
McHenry Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Mchenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education Met Nov. 16

Webp meetingroom04

Mchenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education Met Nov. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting was held in person in the West Campus Cafeteria. Following social distancing requirements, seating and gathering limitations were followed (25-person limit based on new regional mitigation) in accordance with CDC guidelines. Public comment was taken as normal during the meeting. In addition, public comment was accepted via email to mctagueryan@dist156.org prior to the meeting and provided to the Board of Education.

Community members were able to use this link https://youtu.be/d5TqWbFTvds to view a live stream of the meeting on our "Webmaster MCHS" YouTube Channel.

I. Call to Order andRoll Call

The meeting is called to order at 6:34 p.m.

Members Present: Dawn Bremer, Pat Arnold, Amanda Lobbins, Ron Fischer, Nicole Morrow, Timothy Hying, Gary Kinshofer

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Ryan McTague

II. Adjournment to Executive Session

To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees, collective bargaining, purchase of property, security procedures, student disciplinary cases, the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters related to individual students and pending litigation.


A motion was made by Mr. Arnold seconded by Mrs. Morrow to adjourn to executive session to consider appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees, collective bargaining, purchase of property, security procedures, student disciplinary cases, the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters related to individual students and pending litigation of the public body at 6:35 p.m.

Roll Call:   Ayes 7

Nays 0

III. Reconvene to Open Session


A motion was made by Mrs. Morrow seconded Mr. Arnold by to convene to open session at 7:05 p.m.

Vote:         Ayes 7

Nays 0

IV. Call to Order andRoll Call

The meeting is called to order at 7:12 p.m.

Members Present: Ron Fischer, Timothy Hying, Dawn Bremer, Amanda Lobbins, Pat Arnold, Nicole Morrow, Gary Kinshofer

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Ryan McTague; CFO/CSBO Dave Lawson; Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Carl Vallianatos; East Campus Principal Jeffry Prickett; Director of Student Services Shae Gibour, District Division Chair of Fine Arts & World Language Megan Bennett and Members of the Community.

V. Pledge of Allegiance

VI. Changes /Additions to the Agenda

Comments - None

VII. Audience to Visitors Who Wish to Address the Board of Education

Comments – None

VIII. Board Presentation Division of Fine Arts/World Languages – Megan Bennett

Megan Bennett discussed the updated plans to renovate the West Campus art classrooms and new choir room. She expressed, that our band and choir students have been back in the building (in limited groups) for the past month. She stated, “It’s really nice to hear or see the students singing or playing instruments and doing well.” The World Language departments have been updating their curriculums and planning for new dual credit course offerings that will transfer into college credit. They are also working on zero-hour electives and summer school courses that will encourage language learning and communication through the entire year.

For more information please see the following link: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1002185/FAWL_20-21.pdf

IX. Consent Agenda

• Approve Personnel Report

• Approve Minutes of the October 19, 2020 Board of Education Meetings Open and Closed Sessions

• Approve Financial Reports

• Approve Payment of Monthly Bills and Payroll

A motion was made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Hying to approve the consent agenda.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows:

AYES: Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying Whereupon the Vice - President ruled the motion carried.

X. Business

• Presentation “Focusing on the Future” MCHS 2021 Campus Transition (Discussion) Mr. Prickett and Mr. Vallianatos discussed the highlights of the new Freshman Campus and the Upper Level Campus model beginning in the 2021 -2022 school year. There will be new curricular offerings, new equipment for labs, modernized learning spaces, and a new bell schedule for both campuses. Dr. Prickett focused on the “power” of the freshman year and building a strong culture,

Minutes, MCHS District 156, November 16, 2020

community, and system of support for our incoming freshman. He also discussed how we will “bridge” freshman to the upper campus during their sophomore year. Our senior leaders’ program will work with freshman throughout the year during our “AIM period” at the freshman campus. Freshman will also be actively involved at the upper campus after school participating in student activities, events, and athletics. Dr. Prickett expressed that with the transition next year, we will be one community, with all students having equal access to the new facilities and course offerings next year. He also expressed, “One school, One goal – Warrior ready” will be his motto next year to ensure we are building an inclusive culture and preparing students for their future. On December 8th, Dr. McTague will be hosting a community event highlighting this presentation.

For more information please see the following link: https://core

docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1003231/MCHS_Transition_2021_BO E_Meeting_111620.pdf

• 2020 School Report Card (Discussion)

The 2019 – 2020 school report card has been released by the state. Much of the data normally reported by the state, has been eliminated this year due to COVID or has been substantially impacted. All schools in the state have also retained their 2019 designations. McHenry East and West campuses have been designated “commendable” for the 19-20 school year. District 156 has been designated a Tier 1 district under the state funding formula. Tier 1 is the lowest district funded designation, which means the district is considered to be one of the least funded school districts in the state. With a funding level at 67 percent, District 156 falls well below the fully funded adequacy target of 100 percent.

One of the highlights include the increase in our freshman on-track for college and career readiness. Our schools worked very hard and developed freshman teams last year to target freshman who were not meeting college readiness benchmarks. Our freshman “on track” percentage increased 9 percentage points from 85% to 95% last year.

For more information please see the following link: https://core

docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1002184/ESSA_School_Report_Card_ 2020.pdf

• 2020 Levy Estimate (Discussion)

Dave Lawson discussed the 2020 – 2021 levy process. His estimate for this year is 3.06%. He requested of the Board to review the proposed 2020 levy estimates of 2.90%, 3.11%, and 3.16% at the last Finance Committee Meeting. The Board discussed two options keeping the levy at the estimated 3.06% or 3.1%. The spreadsheets presented include the last two years of historical data regarding the levy that the district filed along with the culminating tax extensions for those same years. We will not know what the actual property value and new growth will be until after January 1st, but the conservative levy estimates of 3.06 or 3.1% should capture the majority of any new growth. CPI this year is at 2.3%. The state may also impose further reductions to our school funding or grant programs due to Covid-19. The district has earmarked nearly 10-million-dollars of our operating fund balance to further improve our schools and facilities outside of 44-million-dollar referendum over the past two years. The levy must be approved at the December 14, 2020 regular Board Meeting.

XI. Board Committee Reports

• Executive Planning – Nothing to report.

• Finance – Levy was discussed at tonight’s Finance meeting.

• Facilities – Next meeting will be Monday, November 23 at 4:00pm. Discussion will focus on the final bid estimates for the West Campus extension and McCracken Field on going improvement projects.

XII. Superintendent / BOE President Report

Comments – Dr. McTague – I want to thank everyone, parents, teachers for all of their continued support and understanding. We continue to monitor the metrics daily hoping to find a window of opportunity so we can transition to our hybrid learning model. We are hoping another window will appear before the end of first semester however, with COVID-19 metrics continuing to rise around the state and county, the window of opportunity is closing quickly. We also have to consider the diminishing returns from an instructional continuity standpoint if we change models wilh only a few weeks left in the semester. I am still hopeful, optimistic, that we will return to school early in the second semester

A limited number of winter athletic teams have started their season and we will continue to bring in special education programs, students who are struggling academically or are disengaged, and specialty courses into the building.

As demonstrated tonight, our future is bright and our school community has so much to look forward to and the very best is yet to come! I want to wish our entire school community a safe and healthy, Thanksgiving.

Comments – Mr. Kinshofer - None

XIII. Informational Items


XIV. Adjournment

A motion was made by Mrs. Morrow seconded by Ms. Bremer to adjourn at 8:18 p.m.

The motion carried unanimously.
