
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 Board of Education met June 17


Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 Board of Education met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


PRESENT: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Smith ABSENT: Mr. Berg (in at 7:45pm)


Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg-Interim Superintendent, Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal/Assistant Superintendent (remote), Tim Hayunga- MS/HS Principal (remote), Cyndie Erckfritz- Transportation (remote), Teresa Eick- George-HS Business Teacher (remote), Colleen Geils- Media Specialist (remote)



COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: None

Staff Comments None

Board Comments

Mrs. Johnson made mention of the Civil Unrest that is plaguing the nation at this time.

Consent Agenda

*A. Approval of May 20, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

*B. Approval of May 2020 Expenditures

*C. Treasurer’s Report for May 2020

*D. Approval of June 3, 2020 Regular and Executive Session Meeting Minutes

*E. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll *F. Personnel Report

*G. Illinois Prevailing Wage Act Resolution 

*H. Second Reading of Policies

School Board

2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses

2:160 Board Attorney

Operational Services

4:50 Payment Procedures


5:35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

5:50 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition 

5:60 Expenses

5:150 Personnel Records

5:210 Resignations

5:280 Duties and Qualifications


6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

6:235 Access to Electronic Networks

6:280 Grading and Promotion


7:70 Attendance and Truancy

7:90 Release During School Hours

7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities

7:325 Student Fundraising Activities

School Community Relations

8:10 Connection with the Community

8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property 8:80 Gifts to the District

8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns

Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. 

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Smith 

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Berg

Motion Carried



Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal – as presented

Mrs. Elswick also remarked that, as of this week, the ES has completed hiring for FY21. Mrs. Johnson inquired about the assessment process of students returning in the fall because of the early shutdown of schools due to COVID19. Mrs. Elswick explained that students will be assessed through IReady testing at the beginning of the year. Mr. Norton asked about Summer School. Mrs. Elswick stated that SpEd Summer School which is being done remotely, will be completed June 25; dates for Remedial Summer School are yet to be determined.

Mr. Tim Hayunga-MS/HS Principal – as presented

Mr. Hayunga added that for the 3rd year in a row, Alden-Hebron High School has been recognized by US News and World Report as a Best High School. The award is granted to schools based on standardized test scores (SAT), advanced placement tests, and graduation rates. AHHS ranked in the top 64th percentile in the State of Illinois and in the 63rd percentile nationally. Also, Mr. Hayunga has been invited by IHSA to sit on the Bass Fishing Advisory Committee. Finally, Mr. Hayunga stated that there are 4 Driver’s Education students who still have hours of “behind the wheel” to complete. Ms. Kanaly is in the process of putting the procedures in place to make it possible for these students to complete the requirement safely.

Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg – Superintendent – as presented In addition to her report, Dr. Ehlenburg also shared:

 The Annual Safety Meeting needs to be scheduled. July 21st at 6:00pm was agreed upon. President Norton appointed Mr. Madsen to be the BOE representative at the meeting.

 Mr. Lalor has scheduled some summer workout camps for student athletes that will follow IDPH guidelines.

 In answer to Mrs. Smith’s question regarding consensus of County Superintendents and the opening of schools, Dr. Ehlenburg assured her that she and Mrs. Elswick are still meeting virtually with the Superintendents regularly and sharing thoughts and ideas on how to best proceed with the opening of schools.

 According to the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Joint Annual Conference will go on as planned, November 20, 21, and 22. Registration will open at the end of July rather than the end of June this year. She requested direction from the BOE to budget for the Conference.

Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to budget for registration and one night accommodations for 2020 Joint Annual Conference.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Smith

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Berg 

Motion Carried


Mr. Winkelman attended the Village meeting this week. Items discussed include:

 Village employees now being paid weekly instead of biweekly

 The new village parking lot on the corner of Illinois Street and Highway 173 will be completed using grant funds

 Adult cannabis product manufacturer has gotten permits approved to build in the Industrial Park; a manufacturing facility only—no sales of product from the site.

 Village mosquito management will begin next week

 Village garage sales will be held on 8/8/2020, as planned

 Next meeting will be held on 7/20/2020 at 7:00pm


Dr. Ehlenburg stated that the annual audit will be the week of 7/20/2020.


Dr. Ehlenburg reported that the custodial/maintenance has been hard at work moving rooms and doing a lot of summer cleaning and painting work.


Mrs. Erckfritz stated that her drivers have been delivering and picking up work from Summer School students. She is happy that the new bus that was budgeted for will run on gas rather than diesel. Dr. Ehlenburg added that some of the drivers have been coming in to help in the rearranging and organizing of classrooms.

Mr. Madsen moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the purchase of the new 2020 IC 71-passenger bus for the net price of $70,141

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Smith

Nays: None

Absent: None 

Motion Carried


Public Comments: None

Staff Comments None

Board Comments

Mr. Norton congratulated the staff and students of AHHS for once again earning the distinction of a Best High School from US News and World Report

Executive Session

Mrs. Johnson moved, Mrs. Smith seconded to go into executive session at 7:58pm for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance of specific employees, and semi- annual review of Executive Session minutes.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Smith

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Returned to open session at 8:44pm.

Mr. Madsen moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve destruction of Executive Session recording tapes dated prior to 1/1/2019.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Smith

Nays: None Absent: None 

Motion Carried

Mrs. Johnson moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve contract for MS/HS Principal with freeze option of family medical.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg,

Mrs. Smith

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried

Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to approve a 3% pay increase for ES Principal/Assistant Superintendent.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg,

Mrs. Smith

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried

Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to accept resignation of High School Head Football Coach. Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg,

Mrs. Smith

Nays: None

Absent: None 

Motion Carried

Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Student Services/Early Childhood Supervisor Contract.

Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg,

Mrs. Smith

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried

