
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Woodstock City Council met July 18

City of Woodstock City Council met July 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:




A. Swearing in of Woodstock Police Officers: 

1. Officer Jarod Baker

2. Sergeant Richard Dolan

3. Detective Sam Gustafson

4. Detective Sergeant George Kopulos

B. Proclamations: 

1. Retirement of Rick Mack, METRA

2. Disability Pride Month

Anyone wishing to address the Council on an item not already on the agenda may do so at this time.

C. Public Comments 

D. Council Comments 


(NOTE: Items under the consent calendar are acted upon in a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Council vote unless: 1) a Council Member requests that an item be removed from the calendar for separate action, or 2) a citizen requests an item be removed and this request is, in turn, proposed by a member of the City Council for separate action.)


1. June 20, 2023 City Council Minutes


1. #4058

2. #4059

3. #4060


1. Arts Commission Minutes April 10, 2023

2. Arts Commission Minutes June 12, 2023

3. Board of Police Commission Minutes March 6, 2023

4. Board of Police Commission Minutes (Draft) June 19, 2023

5. Human Resources Monthly Report February, 2023

6. Human Resources Monthly Report March, 2023

7. Human Resources Monthly Report April, 2023

8. Human Resources Monthly Report May, 2023

9. Human Resources Monthly Report June, 2023

10. Woodstock Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes May 11, 2023


1. Appointments of Commission Members (229a) 

Mayor's Nominations for Appointments to the City’s Commissions. 

2. Ordinance – Liquor License – Events at Ethereal (229b) 

Approval of an Ordinance Amending Title 3, Chapter 3, Liquor Control, of the Woodstock City Code to create one Class A5 (Banquet Hall/event venue) liquor license to be issued to E3 Artisan, Inc. d/b/a Events at Ethereal and removing a Class A6 liquor license (Restaurant/carter) for BBQ Smokehouse, Inc. formerly at 125 E. Calhoun Street.DOC. 1 

3. Ordinance – Liquor License – The Double Yolk Cafe (229c) 

Approval of an Ordinance Amending Title 3, Chapter 3, Liquor Control, of the Woodstock City Code to Code to assign one Class D (Restaurant with no bar) liquor license to be issued to Aces Partners, Inc. d/b/a The Double Yolk Café. DOC. 2 

4. Resolution – IDOT – MFT Resolution for FY23/24 (229d) 

Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code, which appropriates $1,045,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds from May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024. DOC. 3 

5. Contract Award – 2023 Sidewalk Cutting (229e) 

Approval to award a contract for the FY23/24 Sidewalk Cutting Program to the lowest responsible bidder, Hard Rock Concrete Cutters, Inc. of Wheeling, Illinois, in accordance with the unit prices, as submitted, and not to exceed $25,000; and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract subject to final review by the City Attorney.

6. Contract Award – Electrical Improvements at Emricson Park (229f) 

Approval to award a contract, utilizing Home Rule authority and waiving of bids, to Associated Electrical Contractors, LLC of Woodstock, Illinois to provide electrical repair and installation services at Emricson Park for an amount not to exceed $30,800; and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract subject to final review by the City Attorney.

7. Contract Award – 2023 Pavement Marking Program (229g) 

Approval to award a contract for the 2023 Pavement Marking Program to the lowest responsible bidder, Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. from Pine Grove, Illinois, in accordance with the unit prices, as submitted, not to exceed $148,124.31, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract subject to final review by the City Attorney.

8. Professional Services Agreement – SRO Agreement with D200 (229h) 

Approval to execute the Police/High School Liaison Agreement between the Woodstock Community Unit School District 200 and the City of Woodstock for the school year beginning August, 2023 and ending on or about May, 2024. DOC. 4 

9. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Bargaining Units (229i) 

Approval/affirmation of the following MOUs, and authorize the City Manager to execute each of these said agreements:

a. MOU for FOP CBA to create a new pay grade for Evidence Custodian, a new collective bargaining unit full-time position;

b. MOU for Local 150 CBA to hire a Lead Mechanic, a new full-time position, at the 4th step of the current pay grade D and bargain in upcoming negotiations a new pay grade E for this position; and

c. MOU for Local 150 CBA to install GPS in all Public Works vehicles and heavy equipment and outline the impact on employees.

10. Purchase Ratification – LED Wall (229j) Approval to ratify the purchase of an LED Video Light Wall, with installation services, from The AV Professor, LLC for the Woodstock Opera House Main Stage at a cost of $65,100.

11. Expenditure Approval – 2023 Ford Utility Police Inceptor Vehicle (229k) Approval of an expenditure from the FY23/24 CIP budget for: One (1) 2023 Ford Utility Police Interceptor vehicle for $52,345 through Morrow Brothers Ford, Greenfield, IL, as well as, up to $5,000 for all necessary associated equipment and up-fit costs.


A. Bicycle Paths – Dean Street 


VII. ADJOURN – August 1, 2023, 7:00 PM 
