
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Jan. 10

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum

Trustee Brehmer, Chairperson, called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Trustees Jerry Glogowski, Laura Brehmer, Maggie Auger, Brian Dianis, Robert Smith, President Debby Sosine and Clerk Fred Martin.

Absent: Trustee John Spella

A quorum was established

Staff in Attendance: Michael Kumbera, Assistant Village Manager; Bob Mitchard, Public Works Director; Dennis Walker, Police Chief; Katie Gock, Recreation Superintendent; Matthew Bajor, Management Analyst; and Kelly Cahill, Village Attorney.

AGENDA ITEM 2: Public Comment


AGENDA ITEM 3: Presentation – Community Survey

Mr. Bajor:

In fall, staff began work on the eleventh annual Algonquin Community Survey to residents of the Village. This survey was scientific in design and results are statistically-significant. This statement signifies that results can be used to make inferences about the entire population within a certain degree of accuracy. Exactly 1,750 residents were randomly selected to complete the survey which was delivered via mail in late September. The overall response rate was 14.5% with 254 residents responding to the survey. The survey asked questions about quality of life measures, perceptions of safety, quality and importance of Village programs and services, performance of Village employees, and general demographic information.

The Algonquin Community Survey provides an enhanced means to:

• Foster a continuous improvement organizational culture

• Allocate budgetary resources using a data-driven approach

• Measure progress toward strategic goals

• Evaluate municipal services through the voice of our customers (residents)

The full report is provided to the Village Board (which will also be online at www.algonquin.org/survey) to augment the presentation. Management Intern Ethan Hoffman played an important role in the administration of the survey.

AGENDA ITEM 4: Community Development


AGENDA ITEM 5: General Administration

Ms. Gock:

A. Consider an Amendment to the Agreement Associated with Resolution 2022-R-84 for the Hitchcock Design Group Presidential Park Project 

During the month of November, the Village Board approved resolutions 2022-R-84 and 2022-R-91 for design and engineering services provided by Hitchcock Design Group for Towne Park and Presidential Park. Following this approval, Hitchcock’s legal team has requested some changes to both contracts. In summary, they are requesting to strike language that is specific to contractors,construction work, and developers that is not specific to professional services. In addition, they included two additional items for the insurance.

The Village Attorney’s office has reviewed these changes and the attached documents are in proper order. Staff recommends approval and will be available in advance of and at the Village Board meeting to answer any questions

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Amendment to the Agreement Associated with Resolution 2022-R-91 for the Hitchcock Design Group Towne Park Project 

During the month of November, the Village Board approved resolutions 2022-R-84 and 2022-R-91 for design and engineering services provided by Hitchcock Design Group for Towne Park and Presidential Park. Following this approval, Hitchcock’s legal team has requested some changes to both contracts. In summary, they are requesting to strike language that is specific to contractors, construction work, and developers that is not specific to professional services. In addition, they included two additional items for the insurance.

The Village Attorney’s office has reviewed these changes and the attached documents are in proper order. Staff recommends approval and will be available in advance of and at the Village Board meeting to answer any questions.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider Entering into an Affiliate Agreement with Goal Soccer Club (Formerly ALITHSA) Proposed is an updated affiliate agreement with the Algonquin Lake in the Hills Soccer Association (ALITHSA) who has rebranded the organization under the new name: Goal Soccer Club. Per the affiliate agreement the group has requested to dissolve the Algonquin Lake in the Hills Soccer Association affiliate agreement and re-establish the group as an affiliate with the new organization, Goal Soccer Club. There were no other changes made to the agreement. Village staff recommends approval of the agreement with Goal Soccer Association.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

D. Consider a Resolution for Authorizing Certain Financial Institutions as Designated Depositories Mr. Kumbera:

As part of its treasury management activities, the Village maintains several bank and investment accounts at multiple financial institutions. The Village Board, from time to time, shall designate depositories in which the funds and moneys belonging to the Village, in the custody of the Village Treasurer, and also all moneys collected by the Village, shall be kept. Proposed is a Resolution listing the eight (8) banks and financial institutions the Village is actively engaged with.

Staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole forward this item to the Village Board for approval by Resolution at their meeting on January 17, 2023.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 6: Public Works & Safety

Mr. Mitchard:

A. Consider an Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources, Inc. for the Natural Area Restoration Design and Installation of the CarMax/Huntington Dr. Detention/Arbor Hills Naturalization Project Proposed is a proposal with Baxter & Woodman for natural area restoration design and installation for the CarMax/Huntington Drive Detention/Arbor Hills Naturalization project in the amount of $264,465.20. This project is being proposed due to the development agreement made with CarMax to donate Lot 3 of their subdivision to the Village in order to make a green corridor connection to the Randall Road Wetland and High Hill Riparian corridor. There are several reasons that support this agreement which are outlined below and thus why the Village is doing a restoration project in this area.

1. As part of the agreement, CarMax is making a new bike trail connection through Lot 3 and then re-routing the existing bike trail through the Huntington Drive detention to Lifetime Fitness. The land surrounding the trail needs to be native prairie as opposed to turf grass to bring in an environmental component and feel. CarMax contributed $25,000 to the Village to put towards this naturalization.

2. CarMax was also only required to install a small retention basin on Lot 3 because the rest of the stormwater storage for their site was able to be provided in the Randall Road Wetland Complex. Thus, they paid a fee-in-lieu of detention, per the Kane County Stormwater Ordinance, in the amount of $194,400.

The two fees listed above go into a restricted spending fund for watershed management. This assures that the Village only spends this money on projects that restore and create wetlands, improves water quality from stormwater run off and creates natural areas.

This restricted fund currently has a balance of $293,500. This balance comes from the donations listed above as well as $74,100 from the Westview Crossing development for filling isolated wetlands on their site. These funds can be used anywhere in the Village for natural area projects.

We are proposing to use Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources for this project as we have a prior relationship with them doing similar work. They recently completed 2 major projects for the Village; Ratt Creek Reach 5 Restoration and the Randall Road Wetland Restoration. Because this project is adjacent to the Randall Road Wetland Complex, they are familiar with how the area functions, the planting plans, and the maintenance functions that need to occur over the next three years.

Their experience with this type of work as well as their knowledge of the Village’s natural area plan makes them a nice fit to perform the work on this project.

Since funds are available, we decided to add on the restoration of the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. This area is completed degraded and is overrun by phragmite, honeysuckle and teasel. The phragmite, in particular, is clogging up the wetland areas within this critical parcel and is preventing proper drainage and groundwater infiltration. This is the last parcel remaining in this upper quadrant of the Village that would not be restored once the CarMax lot and Huntington Detention are complete.

Therefore, it is our recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take action to move this matter forward to the Village Board for approval of natural area restoration design and installation for the CarMax/Huntington Drive Detention/Arbor Hills Naturalization project to Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources, Inc. for $264,465.20.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Agreement with HR Greet for the Souwanas Trail, Schuett Street, and Oceola Drive Improvement Project Phase 3 Engineering Services Proposed is a proposal for Phase 3 Engineering services from HR Green for the Souwanas Trail, Schuett Street, and Oceola Drive Improvements project that is slated for construction in the spring of 2023. HR Green is the design engineer on this project and has performed Phase 3 construction oversight services for the Village previously on the Algonquin Lakes and Lake Drive South Improvement projects last year and performed very well.

The construction for this project is partially being funded through the Surface Transportation Program – Local (STP-L) and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSSA) in the amount of $1.5 Million. The remaining funds for construction and construction oversight will be funded locally. This project was bid in June of this year and the bids were rejected due to high bids in excess of 30% of the engineer’s estimate. Since the bid, it was discovered that a bottleneck occurs in the existing sanitary sewer system at the east end of the Souwanas Trail. The existing sanitary main on Souwanas Trail connects to the feeder under the Fox River to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. This bottleneck handicaps the Village’s ability to develop parcels northeast of Souwanas Trail. Village staff has determined the extension and upsizing of the existing sanitary main on Souwanas Trail is necessary and has been added to the scope of this project. As a result, the construction estimate has increased significantly. The Engineer’s construction estimate for this project is $6,629,146 and HR Green’s construction oversight proposal is at $453,822, which is 6.85% of the construction price. Construction for this project is expected to span two construction seasons, therefore, the fee is extremely favorable for a project of this magnitude. The budgeted funds for the project this fiscal year will be carried over to next fiscal year and the remaining fee will be budgeted in FY24/25. Therefore, it is the Public Works Department’s recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take the necessary action to move this engineering agreement with HR Green for $453,822 to the Board of Trustees for approval. We appreciate your ongoing support of this infrastructure improvement that will significantly benefit the residents of Souwanas Trail, Schuett Street, and Oceola Drive.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider Change Order #14 for the Crystal Creek Riverwalk Improvements and Harrison St. Bridge Replacement Proposed is change order #14 and an exhibit of the proposed improvements to the 103-107 S. Main Street lot for the Riverwalk Improvement and the Harrison St Bridge Replacement project. This change order is beyond staff’s authority and requires review and approval from the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board. This work has not yet been completed and would be performed this winter upon approval.

The change order request is to replace alley downspouts at 103, 107, and 111 Main Street and underground drainage work to tie into the Village’s storm sewer system and outlet into Crystal Creek. In the current condition, water drains over the paved surface toward the creek. Once the Riverwalk is built, water would sheet drain over the Riverwalk to the creek. The proposed drainage improvements will funnel the water underground and properly drain water into the creek using a flap gate and rip rap to reduce erosion. A large section of the alley and a portion of the rear parking lot will need to be removed and patched as a result of the drainage improvements.

The cost estimate proposed is a worst-case scenario that includes resurfacing the alley. Resurfacing the alley will be determined in the field based on pavement conditions and the existing depth of asphalt once the drainage work begins.

Therefore, it is the Public Works Department recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take consideration of this change order and direct the Board of Trustees to officially approve this change in the amount of $92,203.48. Staff appreciates the support of the Committee and Board on this project for Algonquin’s historic downtown business district.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

D. Consider Change Order #15 for the Crystal Creek Riverwalk Improvements and Harrison St. Bridge Replacement Proposed is change order #15 and an exhibit of the proposed improvements to lot 103 S. Main Street for the Riverwalk Improvement and the Harrison St Bridge Replacement project. This change order is beyond staff’s authority and requires review and approval from the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board. This work has not yet been completed and would be performed this coming winter.

The change order request is related to change order request #14 and is proposing the installation of a small lift station within a storm sewer manhole in the rear of 103 S. Main with a drain pipe with an outlet to the creek. These improvements will alleviate flooding to the basement of the property and will avoid overland flow from the parking lot over the new concrete Riverwalk. The property owner at 103 S. Main Street has agreed to pay for the improvements presented in Change Order 15 as the improvements are a direct benefit to the property and business. Staff will work with the Finance Department to execute this transaction upon its completion.

Therefore, it is the Public Works Department recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take consideration of this change order and direct the Board of Trustees to officially approve payment in the amount of $31,753.00. Staff appreciates the support of the Committee and Board on this project for Algonquin’s historic downtown business district.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

E. Consider a Supplemental Agreement with CBBEL for the Downtown Streetscape Roundabout, N Harrison Street, and Main Street Bike Trail - Phase III Engineering Services Proposed is the Phase III Engineering supplement for Christopher B. Burke Engineering (CBBEL) due to several utility delays and non-special waste encountered on North Harrison Street which caused an extension of time to complete construction of the Downtown Streetscape project including the Main Street roundabout, N. Harrison Street improvements, and Main Street bike trail improvement. The bullet points on page 3 of the attached amendment request details an overview of the construction delays.

In total, 109.5 Working Days were delayed on this project. Martam Construction worked on the project 45 of these days on non-critical items per the approved project schedule which required Construction Oversight by CBBEL. Additionally, regular traffic control and erosion control inspections were required by CBBEL on days when work did not occur during the delays.

This project was a Working Day Contract with 180 Working Days to complete construction. Per the original executed construction contract, the projected completion date was September 2, 2022. The expected completion date will be extended into May or June of 2023. In order to for CBBEL to fulfill its Construction Oversight obligations for this project, a supplement to the original Phase III contract is required and is detailed in the attached document.

Therefore, it is the Public Works Department recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take consideration of this Phase III supplement and direct the Board of Trustees to officially approve a contract revision with an additional $65,900. Staff appreciates the support of the Committee and Board on this project that will benefit the residents and visitors of our community.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 7: Executive Session


AGENDA ITEM 8: Other Business

President Sosine reminded the Committee of the President’s one on one meetings with residents tomorrow.

AGENDA ITEM 9: Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairperson Brehmer adjourned the meeting at 8:31 P.M.




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