Jones met with leadership at CGHS because of the placement of the satellite location at Cary-Grove Park. The location of the satellite will benefit CGHS due to it covering the campus. He stated that Park District staff wanted CGHS to know the system would be installed in case they could utilize the system when outdoor activities are occuring. Cary-Grove staff was very excited for the system. Jones stated the lightning prediction system has multiple benefits across the community. Staff will also meet with staff for School District 26 to provide them with information on the system as well.

Frangiamore asked about the promotion of the lightning prediction system and if the Park District would promote intergovernmental cooperation in the marketing? Jones said yes, it will be promoted as to what the system is and who all will benefit from the system, including the school districts.

Next, Jones explained that with the upcoming election in April 2019, Candidate information packets have been made available for pick-up. Staff put together packets that will have the information needed to file election papers to run for office. It is the candidate’s responsibility to complete all necessary forms and make sure everything is done properly, but the Park District has always made the information available for interested candidates.

Raica updated the Board on the Kaper and Lions Parks projects. The concrete slab and the piers have been installed for the shelter at Kaper. The site utilities have also been installed, and the restroom will be delivered in October. Construction has begun on the play structure. He explained that at Lions Park, the poles for the baseball netting was being delivered and concrete work done in anticipation of the poles arrival.

Raica explained that the silt fence has been installed at Hampton Park, and the playground equipment has been removed.

Jones provided an update to the Board on the Timbertown pickets. He stated the last day for pickup was last Saturday. All but 38 pickets were retrieved. Jones explained the whole picket removal process was very well done, and it’s a testament to our agency, its staff and its dedication to the community.

Motion by Stanko to adjourn. Second by Hauck.

Voice vote: Yes – 4. No – None. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.
