
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Historic Preservation Commission met May 5

City of Crystal Lake Historic Preservation Commission met May 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1) Call to Order

L. Solak called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2) Roll Call/Attendance

The following Commission members were present, Nancy Haskins, Diana Kenney, Bob Kosin, Brittany Niequist, Lisa Solak, Natalie Tyron, and Bob Wyman. Judi Halter was absent. City Planner, Elizabeth Maxwell, was present for staff.

3) Public Comment


4) Landmark Meeting

Several members of the public were in the audience for the presentation. B. Niequist made a presentation about the landmark process and the benefits. She summarized who is the Commission, what they do, then detailed the landmarking process. She explained how a landmark property becomes an asset to the community.

One audience member asked if ADA improvements would require approval. B. Niequist confirmed that they would require a Certificate of Appropriateness. They asked about tax relief and were told the local landmark does not provide tax relief. D. Kenney answered that the public would be aware of the landmark status since it would be on the website, they would get a plaque for the house, and have a picture and write up in the newsletter.

Another member of the public stated she tried to do some research about her house. The Township had a date that listed it seven (7) years earlier than the Sears model was available in the catalog. D. Kenney explained that she has done significant research over the years and often the Township dates are incorrect. She said you will need to find multiple sources to verify any information. The Recorder’s Office may show a tax jump after a structure is built. The Commission can assist with some research. The library and the Historical Society have newspapers.com and D. Kenney provided the contact information for the society.

B. Wyman had his paperwork from when he landmarked his house. He passed out copies so the public attendees so they could see what they would need to prepare.

One resident stated they want their house preserved. There are so many unique aspects and the fact that it was a Sears kit home and all the interior woodwork with the Sears markings should be saved.

D. Kenney summarized the discussion and thanked everyone for attending. She asked that if they are interested in the landmark process they can contact City staff. One of the residents thanked D. Kenney for the historic articles she has been writing for the newsletter.

The commission members thanked B. Niequist for putting the presentation together. They discussed next steps to get more interested property owners.

5) Approval of Minutes of the April 7, 2022 Regular Meeting

D. Kenney made a motion to approve the minutes. B. Niequist seconded the motion. On voice vote, all members voted aye. Motion passed.

6) Member Inquiries and Reports

D. Kenney asked if any members need more D2 for cemetery cleaning. There is money in the budget to purchase more supplies. The Historical Society has a fund established so can be purchased through the society.

B. Wyman asked for a deadline on the cemetery articles so he can get them done. B. Niequist can take the photos. D. Kenney suggested a fall release for Veteran’s Day. The articles should be due by August 31st.

7) Adjournment

There being no further business, B. Niequist made a motion to adjourn the meeting. N. Tryon seconded the motion. All members voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
