Marengo-Union Elementary Community School District 165 Board met Dec. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Additional Agenda Items
5. Communication and Recognition of Visitors - Citizen's Forum:Questions & Communication Opportunity
6. Leadership Report - Scott Fillmore, Building & Grounds Supervisor
7. Superintendent's Report
7. 1. FOIA (2)
7. 2. Student Enrollment
7. 3. Tax Relief Grant
7. 4. Winter Repairs
7. 5. Calendar Discussion
7. 6. Personnel Report
8. Board Discussion
9. Consent Agenda Items-Consider a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items
9. 1. Minutes of the November 28,, 2018 Regular Session (No Executive Session).
9. 2. November, 2018 Treasurers Report, , December, 2018 Accts. Payables and payment of any usual and customary bills prior to the January 23, 2019 Board Meeting and January, 2019 Payroll
9. 3. Property Tax Relief Grant
9. 4. Personnel Report
10. Consider a motion to enter into closed session for the appointment, employment, resignation, compensation, discipline, negotiations, and performance of staff and litigation
11. Consider a motion to return to Open Session
12. Consider a Motion to approve action from Executive Session.
13. Consider a motion to adjourn