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City of Woodstock Plan Commission met January 8

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City of Woodstock Plan Commission met Jan. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular meeting of the Woodstock Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Katherine Parkhurst on Thursday, January 8, 2019, in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall.

A roll call was taken.

COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Donna Besler, Robert Horrell, Steve Gavers, Jackie Speciale, Erich Thurow and Chairperson Katherine Parkhurst.

COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Fortin and Doreen Paluch.

STAFF PRESENT: Building & Zoning Director Joe Napolitano and City Attorney TJ Clifton.

OTHERS PRESENT: City Clerk Cindy Smiley.


Motion by R. Horrell, second by S. Gavers, to approve the agenda as presented.

A roll call vote was taken. D. Besler, R. Horrell, S. Gavers, J. Speciale, E. Thurow and Chairperson K. Parkhurst. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: D. Fortin and D. Paluch. Motion carried.


There were no minutes to be approved.


There was no comment forthcoming from the Public.


There was no Old Business.


a) Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing District, Upon Annexation, Unincorporated Property Between Lake Avenue and Route 47

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 PM, noting this is a Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Map Amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing District, upon annexation, Unincorporated Property Between Lake Avenue and Route 47.

A roll call was taken.

COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Donna Besler, Robert Horrell, Steve Gavers, Jackie Speciale, Erich Thurow, and Chairperson Katherine Parkhurst.

COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Fortin and Doreen Paluch

Chairperson Parkhurst confirmed the presence of a quorum and that the public hearing was properly noticed.

Attorney Tom Zanck, appearing on behalf of the petitioner, was sworn in by City Attorney TJ Clifton.

Mr. Zanck stated the parcel in question is in the County surrounded by the City of Woodstock. He stated Staff approached the property owner to consider annexing into the City. He stated the requested M1 zoning is consistent with the zoning in the neighborhood.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to comments and questions from the Commission.

In response to a question from Chairwoman Parkhurst concerning requirement for the extension of City sewer and water, Mr. Napolitano stated as part of the process, the City Council has directed Staff to make annexation more attractive to encourage voluntary annexation. Consequently, connection to the City’s sewer and water systems is not required immediately, but only when and if the property is developed.

In response to a question from Commissioner Gavers, Mr. Zanck confirmed the proposal is to zone the entire parcel M1. Commissioner Gavers noted half of the parcel is wetland and expressed concern with zoning that portion M1 as it cannot be developed. Mr. Zanck noted the parcel cannot be bifurcated and only the non-wetland portion can be used. Commissioner Gavers inquired whether verbiage is needed regarding the boundaries of the wetland and why the wetland portion is being zoned M1. Mr. Napolitano replied that the entire parcel must be zoned the same, noting there are rules that apply to wetlands and development. He stated the City would evaluate all of those issues if the property is developed. He stated the item being considered is zoning of the whole parcel, but that does not mean the property owner can use the whole parcel. He stated this is the procedure with any piece of property being considered for development. He cited the example of detention areas on a parcel being developed.

In response to a question from Commissioner Horrell, Mr. Napolitano stated this would be an administrative review as part of the building permit process. He stated the property owner would have to submit engineering plans, which would be reviewed by the Engineering Department with building plans reviewed by the Building and Zoning Department. Commissioner Horrell stated he has no concerns with the rezoning, but wishes to make sure the procedure is correct.

There were no further comments or questions from members of the Commission.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to comments and questions from the Public. As there was none, Chairwoman Parkhurst closed Public Comment.

Motion by R. Horrell, second by S. Gavers, to recommend approval of the petitioner’s request for a zoning map amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing, upon annexation, of unincorporated property between Lake Avenue and Route 47, noting agreement with the Findings of Fact that are applicable.

A roll call vote was taken: Ayes: D. Besler, R. Horrell, S. Gavers, J. Speciale, E. Thurow and Chairwoman Parkhurst. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: D. Fortin and D. Paluch. Motion carried.

Chairwoman Parkhurst closed the Public Hearing at 7:10 PM

b. Public Hearing- Zoning Map Amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing District, Upon Annexation, Unincorporated Property Located at 1096 Lake Avenue

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 PM, noting this is a Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Map Amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing District, upon annexation, Unincorporated Property located at 1096 Lake Avenue.

A roll call was taken.

COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Donna Besler, Robert Horrell, Steve Gavers, Jackie Speciale, Erich Thurow and Chairperson Katherine Parkhurst.

COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Fortin and Doreen Paluch.

Chairperson Parkhurst confirmed the presence of a quorum and that the public hearing was properly noticed.

Attorney Tom Zanck, representing the petitioner, was sworn in by City Attorney TJ Clifton.

Mr. Zanck stated this property is located on the south side of Lake Avenue, surrounded by the City and currently zoned Ag in the County. He stated the land abutting the property is zoned M1and B3 and the petitioner is requesting M1 zoning.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to comments and questions from the Commission.

In response to Chairwoman Parkhurst’s question, Mr. Napolitano stated the answer concerning connection to City sewer and water is the same as for the property considered in Public Hearing A. He noted the City is requesting the house to follow the City’s property maintenance standards.

Commissioner Horrell stated he agrees with the proposed zoning, but would like to make sure the City’s ordinances are enforced once the parcel becomes part of the City.

There were no comments or questions from the remaining members of the Commission.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to comments and questions from the Public. As there was none, Chairwoman Parkhurst closed Public Comment.

Motion by R. Horrell, second by J. Speciale, to recommend approval of the request for zoning map amendment to M1 Light Manufacturing, upon annexation, for property located at 1096 Lake Avenue, noting the basis for his motion is agreement with the Findings of Fact that are applicable, with the exception of the first bulleted item.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: D. Besler, R. Horrell, S. Gavers, J. Speciale, E. Thurow and Chairwoman Parkhurst. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: D. Fortin and D. Paluch. Motion carried.

Chairwoman Parkhurst closed the Public Hearing at 7:15 PM

3. Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment to B4 Office District and West Side Yard Setback Variance to 0’, upon Annexation, Unincorporated Property Located at 13707 W. Jackson Street

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 PM, noting this is a Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Map Amendment to B4 Office District and West Side Yard Setback Variance to 0’, upon Annexation, Unincorporated Property Located at 13707 W. Jackson Street.

A roll call was taken.

COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Donna Besler, Robert Horrell, Steve Gavers, Jackie Speciale, Erich Thurow and Chairperson Katherine Parkhurst.

COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Fortin and Doreen Paluch

Chairperson Parkhurst confirmed the presence of a quorum and that the public hearing was properly noticed.

Chairwoman Parkhurst noted the City is the petitioner.

Mr. Napolitano stated this property is surrounded by the City. He noted the property was donated to the City by Northwestern (formerly Centegra) in November. He stated the City was approached by an office user currently located on the Square who is looking to relocate and is interested in this property. Mr. Napolitano stated the proposal is to annex the property into the City as is, noting there are no plans to extend City sewer and water at this time and the current well and septic will be maintained. He stated the City is looking to incorporate the remaining portion of the property into Emricson Park.

Mr. Napolitano stated the City has not received the survey yet, so the exact side-yard setback is unknown, but the variance would accommodate the existing building. He stated there are no changes proposed to the existing building.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to comments and questions from the Commission.

In response to a question from Commissioner Gavers, Mr. Napolitano stated there are two different PIN numbers. One includes the building and the second is vacant. Commissioner Gavers asked if the parcel with the building could be split off from the vacant land to the south. Mr. Napolitano stated that this had not been looked into, but the City’s desire is to incorporate the southern portion into the Park.

Commissioner Besler noted a lot of water collects in this area and asked if this is a problem. Mr. Napolitano stated there are no changes proposed so the property is being accepted “as is.” In response to a question from Commissioner Besler, Mr. Napolitano stated if it is decided to develop this property, the City will follow all normal procedures including notification of the neighbors.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opined it would make sense to subdivide the property so the City could sell off the office building and not be a landlord, stating she would recommend this. She asked about the City’s plans for including the property in Emricson Park and expressed her concern about the requested zoning as there is no commercial zoning in the area. In response, Mr. Napolitano noted there is some B4 zoning in the area on Jackson Street. He noted the B4 zoning would limit the use on the property to what has been on the site previously and accommodate the park use.

In response to a question from Chairwoman Parkhurst, Mr. Napolitano stated the City has not reached out to other property owners in the area to see if they wish to annex. He stated this request was somewhat urgent as the office user on the Square wishes to move, meaning this property has a potential user and, also, there may be development plans for the current location on the Square. Mr. Napolitano stated the City has looked at the unincorporated pockets surrounded by the City and has prioritized them.

Commissioner Horrell stated he has no problem with the rezoning, but has questions about the variance. He stated he would like to recommend that a condition be applied stating that no modification to the existing configuration can be made.

Commissioner Thurow expressed his pleasure that the City is able to add land to Emricson Park. There were no further comments or questions from the Commission.

Chairwoman Parkhurst opened the floor to Public Comment.

Joseph Newman, 13613 West Jackson Street, was sworn in by City Attorney TJ Clifton.

Mr. Newman stated he has been improving his land to introduce a horse farm on his property and has talked to the City about annexation and access his property from Emricson Park. He stated he has thus far spent $125,000 and detailed the improvements he has made including clearing the property and putting up fences and facilities for the horses. Mr. Newman stated his property has been flooded out three times with over five feet of water on the property. He noted his attempt to contact the previous owner of the property in question in an attempt to purchase it.

Mr. Newman then described existing conditions and where the water is coming from including the nearby cemetery, church and the parking lot of the office building. He asked about a restrictor and noted someone put drain tile through his property. Mr. Newman expressed his concern about what the City will do with the property for the park and the effect this will have on the water.

Mr. Napolitano stated he does not have information concerning the restrictor and referred Mr. Newman to the City’s Public Works Department. He acknowledged the City does not know at this time what will be done with the property currently earmarked for the Park. He opined the City will reach out to neighboring property owners before doing anything, as there is no wish to negatively impact neighboring property.

Mr. Newman described his next plans for his property, including construction of a barn and arena at a cost of $500,000. He stated he does not wish to put any more money into his property until the water issue is resolved. He noted he had to stop his fencing because of flooding and opined he may have to sell and just keep his house as he does not wish to worry about flooding three times or more a year.

Commissioner Gavers stated the farm drain is a bonus as flooding was worse before it was installed years ago, noting it drains, but only so fast. He stated Mr. Newman’s property is at “the bottom of the bowl.” He stated this year the City has experienced above average rainfall. Discussions followed of the source of water and drainage on Mr. Newman’s property with Commissioner Gavers and Commissioner Thurow providing historical perspective. Commissioner Thurow noted years ago there was an area that was clogged and cleaned out. Commissioner Gavers spoke of the willow trees that may grow into the drain tile. Mr. Newman opined if something is broken, it is on the City’s side.

Noting the property is in a low spot, Chairwoman Parkhurst cautioned Mr. Newman to be careful when siting his barn. She stated a development cannot add any water to his site, but opined the situation probably cannot get much better.

In response to a question from Mr. Newman, Mr. Napolitano stated he will talk with the Administration about the City purchasing his property for the Park. He stated he will also talk to the Administration about televising to see if there are clogs in the lines.

Chairwoman Parkhurst closed Public Comment.

Motion by R. Horrell, second by J. Speciale, to recommend approval of a zoning map amendment to B4 Office District, upon annexation, for property located at 13707 W. Jackson Street, noting agreement with the Finding of Fact in the Staff Report as basis for the motion, and also for approval of a variation of the west side-yard setback to 0’ for that property, noting the basis for the approval for the variation is agreement with the Finding of Fact as reported in the Staff Report, and with the condition of the variation being that no change to the existing configuration be done by the City or any future owner.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: D. Besler, R. Horrell, S. Gavers, J. Speciale, E. Thurow, and Chairwoman Parkhurst. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: D. Fortin and D. Paluch. Motion carried.

Chairwoman Parkhurst closed the Public Hearing at 7:41 PM.


Noting the owner of Sports Clips has expressed interest in seeking a sign variation and was told the Commission generally meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, Mr. Napolitano stated the owner has published for the January 24th meeting. He asked if the Commission would be amendable to meeting again on January 24th.

Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that a special meeting be held on January 24, 2019 for the purpose of considering this item.

Mr. Napolitano noted appointment of a new member is being considered by the City Council at its January 15th meeting.


Motion by D. Besler, second by S. Gavers, to adjourn to a Special Meeting of the Woodstock Plan Commission on Thursday, January 24, 2019, in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall. Ayes: D. Besler, R. Horrell, S. Gavers, J. Speciale, E Thurow and Chairperson K. Parkhurst. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: D. Fortin and D. Paluch. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM.




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