
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met May 9

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met May 9

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Trustee Spella, Chairperson, called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum

Present: Trustees, Jerry Glogowski, John Spella, Laura Brehmer, Maggie Auger, Brian Dianis, President Debby Sosine and Clerk Fred Martin.

Absent Trustee, Robert Smith

A quorum was established

Staff in Attendance: Tim Schloneger, Village Manager; Nadim Badran, Public Works Director; Dennis Walker, Police Chief; Jason Shallcross, Community Development Director; and Brandy Quance, Village Attorney

AGENDA ITEM 2: Public Comment

Brain Schooley has concerns about the noise levels being generated from the Bowlero property, staff to investigate.

AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development

Mr. Shallcross:

A. Consider a Special/Public Event Permit for the Aces Memorial Weekend Bash, Girls Softball Tournament May 27-29, 2023 

Toney Minasola, on behalf of Algonquin Aces, is seeking approval of a Public Event/Entertainment License for the Algonquin Aces Memorial Weekend Bash occurring May 27-29.

This is a non-profit event that will be held for the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament at Presidential Park, Algonquin Lakes Fields, and Kelliher Park in Algonquin. The applicant expects up to 150 participants at different times of the day. In addition to requesting approval of a Public Event/Entertainment License, the applicant is also requested waste removal Saturday and Sunday and mowing of the fields on Friday, May 26. RECOMMENDATION:

Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval with the following conditions outlined below: 

• Village Police officers and other officials shall have free access to the event at all times to ensure that the event is in compliance with the Municipal Code;

• All garbage/debris from the event shall be deposited in on-site trash bins by the event coordinator; 

• Any on-site food truck operators will need to apply for a separate permit through the Village of Algonquin;

• Any temporary tents or structures shall be properly weighted or tied down in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. No cooking under tents unless the tent is certified for such use. In the event of unfavorable weather conditions, any temporary tents or structures shall be vacated and removed, and no temporary tent or structure shall be used for shelter.

• The event coordinator is responsible for suspending or canceling the event in case of structural concerns, electrical malfunctions, or storms that may include wind in excess of 40 mph, lightning, tornado warnings, unruly crowds, or any other issues that may pose a risk or danger to the public.

• The applicant shall abide by all provisions of the Algonquin Municipal Code with specific attention to the Public Event/Entertainment section along with all provisions/requirements of the Public Event/Entertainment License Application checklist and the application provided.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Amendment to the Algonquin Commons Planned Development The Algonquin Commons is a power/lifestyle shopping center located at the northwest corner of Randall Road and Corporate Parkway. The Subject Property includes approximately 600,000 square feet of commercial retail and restaurant space spread out over the main shopping strip, four freestanding restaurants, three freestanding commercial buildings, and two freestanding multitenant buildings.

Red Mountain Group, the “Petitioner” and owner of the Algonquin Commons, the “Subject Project”, is requesting a Major Amendment to the approved Planned Development. This amendment will permit the construction of new site amenities ‘The Link’, ‘The Street’, ‘The Playground’, ‘The Field’, and modifications to existing improvements related to parking, pedestrian circulation, signage and stormwater management. The total project cost is nearly $90-million and creates almost 20,000 square feet of new lease space in the center. If approved, the project will transform the Algonquin Commons from a local shopping center to a regional destination for commerce, dining, and entertainment.

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request for the Major Amendment to Ordinance 2003-O 44 and Ordinance 2004-O-44 and as amended as Ordinance 2010-O-39 and Ordinance 2022-O-42 at the March 13, 2023, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

The Planning and Zoning Commission accepted staff’s findings as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission and unanimously recommended approval by a vote of 7-0, subject to staff’s recommended conditions. No public input was received for this case.

Staff recommends approval of the amendment to Ordinance 2003-O-44 (An Ordinance Issuing A Special Use Permit and Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision and Final planned Development for a 600,000 Square Foot retail Center) and Ordinance 2004-O-44 (An Ordinance Issuing A Special Use Permit and Approving A Final Plat of Subdivision For Phase II of the Algonquin Commons Retail Center) and as amended as Ordinance 2010-

O-39 (An Ordinance Approving a Preliminary and Final PUD Amendment for Lot 2 of Algonquin Commons) and Ordinance 2022- O-42 (An Ordinance Approving a Major Amendment to the Final Planned Development and Approving the Final Plat of Resubdivision of Phase II of the Algonquin Commons Retail Center) as outlined in the Planning & Zoning Staff Report for Case No. PZ-2021-18, subject to the following conditions, attachments, and final staff approval of all plans:

a. The Architectural Site and Signage Plan, as prepared by Ethos Workshop Architects, with the latest revision date of April 14, 2023, the Site Improvement Plans for Algonquin Commons Redevelopment, as prepared by Jacob & Hefner Associates, with the latest revision date of April 14, 2023, the Site Electrical Plan, as prepared by RTM Engineering Consultants, with the latest revision date of April 14, 2023, the Fire Truck Turning Exhibit, as prepared by Jacob & Hefner Associates, with the latest revision date of April 14, 2023, the Landscape Plan, as prepared by Juli Ordower Landscape Architecture, with the latest revision date of April 14, 2023, and the Koi Pond and Fountain Plans, as prepared by Juli Ordower Landscape Architecture, with the latest revision date of February 8, 2023, shall address all of Staff’s comments prior to any Site Development, Building, or Sign permits are issued;

b. All face brick on the buildings and signs shall be full-depth modular brick;

c. All outside dining areas shall be surrounded by an enclosure that is constructed with decorative masonry pilasters, pressure-treated wood, and/or wrought iron fencing. If liquor is served in the outside seating area, the enclosure shall conform to the latest Village of Algonquin and State of Illinois guidelines;

d. The lower portion of the monument signs that include the white face brick shall only list The Link, The Street, The Field, and The Playground. Should the name of one of these locations change, the new name can be placed in this location in place of the former name. The middle portion of the monument signs with ebony ironspot brick shall list no more than two destinations. These destinations can be a tenant or a destination in the Algonquin Commons. The top portion of the monument signs with quarry stone shall list no more than eight (8) tenants. A tenant cannot appear on more than one (1) monument sign but can appear on both the front and back of the same monument sign. The fin at the top of the monument sign shall only be added to the monument sign at the southwest corner of Randall Road and Commons Drive and shall say “Algonquin Commons”.

e. A Special Event Permit shall be required for events occurring in The Street, The Link, The Playground, and The Fiel in lieu of a Public Event License, subject to approval by the Village Manager or his designee.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider an Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement and Major Amendment to the Trails of Woods Creek Subdivision 

Pulte Home Company, LLC, the “Petitioner”, is requesting a Major Amendment to the Final Planned Development of the Trails of Woods Creek Subdivision, the “Subject Property”. This amendment will permit the construction of two-story ‘Select Series’ and ‘Estate Series’ homes on lots previously approved and platted for the one-story ‘Shores’ homes. The replatting involved will reduce the number of homes in the subdivision from 278 to 275 to accommodate the larger ’Estate Series’ homes. Additionally, Pulte is requesting the ability to construct a new home model known as the “Waverly” as part of the ‘Select Series’. Staff is in favor of allowing the new model, however staff is recommending not to allow the base home elevation due to a lack of architectural interest and tweaking a model variation to provide additional masonry.

A Redevelopment Agreement was approved during the original approval of the Trails of Woods Creek subdivision and therefore, an Amendment is required to be approved. The Amendment references the revised plans, approves a Platting Fee for the ‘Springs Series’, renegotiates the Watershed Protection Fee from $50,000 to $70,255, and relieves the Developer of obligations provided the buried drainage structures at the speed table on Fairway View Drive have been installed and do not require repair and/or replacement. The Public Works team supports/requested these changes.

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request for the Major Amendment to Ordinance 2020-O 32 at the April 10, 2023, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. At the meeting, four members of the public voiced concerns about traffic and speeding near Fairway View Drive and Algonquin Road, views being blocked by taller homes, and the potential increased HOA fees.

Staff believes the new speed table on Fairway View Drive will mitigate speeding concerns, that views will not be compromised by taller homes due to the setbacks provided in the subdivision, and that the existing ‘Shores’ ranch homeowners will not experience increased HOA fees as the homes are charged on a ‘per-home’ basis, per the home builder. Homeowners do not receive a discount based on the number of homes being maintained. Finally, the ranch homes will still be able to be built in the area if requested by a new purchaser.

The Planning and Zoning Commission accepted staff’s findings as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission and recommended approval of the requests by a vote of 5-2, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report.

“Staff is supportive of the requests, subject to the conditions listed below, and recommends approval of the amendment to Ordinance 2020-O-32 (An Ordinance Approving a Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plats of Phases 1 and 2 for the Trails of Woods Creek Subdivision) as outlined in the Planning & Zoning Staff Report for Case No. PZ-2023-02, subject to the following conditions, attachments, and final staff approval of all plans, and also an Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement for the Trails of Woods Creek Subdivision.

a. The Final Plat of Resubdivision titled “Final Plat of Subdivision for Resubdivision of Lots 240 Through 254 Trails of Woods Creek Phase 2” as prepared by Cemcon, Ltd. with the latest revision date of April 27, 2023, the Site Plan titled “Trails of Woods Creek PUD Amendment Site Plan”, as prepared by Cemcon, Ltd., with the latest revision date of February 13, 2023, the Final Engineering titled “Trails of Woods Creek PUD Amendment Engineering Exhibit”, as prepared by Cemcon, Ltd., with the latest revision date of April 26, 2023, and the Final Landscape Plan titled “Addendum 2 – Re-Subdivision Final Landscape Plan”, as prepared by Dickson Design Studio, and last revised March 10, 2023, shall all address Staff’s comments and require final Staff approval;

b. The Home Elevations titled “Trails of Woods Creek Select Series Elevations”, as prepared by PulteGroup, and last revised February 18, 2023, shall be applicable to the Select Series homes constructed on Lots 127-165 and the Shores home constructed on Lots 127-165 shall be the Shores Homes included in the building elevation selections dated May 7, 2020, and meet the design conditions of Ordinance 2020-O-32. The Waverly Model NC3M shall be modified to meet the design conditions of Ordinance 2020-O-32 with a 30” masonry base, the Waverly Models CR2N shall not be allowed, and the Estates Series Homes on Lots 1-12 shall be Estates Models included in the building elevation selections dated May 7, 2020, and meet the design conditions of Ordinance 2020-O-32; c. All other conditions of Ordinance 2020-O-32 shall still be in effect unless the condition conflicts with this approval.”

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration

Mr. Schloneger:

A. Consider an Amendment to Section 43.39, Video Gaming Terminals, of the Algonquin Municipal Code 

In the recent months, the Village has been receiving many requests from gas stations/truck stops to implement video gaming within their establishment. In the past we were able to deny these requests by indicating a commercial kitchen is required for all gaming establishments. It was recommended by our legal team to amend the Village’s Municipal Code prohibiting “Truck Stops” specifically from establishing gaming.

With that said, it is staff’s recommendation to move the attached Ordinance prohibiting gaming in Truck Stops within the Village of Algonquin forward for Board approval.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Amendment to Section 33.07B, Liquor Licensing Number of Licenses Issued, of the Algonquin Municipal Code 

In accordance with an ordinance passed in 2013 limiting the number of allowable liquor licenses in all classes to the number of licenses issued at that time, the proposed ordinance amending the number of available Class B-1 and F liquor licenses.

This change is the result of requests from:

• Pantry & Liquor, Inc. a new convenience store located in the former 7-Eleven, 1495 W. Algonquin Road, Algonquin has applied for a class B-1 liquor license, which will allow the retail sale of alcoholic liquor in sealed cartons, bottles, casks, flasks, barrels, cases or other containers, for consumption off the premises.

• During the liquor license renewal process the following establishments did not request renewal of their liquor license: Tai Wan Thai – Class F

Staff recommends increasing the number of available Class B-1 liquor licenses by one and decreasing the number of Class F to eliminate any available liquor licenses.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety

Mr. Badran:

A. Consider an Agreement with Plote Construction for the Bunker Hill Drive Rehabilitation Improvements 

Presented is my recommendation for the award of the Bunker Hill Drive Rehabilitation contract to Plote Construction, Inc. We received three bids for this project, and after a thorough review and evaluation, we have determined to recommend the low bidder Plote Construction in the amount of $1,621,860.25. The bid amount from Plote is within the Village's FY2024 budget in the Street Fund and under the engineer's estimate.

Plote Construction is an experienced contractor with a proven track record of successful projects in our area. We worked with them most recently on the Terrace Hill Subdivision Improvements in 2020, and they provided excellent service and met the Village’s expectations.

This project involves various upgrades to the roadway, including one mile of roadway rehabilitation using the full-depth reclamation (FDR) process, 0.6 miles of bike path replacement, pedestrian crossing improvements at Jacobs High School, selective curb, sidewalk, and apron replacement, drainage and water main improvements, and landscape restoration. This project will be constructed in two phases. The east phase from Woods Creek Drive to Sherman Drive will be completed in mid-August prior to the 2023/2024 school year. The west half will be completed by late-October.

This project also includes lowering a 70-foot section of the Village’s water main that is currently vulnerable to a break due to a large ComEd duct bank that sits on top of the main. The Village will be submitting a claim to ComEd to cover these costs once completed. The costs are estimated to be $120,000 and are included in the bid.

After careful consideration, staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole move this item to the Village Board to award the contract for the Bunker Hill Drive Rehabilitation Improvements to Plote Construction, Inc. Their competitive pricing, proven experience, and excellent track record make them the best choice for this project.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Agreement with Arrow Road Construction for the Tunbridge Road Improvements Presented is my recommendation to award the bid of the Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements contract to Arrow Road Construction, LLC. We received three bids for this project, and after a thorough review and evaluation, we have determined to recommend the low bidder Arrow Road Construction (Arrow) in the amount of $1,896,496.58.

Arrow is an experienced contractor with a proven track record of successful projects in the Chicagoland area. We worked with them most recently on the Harnish Drive Improvements in 2021 and they provided excellent service and very good quality of workmanship. One challenge on Harnish Drive was coordination with one of the subcontractors. Staff confirmed that the subcontractor in question will not be used on this project.

The Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements project involves various upgrades to the roadway, including 1.7 miles of roadway rehabilitation using the full-depth reclamation (FDR) process, selective curb, sidewalk, and apron replacement, drainage and water main improvements, and landscape restoration. This project is a crucial part of our village's infrastructure improvement plan as the existing roadway has not received treatment outside of routine maintenance in 25 years for the north section and 30 years for the south section. Staff expects the contractor to mobilize in June with a completion date in late-October.

Rebuild Illinois (RBI) funds will be used for construction of this project. The attached contract (BLR 12320) is attached and requires four (4) signed originals by the Village President and Village Clerk to be returned to IDOT. After careful consideration staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole move this item to the Village Board to award the contract for the Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements to Arrow Road Construction, LLC. Their competitive pricing and proven experience make them the best choice for this project.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider Utilizing the Rebuild Illinois (RBI) Funds and Execute a Joint Funding Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements Presented is Resolution (BLR 09110) for Improvements Under the Illinois Highway Code to utilize Rebuild Illinois (RBI) funds for the Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements.

In 2019, the Rebuild Illinois Plan allocated funds to agencies and municipalities throughout the State to be used toward various infrastructure projects. The Village received five installments to date, all of which must be expended by 2025. The funds must be put toward bondable capital projects. Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements qualifies and is an ideal candidate for these funds.

The Village has $1,980,149.64 remaining RBI funds after the final installment was received last year. The total cost of RBI-eligible funds on Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements is $1,860,992.58. Staff recommends using the RBI funds and executing a Resolution (BLR 09110) to cover the eligible bid amount for construction for the Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements this fiscal year. The remaining $119,157.06 RBI funds may be used for construction oversight of Tunbridge Subdivision.

Staff also attached a Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work (BLR 0531C) with IDOT showing the breakdown of funds between State (RBI) and Local funds. Three (3) signed originals and a Resolution are required to be sent to IDOT for execution.

Staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole move this item to the Village Board to authorize the implantation of the remaining Rebuild Illinois funds and execute a Joint Funding Agreement with the State of Illinois for Tunbridge Subdivision Improvements.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

D. Consider an Intergovernmental Agreement with School District 300 Extending the School Resource Officer Program 

Presented is the Police Liaison Program Intergovernmental Agreement between Community Unit School District 300 and the Village of Algonquin.

If approved, this IGA will begin with the 2023-2024 school year and define the duties, responsibilities and costs associated with placement of one School Resource Officer at Algonquin Middle School and one at Westfield Community School. In addition to the original agreement, this IGA includes wording mandating School Resource Officers shall satisfy all state required training.

The wording and intention is identical to the IGA used for the School Resource Officer position at H.D. Jacobs High School and like that agreement, will automatically renew annually.

I respectfully request the Committee of the Whole consider this agreement and send to the Village Board for approval.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session


AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business

President Sosine announced that at tomorrows Council of Mayors Meeting, no elected officials were welcome to attend.

AGENDA ITEM 8: Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairperson Spella adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
