
McHenry Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

McHenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education met March 31

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McHenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education met March 31.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting is called to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Dawn Bremer, Nicole Morrow, Amanda Lobbins, Timothy Hying, Ron Fischer, Pat Arnold, Gary Kinshofer

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Ryan McTague; CFO/CSBO Dave Lawson; Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Carl Vallianatos; Director of Human Resources and Compliance Julia Pontarelli

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Changes /Additions to the Agenda

Comments – None

IV. Audience to Visitors Who Wish to Address the Board of Education

Comments – None

V. Consent Agenda

• Approve Personnel Report

• Approve Minutes of the February 26, 2020 Board of Education Meetings Open and Closed Session

• Approve Minutes of the March 5, 2020 Facilities Committee Meeting

• Approve Financial Reports

• Approve Payment of Monthly Bills and Payroll

A motion was made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Ms. Bremer to approve the consent agenda.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mrs. Lobbins, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Kinshofer, Mr. Hying, Mr. Fischer, Mr. Arnold, Ms. Bremer Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.


VI. Business

• Second Reading of Press Plus Policies (Issue 102) (Action) Dr. McTague stated all of the new or revised policies presented have been reviewed by our administrators and attorneys and are ready for implementation. Dr. McTague highlighted some of the policies up for adoption or revision including a new open meeting act exception for vendors or contractors, adjusted timeline to fill vacancies on the Board from 45 to 60 days, and a new graduation requirement that includes completing the FASA application. Many policies were associated with the legalization of recreational use of cannabis and expanded use of medical cannabis products. However, it still illegal for students, parents, school guests and employees to bring cannabis or like products on school grounds unless authorized under Ashley’s Law.

The Board Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act requires Boards to amend by resolution, their Sexual Harassment Policy, to include a mechanism for reporting and obtaining an independent review from an outside investigator if a complaint of sexual harassment allegations is made against Board members, by fellow Board members or other elected officials. The Board must decide if the Superintendent or Board President will appoint the outside investigator.

A vote was put to the Board, to authorize the Superintendent of the District, to appoint an outside investigator, when a complaint of sexual harassment is made against a member of the Board or by another Board member or elected official.

Vote: Ayes: 7 Nays: 0

A school district can no longer ask an applicant any historical salary information during an interview or on an employment application. However, the Board may add the following exception, “unless the applicant’s wage or salary history is a matter of public record.” This would allow the school district to attain this information via public record.

A vote was put to the Board asking them if they would like to add the following exception to the Salary History Policy, “unless the applicant’s wage or salary history is a matter of public record”.

Vote: Ayes: 7 Nays: 0

A motion was made by Mr. Hying seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve the new or revised policies as presented.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mr. Fischer, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mrs. Morrow 

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Illinois High School Association Membership Renewal 2020-2021 (Action)

In accordance with instructions from the IHSA, it is necessary for each member school to have its Board of Education approve the renewal of its membership each year. We recommend approval of our renewal of membership in the Illinois High School Association for the year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

A motion was made by Mr. Arnold seconded by Ms. Bremer to renew membership in the Illinois High School Association and agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of said Association for the year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer 

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Resolutions for Continued/Discontinued Employment (Action)


WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received reports and recommendations from members of the Administration concerning the number of teachers needed to be employed for the next school term;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined to decrease the number of teachers employed by the Board, 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows:

1. The part-time non-tenured teachers listed in the attached Exhibit 1 shall be dismissed effective at the close of the 2019-2020 school term. The notice of such action shall be substantially in the form of the attached Exhibit 2 through Exhibit 6. 

2. The Superintendent or designee shall deliver the notices of dismissal by regular mail and by personal service with receipt or by certified mail, return receipt requested. 

3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption.

This resolution was read by President Kinshofer, to dismiss the part-time non-tenured teachers as part of a reduction in force effective at the close of the 2019-2020 school term.

A motion was made by Ms. Bremer seconded by Mr. Fischer to dismiss the part-time non-tenured teachers listed in the attached Exhibit 1 as part of a reduction in force effective at the close of the 2019-2020 school term.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mr. Hying, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Kinshofer, Mr. Arnold, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Lobbins 

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District 156, McHenry, Illinois, as follows:

1. The Board moves to eliminate the administrative position of Data Administrator, on the recommendation of the administration, that the position is no longer needed in the District and hereby honorably dismisses Mr. Paul Wilm from the position. Additionally, the Board non-renews Mr. Paul Wilm’s contract because the position has been eliminated and hereby directs the Superintendent to place Mr. Paul Wilm into a full-time teaching position. The Board would like thank Mr. Wilm for his service in the position and his dedication to our school community.

2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption.

The resolution was read by President Kinshofer, to honorably dismiss Mr. Paul Wilm from the eliminated administrative position of Data Administrator and non-renew Mr. Paul Wilm’s administrative contract due to the elimination of the position, and directed the Superintendent to place Mr. Wilm into a full- time teaching position.

A motion was made by Mr. Arnold seconded by Mrs. Lobbins to honorably dismiss Mr. Paul Wilm from the eliminated administrative position of Data Administrator and non-renew Mr. Paul Wilm’s contract due to the elimination of the position, but place Mr. Wilm into a full-time teaching position.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer 

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Division Head of the Social Science Department – Sean Sterner (Action) The Administration has selected Mr. Sean Sterner to lead the District 156 Social Science Department. Mr. Sterner has been a social science teacher for 10 years in the district, is currently the Assistant Social Science Department Divisional, District Summer School Principal, and holds an administrative endorsement.

A motion was made by Mrs. Lobbins seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve Mr. Sean Sterner as the Division Head for the District 156 Social Science Department.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• CTS – West Campus Mechanical Systems Contract (Action) We received the final bids for the West Campus Mechanical Systems Contract to replace existing mechanical equipment (unit ventilators, air handlers, chillers), indoor and outdoor lighting and new building automation system. The CTS contract was not to exceed $7.5 million and after going out for bid the total cost including air conditioning for Buckner Gym (additional 200K cost) came in at $6.8 million (approximately 900K lower). The project will begin in late spring and continue over the summer break. The new building automation system would link all mechanical systems in the new extension with the existing building at West Campus and will increase overall efficiency, climate control, and annual energy savings.

A motion was made by Mr. Fischer seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve the CTS Mechanical Systems Contract for $6,800,000.00 for the work that needs to be done at West Campus this summer.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• McCracken Field Phase 1 Bid Approval (Action) McCracken Field Phase 1 project includes (1) addressing the standing water / drainage issues on the football practice field directly behind the home bleachers. (2) Paving all areas behind the home bleachers, around the concession stand, and visitor pathway. The project was bid on February 24th and we had three companies attend the bid opening. The low bid was almost $57K over the initial estimate of 107K, due to the removal of the current surface and demolition costs the engineer forgot to include in their initial estimate.

Phase 2 which includes stadium lighting replacement and possible bleacher expansion was tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2021. However, given the current condition and operation of the stadium lights we may not be able to wait an entire year. The bulbs are burning out quickly, the light boxes that house the electronics are shorting out due water, and we are concerned about the stability of the poles. The poles and lighting system are over 60 years old, well beyond their usable lifespan. The low bids ranged from $300K to $1 million to replace the lights. The low bid contractor has worked on many schools and stadiums across the country and feels the project is no different from others they have completed. We believe this is a priority project due to safety considerations and the contractors will assess the situation to make sure there are not any additional issues with the lighting.

We have directed our architects to prepare a complete and comprehensive McCracken Improvement Plan drawing that includes all three phases to ensure all projects are completed in the proper order. Everything included in the comprehensive plan will be itemized so we can make sound decisions about what to include or what projects not to include in the future..

A motion was made by Mr. Fischer seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve the low bid from Rabine Paving for the McCracken Field Improvements Phase 1 for $163,910.90.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow

Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Illinois School Maintenance Project Grant (Discussion)

Dr. McTague informed the Board that we were awarded the $50,000 Illinois School Maintenance Project Grant. The Board already approved the projects outlined in the grant submission document which include improving security and hardening the entrances of East Campus, West Campus, and the District office. We hope to complete the projects over the summer. The estimated cost is approximately $110K to $120K and will be offset by the grant. We have already installed a new security desk at the West Campus south entrance and the District Office main entrance was completed this week.

VII. Superintendent / BOE President Report

Comments – Dr. McTague stated that this is an extremely challenging time for every school district in the nation. He thanked our teachers, students and administrators, everyone who has stepped up to the plate to lead the way and implement our progressive digital leaning plan. Three years ago, the Board invested in our Vision 156 - Innovation Plan which included a 1-to-1 device for every student, upgrading our technological infrastructure, a new learning management system (Schoology) to digitally house our course and curriculum, and hiring digital coaches to train teachers. Thanks to this investment in our technological infrastructure and professional development, we are very well positioned as a district, to “flip the switch” and deliver a high level of engaging instruction to our students in a remote leaning environment. If the Governor extends the stay at home order, beyond April 30, and closes schools for the rest of the year, we will continue to find ways to help our seniors experience those benchmark high school events like graduation, prom, and DW ceremony. We are also working to find other creative ways to connect students to our school community. Dr. McTague thanked the Board members for all of their support and communication during this difficult time. He also thanked our teachers and support staff members who are committed to supporting our students and school community. He assured the Board and our school community that “We are going to do what is right for our kids.” We are going to do what is right for our community and we’re going to move through this together, as one school, one community and one family. He stated that he hoped the Board was very proud of all the employees in our district, because they have done a phenomenal job.

Comments – Mr. Kinshofer expressed that he was very proud of how well we rolled out our digital learning plan especially in comparison to other districts. Although we did not intend to use the technology in this way, we are fortunate that we have the capability during this unforeseen circumstance. He thanked his fellow Board members for adjusting to the virtual Board meeting format, and reminded them the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20th. He assumed with the lock down and stay at home order, we will be in the same environment and will plan accordingly. “Thank you once again - I hope everyone, their family, and extended families are safe and well.”

A motion was made by Ms. Bremer seconded by Mr. Arnold to adjourn at 7:51 p.m.

The motion carried unanimously.
