Village of Fox River Grove Police Pension Fund Board met April 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Meeting called to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of minutes from January 4th, 2023
4. Finance Reports:
a. Village Reports
1. Money Market accounts
2. CD Accounts
b. Approval of bills for payment
c. Mitchell, Vaught & Taylor – Investment Advisors
5. Old Business:
1. Training status
2. Filing of records, Toppel to report on status
3. Transfer of funds to CD’s and Money Market accounts, transfer to IPOPIF
4. Status of upcoming election of Active and Beneficiary members, Slovacek to report
6. New Business:
1. IPOPIF form required to Cash access from IPOPIF Fund
2. Filing of Economic Interest statement with McHenry Co. Clerk’s Office
7. Attorney report
8. Adjournment of meeting, NEXT MEETING JULY 5th, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m.