
McHenry Times

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met May 16

Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met May 16

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Village Board of Trustees 

Mayor Mark Kownick, Trustee Dale Collier, Trustee Ellen McAlpine, Trustee Rick Dudek, Trustee Anthony Stefani, Trustee Rick Walrath, Trustee Jennifer Weinhammer 

Others Present 

Village Administrator Morimoto, Assistant Village Administrator Sage, Community Development Director Simmons, Deputy Public Works Director Stein, Police Chief Finlon, Superintendent Kopacz, Assistant to the Public Works Director Bassuener, Village Attorney Uhler 

I. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kownick at 6:58 p.m. 

II. Roll Call 

The roll was called and all were present. 

III. Pledge of Allegiance 

Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

IV. Public Comments 

There being no comments, Mayor Kownick closed Public Comments at 6:59 p.m. 

V. Discussion Items 

A. Discussion Regarding Outdoor Water Restriction Ordinance Amendment 

Assistant to the Public Works Director Bassuener provided an overview of the proposed outdoor water restriction ordinance amendment. 

Trustee Collier asked who determines the water conservation level for the Village, and how information regarding water restrictions will be communicated to residents. 

Assistant to the Public Works Director Bassuener stated the Village Administrator or the Public Works Director determines the appropriate water conservation level based on current conditions. Assistant to the Public Works Director Bassuener stated information regarding watering restrictions will be communicated to residents using neighborhood signs, social media, press releases and the Village website. 

Trustee Walrath asked how residents or businesses with a private water supply would be affected by the Village's water restriction ordinance amendment. 

Assistant to the Public Works Director Bassuener stated the restrictions would only affect those who are connected to the Village's water supply. 

Trustee McAlpine stated being proactive on water conservation will benefit the Village in the future because aquifer levels will continue to decrease. 

Trustee Collier asked what the process will be if a resident is found to not be in compliance with the water restrictions. 

Administrator Morimoto stated the Village's goal is always compliance, so education and warnings would precede any fines imposed. 

Mayor Kownick asked if it would be difficult to manage and enforce the permit process regarding new sod. 

Administrator Morimoto state this would apply to mostly commercial development with large areas of sod rather than a homeowner replacing a section of their lawn. 

Director Simmons stated language related to watering restrictions would be included with other building permit conditions when applications are reviewed by the Building Department. Director Simmons stated residents applying for a permit to install new sod or reseed their lawn would be provided with the appropriate watering restriction requirements. 

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward to the June 6, 2023 Village Board meeting an amendment to the Village's outdoor water restriction ordinance. 

VI. Adjourn 


There being no further items to discuss, Mayor Kownick entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m. 

Motion moved by Trustee McAlpine and motion seconded by Trustee Stefani. Motion Passed. 

AYES: Collier, McAlpine, Weinhammer, Dudek, Walrath, Stefani 

NAYS: None. 

