Village of Lakemoor Board met Aug. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Call to Order President Weihofen
Roll Call Village Clerk Bonnie Sikora
Pledge to the Flag
Order of the Agenda
Citizen Comment Please keep comments brief
President’s Report Todd Weihofen
Trustee Reports: Trustee Cox
Trustee Brindise
Trustee McIntyre
Trustee Leavitt
Trustee Nykaza
Trustee Vavalle
Village Administrator’s Report - David Alarcon
Department Reports:
Police Department – David Godlewski
Public Works Department – Matt Dabrowski
Community and Economic Development Department – Matt Dabrowski
Purchase Orders/Payouts
Motion to Approve Consideration of Consent Agenda:
(The motion allows for one vote to be cast for all of the items below. At this time, Trustees may request that any item be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business for a separate vote. If any item is removed, the remaining items would be approved by one vote.)
1. Approval of the August 4, 2020 Village Board Meeting Minutes.
2. Approval of the June 2020 Treasurers Report
Motion to Approve Items on the Consent Agenda:
Old Business
1. Discussion and approval of a land purchase agreement.
New Business
1. Discussion and approval of a Resolution authorizing Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for certain roadway improvements and maintenance.
2. Discussion and approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 41 1⁄2 (Traffic) to restrict parking along Pilgrims Pass Court.
Executive Session
1. Discussion of Sale of Surplus Property