Village of Port Barrington Committee of the Whole met June 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
FY21 Budget Workshop
➢ Review of the FY21 Budget Numbers
Committee Meeting call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes of March 4, 2020 Committee Meeting
Approve any Executive Session Committee Meeting Minutes, if applicable
Committee Reports
Streets & Roads
➢ Project updates
Health & Safety
➢ Project updates
-COVID-19 updates
-Weed Cutting updates
➢ Report & Scheduling
➢ Code Enforcement
Parks & Beaches
➢ Project Updates
➢ Park Usage & Executive Orders Review for Reopening
-Crossroads Church
-Bulldogs dance squad practice
-Private park use reservations
➢ Grant options
➢ Vehicle Tax-Update: deadline extension
➢ Village Scholarship
Building & Zoning
➢ CRS -update
Administrative Updates
➢ Village Clerk
➢ Treasurer/Admin
➢ Public Works Director
➢ Village Engineer Report
➢ Village Attorney
➢ Village President
Planning Commission –Comprehensive Plan review: Bee City & other
Port Barrington ERT -Chair needed
PB Waterway Commission
Old Business/New Business
➢ ComEd Pollinator Grant Update
Open to the Floor
Motion that a portion of the meeting be closed to the public, effective immediately, to discuss matters of personnel, and/or to discuss possible real estate acquisitions, and/or to discuss litigation involving an action against this municipality which is pending in court or in an administrative tribunal, and/or to discuss such litigation which is probable or imminent, the Board finding that based upon advice of counsel, litigation is probable or imminent as to those matters so identified on the record in such closed session for the reasons therein stated.
Motion to Adjourn