Village of Johnsburg Committee of Whole met March 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
President Hettermann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Trustee Tom Curry
Trustee Beth Foreman
Trustee Kyle Frost
Trustee Josh Hagen
Trustee Greg Klemstein
Trustee Scott Letzter
Village Administrator Claudett Sofiakis
Assistant Administrator Vinny Lamontagna
Police Chief Keith VonAllmen
Village Attorney Michael Smoron
Special Projects Coordinator Rick Quinn (attended later in the meeting)
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION – Ellen Cravens attended to discuss Special Event protocols included on the agenda. She explained that the Lions Club Vice President, Craig Wallace received a phone call from Trustee Curry during which he was told that the Lions Club should not consider having a 4th annual cart cruise. She added that she then spoke with Trustee Curry to discuss the matter. Ms. Cravens explained that she feels the Johnsburg Lions Club has done a lot for the community, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars which are reinvested back into community. She stated that she was in attendance to insure that the Johnsburg Lions Club is not being targeted because of their Cart Crawl for Charity event and issues revolving around non-highway vehicles. She pointed out that the Club has done much to improve the event such as checking all carts to insure that alcohol is not present. Mrs. Cravens expressed respect for Trustee Curry’s concerns and emphasized that facts and evidence are needed before making accusations.
President Hettermann discussed current procedures in place related to all community events. He discussed the Community Event Notification form included in the meeting packets and is required to be filled out by all event holders. Mr. Curry remarked that if Mr. Wallace made the statements expressed, he not being truthful. Trustee Curry explained that he believes the board should have some oversight and input when Village resources are being used. Chief VonAllmen stated that no complaints were received regarding the event last year. Trustee Curry stated that the board needs to be aware of events so that when the public questions why police are closing the road and allowing carts to cross bridge he needs to know how to answer those questions.
President Hettermann questioned how anyone can say they were unaware of the event as it was posted on Facebook and included in eblasts. He added that Mr. Curry was aware of the route because it was brought up when the event was first planned and discussed by the Board. President Hettermann pointed out that the bridge is temporily closed for the Memorial Day event as well. He remarked about alleged reports of two kids getting run over by golf carts. Trustee Curry stated that the incident he spoke of was related to a six year old girl who jumped into her parents golf cart and ran in to kids at Johnsburg High School before golf carts were allowed.
President Hettermann explained that all organziations are required to fill out the Event Notification form and coorindation is done for every event with staff. He stated that staff will continue to enforce those protocols and report on upcoming events at meetings.
Jamie Morris of 4911 Appleton Court attended to regarding the seasonal use of non-highway vehicles which was included on the agenda. He explained that he wants to understand why the change is being considered since the Village recently increased the annual registration fee and instituted the issuance of license plates. Mr. Morris stated that the Village is collecting considerable revenue from the registrations given that approximately 25% of Johnsburg housholds have a cart. He questioned why discussion is now occurring about limiting the use to a seasonal use. He remarked that one area by Angelo’s market is a bit muddy but he is unaware of other areas with problems that would direct the need to limit the activity seasonally. President Hettermann discussed plans to improve the connection between the Village Hall and Angelos in the location of the recently installed sewer. Mr. Morris stated that the cart community has contributed a lot through fund raising efforts and registrations. He again questioned why the discussion is coming up Chief VonAllmen stated that some people do not stay on the roads where the use is designated and property damage has occurred. President Hettermann discussed additional path networks that are being pursued to create paths were designated roads are not available. He added that the dollars collected from fund raising efforts and registrations will be utilized to improve the paths with appropriate materials so that they are sustainable.
Chief VonAllmen discussed areas by the school, in Dutch Creek Estates and Lake Dawnwood, where carts are cutting through property. He explained that when drivers are cutting through from Brorson to Sandalwood they are driving on school district and Village property unauthorized. He added that he agrees that the majority of people are not doing that. Mr. Morris stated that the area referenced in Lake Dawnwood is not from authorized non-highway vehicles, but from 4 wheelers and dirt bikes. Chief VonAllmen concurred and remarked that the individual was caught. President Hettermann stated he believes the problems are caused by a limited few. He added that Mr. Lamontagna is working with the school district to secure more paths. President Hettermann expressed appreciation to the golf cart community for their willingness to raise more money to support paths and other infrastructure needs.
Holly Arnold remarked that the snowmobile club polices their members and perhaps the the golf cart community can do the same. Chief VonAllmen remarked that they do and did good job this past year.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – President Hettermann reported that if anyone is interested in serving on a committee, have them fill out a profile sheet and submit it to the Village Hall. He stated that the results of the chicken survey will be included in the board packets for the April 5th board meeting as he assured Ms. Espinosa that the matter would be discussed at that meeting.
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Trustee Foreman discussed details regarding the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt. She reported that there are six volunteers confirmed for the event, but having 10 volunteers would be ideal. Several trustees expressed interest in assisting. Mrs. Cravens stated that she will ask Lion’s members for assistance.
Trustee Foreman reported that the fishing pond cleanup is scheduled for the weekend before Easter and volunteers are still needed. The first annual fishing derby is scheduled for June 4th. The plan is to have different age groups fishing at the same time with volunteers measuring their catch. The event is a catch and release event.
Trusteee Foreman reported that the Community Affairs Commttee is looking into a lightning warning system. She explained that McHenry Township does not have one and is interested in participating. The strike guard system is approximately $9600 to outfit the initial system and approximately $3800 for any additional locations. President Hettermann questioned if the plan is to have athletic organizations participate in the costs such as JBBL, Pigtail League, Johnsburg Jr. Skyhawks, Johnsburg High School, the Soccer league and Township. He remarked that the cost of the improvement shouldn’t be solely the responsibility of the residents of Johnsburg as the School District and Township consist of a much larger area whose residents are not paying taxes to Johnsburg.
Trustee Foreman reported that Mr. Lamontanga has streamlined the Field Use Agreement process. Mr. Lamontagna reported on the applications received so far this. He stated that all applications are due on March 25th.
Trustee Foreman reported that the Pigtail League has offered to donate $5000 for improvements at Hiller Park. She explained that they utilized the softball field and Mustang field. She added that the Committee is looking to develop a comprehensive plan for the fishing pond and would like to have money set aside for aerators. Lastly she reported that Felix and the Fingers have agreed to honor their pricing from last year for the Party in the Burg event and the committee has recommended to move forward and secure them for this year entertainment.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Trustee Hagen reported that the Economic Deelopment Committee has been discussing ways to grow current businesses and expand our business base. The committee is continuing to recognize businesses in town through gand openings and anniversaries. They are looking into establishing welcome wagon bags and ways to get information in peoples hands about local businesses. He added that he is working to solidify a date for Granny’s grandopening and the _______barbeque grand opening is planned for June 5th.
Trustee Hagen stated that the Economic Development Committee is looking for ways to market the Village so that resident’s have more information as to what is going on and get increased awareness that will bring people to the Village. Discussion has been taking place about branding the Village to create a consistent awareness for residents, businesses and visitors. The Committee recommended using #Johnsburg Life through which people can share personal events, pictures and other information about Johnsburg. Trustee Hagen stated that the Village lacks having sufficient photos available therefore he is working with the Johnsburg Library who has a photo club in hopes of getting more pictures in order to help to expand content in postings. He added that staff is still trying to get information from our webdesigner to track data through Google Analytics and there has been some difficulty getting information posted. Ms. Sofiakis stated that she would look into why posts are not getting done.
ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - Trustee Frost remarked that as the community grows and new buildings have developed it is noticeable that several buildings and home are in poor condition with paint falling off, fences missing panals and in states of general disrepair. The Ordinance Committee is looking at property maintenance ordinances that have been established in other communities to help improve the condition of the community. He added that the Committee also began discussing seasonal non-highway vehicle use because of issues that have occurred with property damage related to non highway vehicle use. He stated that there may only be a handful of people causing issues but the committee is looking at ways to improve the situation. President Hettermann stated that the Village is talking with property owners to obtain permission to develop paths on vacant property where roads are not available to travel. Trustee Frost remarked that depending on the material used, the path, may result in increased maintenance costs. He emphasized that during discussions, a committee member brought up the concept of seasonal use, but nothing has been recommended at this time. President Hettermann questioned why they should be regulated seasonally. Trust Frost explained that other communities regulate the activity seasonally such as McHenry. President Hettermann remarked that in Johnsburg people move about the community using non-highway vehicles to frequent businesses and visit neighbors. Trustee Frost suggested the Village consider increased registration fees for out of city residents similar to what is done with the boat launch. President Hettermann stated that he would like to see the communities connect someday to allow non-highway vehicle movement throughout. Trustee Frostt stated that reports of violations indicate complaints are down related to non-highway vehicle activity but there will always be some people that will violate the regulations.
Ms. Cravens expressed apology to Trustee Curry and stated that Mr. Wallace clarified that Trustee Curry discussed his concerns about having another cart crawl but he did not say they shouldn’t do it.
Trustee Curry remarked that he had heard the cost of the non-highway vehicle path will be $50,000. President Hettermann clarified that the estimate was based upon a fully contracted project paying prevailing wage. Trustee Curry stated that the Board has discussed fees associated with keeping chickens which would be in excess of $150 initially as compared with $50-$75 for initial golf-cart registration. Discussion continued about the building permit and inspections needed related to the construction of the coop etc and the cost associated with enforcement.
ADJOURNMENT - Trustee Foreman moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Hagen seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye. Motion to adjourn was carried at 8:23p.m.