Burton Township Board met Aug. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Supervisor Jones called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 in the Village Hall, Spring Grove, IL.
Roll call present: Supervisor Jones, Road Commissioner Sutton, Clerk Shetsky, Trustees; Eileen Miller, John Flood, Merrilee Anhalt, Dennis Riechart and Assessor Jessica Hubert.
Guest: Ted Trzaskowski
Supervisor Jones led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the regular meeting held on July 09, 2019 were read.
Trustee: Merrilee Anhalt made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Trustee: Eileen Miller, the accounts payable were presented for payment for the various funds, they were audited, initialed and ordered paid.
Accounts Payable
Township Supervisor:
Road Comm. Dan Sutton$1,548.00
Supervisor Sam Jones $ 898.66
Jessica Huber $1,887.19
Clerk April Shetsky$387.00
Trustee Eileen Miller $78.65
John Flood $78.65
Merrilee Anhalt $78.65
Trustee Dennis Riechart $78.65
Verizon (Town Cell Phones) $194.44
ComEd $23.55
Dam, Snell & Traverne $357.00
Road & Bridge:
Zimmer (Rent/Utilities) $1,200.00
ComEd (Street Lights) $414.06
ComEd (Shop) $
Nicor Gas $34.64
Cell Phone (Highway Phone) $64.00
Waste Management (Trash) $237.83
Burton Township (Reimbursement) $730.18
Hydraulic Services (Truck #3) $1,857.81
Novotny (Parts) $ 9.23
Steve Shetsky (Gross) $ 1,598.50
Bryan Miller (Gross) $ 528.00
Supervisors Report
·The Village has provided the contract for use of the Village Hall for our meetings.
We will sign for another year.
·We do need to have an Audit conducted within one or two months of the new Supervisor taking over. John will provide the board the list of what is needed in order to complete.
The cost will be about $10,000.00.
·Sam said good-by to everyone as he ended his 18 year service for Burton Township.
Road and Bridge:
·The road patching has been completed.
·Spring Grove Village Public works borrow our chipper for a few days. They were having issues with theirs.
·A Tree fell during the last storm, it was cleaned up right away.
Assessor Report:
·Jessica has been finalizing assessments and will be sent to the County by end of August.
·She assisted some residents with their Annual Exemptions for the rebate.
·Jessica will be out of town for a week, but can be reached by her cell.
Clerks Report:
·No report at this time.
Trustees Report:
·No report at this time.
New Business:
·John Flood pledged Oath of Office and was sworn in as the new Burton Township Supervisor.
The appropriate documents were signed to be filed with the County.
·Ted Trzaskowski pledged Oath of Office and was sworn in as the new Trustee.
The appropriate documents were signed to be filed with the County.
Old Business:
Public Comments
Adjournment of Regular Meeting:
·A motion was made by Trustee: Merrilee Anhalt to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm, it was seconded by Trustee: Dennis Riechert, voice vote all ayes, motion carried.