
McHenry Times

Thursday, January 2, 2025

City of Woodstock Plan Commission met July 20

City of Woodstock Plan Commission met July 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

A regular meeting of the Woodstock Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Cody Sheriff at 7:00 PM on Thursday, July 20, 2023, in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall.

A roll call was taken.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch and Chairman Cody Sheriff. Jackie Speciale arrived at 7:05 PM.


STAFF PRESENT: Building and Zoning Director/Staff Liaison Joe Napolitano, City Attorney TJ Clifton, Executive Director of Operations Christina Betz, City Planner Darrell Moore and City Clerk Cindy Smiley.


Motion by Flores, second by Gavers, to approve the Agenda as presented.

Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Paluch and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan and Speciale. Motion carried.


Motion by Paluch, second by Flores, to accept the minutes of the June 15, 2023 Plan Commission meeting, as presented:

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Flores, Bellairs, Gavers, Paluch and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan and Speciale. Motion carried.


There were no comments forthcoming from the Public.


a. Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment from B3 Service and Retail District and  RPUD District to M1 Limited Manufacturing District at 708 McHenry Avenue 

Petitioner:  Ryan E. Peters, Owner 

Chairman Sheriff noted the subject of the Public Hearing, noting it is a continuance. A roll call was taken to establish the presence of a quorum.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch, Jackie Speciale and Chairman Cody Sheriff.


Commissioners Paluch and Gavers recused themselves and exited the Chambers at 7:05 PM. Noting the presence of a quorum, Chairman Sheriff opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM. Petitioner Ryan Peters and attorney Mark Saladin were sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Mr. Saladin stated Ryan Peters is owner of the vacant property at 708 McHenry, noting the front portion of the property is currently zoned B3 and the rear portion is zoned RPUD. He stated the request is to rezone 2+ acres of the property to M1 to allow Mr. Peters to build mini warehouses, noting the surrounding area has mixed uses which have impacted the character of the area. He stated the petitioner will abide by all City-adopted stormwater and wetland regulations. He stated there are also additional setback requirements for the area abutting residential zoning as well as fencing to screen this portion of the property.

Noting he owns several businesses in the area, including the adjacent auto repair business, Mr. Peters stated he hopes to improve the subject property with this proposal. He indicated that the storage use is needed as other existing storage facilities are at capacity. He stated he will address fencing/screening and provide the required setback between the residential area and his property. In response to neighbors’ concerns, he will employ downfacing lighting to mitigate light pollution. Regarding security, Mr. Peters stated he has researched other such locations and found there to be minimal safety issues. A security system with cameras will be installed.

Addressing the history of the property, Mr. Peters stated the previous landscaping business and greenhouses covered far more of the lot than will his proposal, noting he has no intention of going further south into the wooded area.

Mr. Saladin reviewed the zoning standards from the Woodstock Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), noting this petition meets those standards and opined the petition meets the legal standards as set forth on Page 4 of the Staff Report. He noted this is a minimally-invasive use and asked that the Plan Commission provide a positive recommendation.

Mr. Napolitano reviewed the Staff Report noting the surrounding area has mixed use and several different zoning classifications, including M1 which is adjacent to the subject property. He stated approving the request to M1 would not be much of a change for the front portion of the property noting the impact may come in the rear portion. He noted the UDO does contemplate having M 1 zoning adjacent to residential, with additional screening and setback requirements. He stated if the Plan Commission believes these M-1 standards can sufficiently mitigate the residents’ concerns, then the requested zoning is appropriate.

Mr. Napolitano reminded the Commission that conditions cannot be attached to a rezoning request. The City will need to rely on the UDO standards and the Project Review Guidelines for building elevations, landscaping, lighting and screening for any development that is located on the property.

Mr. Moore provided further information on the landscaping requirements. Mr. Saladin acknowledged the site must be appropriately screened and noted there would be a commitment to provide additional landscaping around the back of the property. Mr. Moore provided information on the project review standards.

Mr. Napolitano reviewed the uses allowed in M1 zoning that are not allowed in B3 zoning. He called attention to the information provided to the Commission from nearby residents who object to this petition, including a petition signed by seven residents.

There were no questions forthcoming from the Commission members at this time. The floor was opened for Public Comments.

Carol Malmgren, 671 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Ms. Malmgren expressed concern about the specifications of the size of the two portions of the properties, stating she would like to have a specific description of the properties proposed to be rezoned and would like to know how far expansion would be allowed southward. She stated she would not object to rezoning the B1 part of the property, as it is along Rt. 120, but does object to rezoning the property along Flagg Lane, noting the property ownership may change.

Ms. Malmgren opined the watershed and stormwater management cannot be discounted, noting her huge concern because of past problems. She also expressed concern about what this proposal will do to property values on Flagg Lane and the impact it will have on the wildlife in the area.

Lance Kubicek, 671 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Mr. Kubicek detailed his experience in home building, inspection, and building and zoning. Noting the property next to his was zoned RPUD, he stated he has never seen a zoning change from residential to manufacturing anywhere. He noted the petitioner knew the property was zoned RPUD when he purchased it. In response to his question, Mr. Napolitano stated the required setback for buildings would be 20 feet and 10 feet for parking.

Patricia Ruleau, 655 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Ms. Ruleau stated they are new owners on Flagg Lane and expressed concern that the proposal will impact the land as expressed by other speakers. She stated they purchased their home because of the wetlands, knowing they could not be built upon and hoping they would stay that way. Stating they had been told drainage is an issue, she stated there are five different sewer drains that come to the property, which could be impacted. She questioned the community’s needs for another storage facility, opining it is not appropriate for this area. She also questioned the employment benefits mentioned in the Staff Report, opining there are not many with this type of facility.

Daniel Baron, 661 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Expressing agreement with other residents’ previous comments, Mr. Baron stated there has been an issue with flooding. He stated he has a sewer drain on his property, which occasionally floods, noting flooding is a concern for him as they start construction.

In response to Mr. Baron’s question as to whether the petitioner could expand until the business fills up the entire property, Mr. Napolitano stated he could not, noting there are setback requirements and that the petitioner also would have to meet stormwater management standards. Chairman Sheriff stated the property included in the rezoning is about as far south as can be developed because of wetlands. Noting there could still be expansion, Mr. Baron expressed concern about this and also about expansion to possible boat or motor home storage. Mr. Napolitano stated outdoor storage is allowed, but the petitioner would have to come back to the Plan Commission and the City Council to receive a Special Use Permit, upon which conditions could be placed.

Asking why everything has to be rezoned, Mr. Baron expressed concern that the petitioner could sell to someone for another use. Chairman Sheriff noted that is the request before the Commission. Mr. Napolitano explained the area being requested to be rezoned in relation to Flagg Lane, noting that the proposed rezoning would extend south the length of four lots. The remaining area would not be rezoned.

Sheldon Pagano, 755 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Ms. Pagano stated hers is one of the four properties in question in relation to the rezoning request. She expressed agreement with previous comments and concerns about the orientation of the buildings, requesting this be changed. Stating she has small children, Ms. Sheldon also expressed concern with the hours people will have access to this property.

Greg Smith, 676 Flagg Lane, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Mr. Smith expressed agreement with previous comments. He stated as they start taking down the trees, he has standing water on the back of his lot, which has never happened before. He expressed concern about asphalt on the property and how this will affect the water, and whether it will go onto his property. Chairman Sheriff noted Woodstock has adopted the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance, stating the petitioner would need detention on the site which could actually improve drainage in the surrounding area.

There being no further comments, Chairman Sheriff closed the Public Comment portion of the Hearing and opened the floor for petitioner response.

Mr. Saladin expressed appreciation for the neighbors’ concerns. He stated it is their wish to have a project that makes sense regarding adherence to the ordinances, reiterating the petitioner would have to comply with the Stormwater Management Ordinance and not create more water problems. He stated a survey and a legal description were provided as part of the filing. Mr. Saladin stated they cannot develop any further south of the area requested for rezoning, so there would be no further additions to the parcel. He stated the petitioner is willing to enter into a development agreement, which would be enforceable and provide appropriate safeguards.

Mr. Saladin stated the petitioner will also have to appear before the City Council who can turn it down if they feel it is not appropriate and opined the concept plan will change. He stated stormwater management is always a critical issue and they will comply. Mr. Saladin stated he knows Mr. Peters has investigated the need for this project, noting the other storage facilities are either full or nearly full, some with waiting lists.

Chairman Sheriff opened the floor for Commission discussion.

In response to Commissioner Bellairs’ questions concerning how much further the units would go beyond where the greenhouses were and how much area is not being rezoned, Mr. Saladin called attention to the Staff Report describing this. He stated a little under five acres will remain. He stated they envision the landscaping going up almost to the property line.

Commissioner Flores had no further comments.

Chairman Sheriff noted the concept plan as presented is preliminary and will change as setbacks and stormwater detention are incorporated into the plan. He stated in his experience, when a new development is built to comply with stormwater management requirements, the release of stormwater is more controlled, opining this could alleviate some of the current drainage concerns. In response to Chairman Sheriff’s question, Mr. Napolitano stated that lighting standards must be shielded so that no light spills across property lines.

Noting this parcel has sat vacant for 15 years, Chairman Sheriff opined rezoning of the property would make development possible.

Commissioner Speciale thanked all for their comments. She stated the idea of a development agreement offsets some of her uncertainty, noting her discomfort with the RPUD, which the neighbors knew it had, changing to M1 with the other uses that could come with that zoning. She also expressed concern with what could be put up in the B3 area and the impact that could have.

Chairman Sheriff polled the Commission.

Commissioner Bellairs expressed support.

Commissioner Flores stated based upon public comments and his opinion that there is not enough hardship for the owners, he does not feel it is appropriate.

Chairman Sheriff opined it is appropriate as it is unlikely the parcel will be developed in the future. Commissioner Speciale opined it is not appropriate.

Motion by Sheriff, second by Bellairs, to recommend approval of a zoning map amendment from B3 Service and Retail District and RPUD Single Family Residential District to M1 Limited Manufacturing District for the property at 708 McHenry Avenue, noting that the request meets the approval criteria listed in Section 4.3.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance in accordance with the findings included in the Staff Report.

A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Bellairs and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: Flores and Speciale. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Gavers, Paluch, and Ryan. Motion failed 2-2.

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:01 PM

Commissioners Paluch and Gavers returned to the Chambers and rejoined the proceedings at 8:02 PM.

b) Public Hearing – Special Use Permit to allow Outdoor Storage of Recreational  Vehicles on Lot 3, Castle Road Petitioner: Gerald Rizza, Owner

Chairman Sheriff identified the subject of the Public Hearing.

A roll call was taken to establish the presence of a quorum.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch, Jackie Speciale and Chairman Cody Sheriff.


Mr. Napolitano confirmed the Public Hearing was property noticed.

Commissioner Paluch recused herself and exited the Chambers at 8:03 PM. Chairman Sheriff confirmed the presence of a quorum and opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 PM.

Petitioner Gerald Rizza, 36W388 Huntley Rd., W. Dundee, Illinois, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Mr. Rizza stated he owns several lots on Castle Road, which have been vacant for some time. He wishes to create an area for outside storage units for recreational vehicles, which requires a Special Use Permit (SUP). He stated the project will have fencing and landscaping, and will have 38 parking spaces, and further described the fencing, lighting and security measures. He clarified that he would like permission as part of the SUP review to use asphalt grindings for the storage surface.

Mr. Napolitano reviewed the Staff Report, noting that the proposed use will fit in with the character of the area. He noted there is multi-family residential properties to the east, stating Staff has discussed with the petitioner providing more variety in the landscaping, such as a couple of deciduous trees, which will help block views of the use from the apartments. Regarding drainage, Mr. Napolitano stated the petitioner will be required to meet the stormwater management ordinance requirements. Staff is also recommending that slats be put in the fence along the side and rear lot lines. Mr. Rizza opined it would provide more security if the area could be seen through the fence.

Chairman Sheriff opened the floor for Commission questions.

In response to a question from Commissioner Speciale, Chairman Sheriff stated the grindings will not lift in the rain.

Regarding the screening mentioned, Commissioner Gavers noted this is in an area with people around it. In response to Commissioner Gavers’ questions and comments, Mr. Rizza provided information on how the setback can be used for landscaping.

Chairman Sheriff opined this is an appropriate use for the area. He noted this is another request to use asphalt grindings and expressed concern about setting a precedence, as the area may develop at some point. He supported the conditions outlined in the Staff Report.

Commissioner Flores agreed with the comments of his fellow Commissioners. He asked Mr. Napolitano about Staff’s feelings regarding the use of asphalt grindings. Mr. Napolitano noted the City Engineer would prefer pavement over grindings. He opined it is a matter of aesthetics as pavement is more durable and grindings may require more maintenance. He noted; however, this area is largely undeveloped and there is a gravel driveway at the adjacent house.

Commissioner Gavers noted his experience with grindings, opining it cannot be put in the same class as gravel. He stated they produce much less dust, retain more moisture and stay when compacted. He stated he has no problem with the request to use grindings.

Commissioner Bellairs stated he does not have a problem with the grindings as they will be enclosed by a fence.

In response to a question from Chairman Sheriff, there were no comments forthcoming from the Public.

Chairman Sheriff opened the floor for Commission comment.

Chairman Sheriff stated he will not deny the use of the grindings, opining it is appropriate in this specific use and is in favor of the conditions outlined in the Staff Report.

Commissioners Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, and Speciale expressed support of the conditions.

Motion by Bellairs, second by Gavers, to recommend approval of a Special Use Permit to allow Outdoor Storage of Recreational Vehicles on Lot 3, Castle Road, in substantial accordance with the plans submitted and subject to the following conditions:

1) Slats shall be included in the proposed chain link fence along the side and rear property lines to screen views of the outdoor storage from adjoining properties; and 

2) Landscaping and fencing along the Castle Road frontage shall be enhanced to provide a more aesthetic appearance of the use from the multi-family property to the east.

With these conditions, the request meets the approval criteria listed in Section 4.4.7 and the supplemental standards found in Section 7B.2.26 of the Unified Development Ordinance, in accordance with the findings included in the Staff Report.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Speciale, and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Paluch and Ryan. Motion carried.

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:29 PM.

Commissioner Paluch returned to the Chambers and rejoined the proceedings at 8:30 PM.

At Chairman Sheriff’s suggestion, the Plan Commission agreed to consider the items under New Business and complete review of the remaining Old Business immediately after.


a) Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment from M1 Limited Manufacturing District to B3 Service and Retail District, and a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a Residential Unit on the Second Floor at 210 N. Seminary Avenue. Petitioner: Liberator Auto Works, LLC, Owner.

Chairman Sheriff identified the subject of the Public Hearing.

Mr. Moore stated the Public Hearing was properly noticed as required.

A roll call was taken to establish the presence of a quorum.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch, Jackie Speciale, and Chairman Cody Sheriff.


Mr. Moore confirmed the Public Hearing was properly noticed.

Noting the presence of a quorum, Chairman Sheriff opened the Public Hearing at 8:30 PM. Petitioner William Lawson was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Mr. Lawson stated his request is to rezone his property located at 210 N. Seminary from M1 to B3 with a Special Use Permit. Describing the work he has put into the property, he stated he feels this is a solid investment and is looking for ways to generate revenue. He stated he also wants to make Woodstock look better. Mr. Lawson stated he could have rented the building early in the process, but decided to rethink what he wants to do with the building, including the possibility of putting a nice apartment on the 2nd floor. Noting the other residences in the neighborhood, including Emerson Lofts, he opined there is a lot of interest in this use. He further opined it would be good to have a good looking building in this area as Rt. 47 is improved and people come into the Square on Judd Street.

Mr. Moore presented the Staff Report noting there are two parts to this request, the rezoning from M1 Limited Manufacturing District to B3 Service and Retail District, and the SUP to allow a residential unit above a business.

He stated Staff views this as a changing area of the City, from industrial uses to less intense uses. The property abuts two residential zoning districts with B3 across the street. Mr. Moore stated this was a building in need of investment and found someone who will invest in it, noting the design of the building lends itself to a residential unit upstairs He stated the standards have been met for both rezoning and the SUP. Mr. Moore stated the Commission may want to confirm in the motion for approval that only a single residential unit is being requested, as the code could be interpreted to allow multiple units.

The floor was opened for Commission questions.

In response to a question from Commissioner Paluch, Mr. Lawson described the access to the building, noting the interior access for the residence would be segregated from the rest of the building. Given the building layout, providing access to multiple units may not be possible.

Commissioner Gavers approved of Mr. Lawson’s vision for the building. In response to his question, Mr. Lawson stated there would not be an issue of noise coming from the business below due to the concrete construction of the building. In response to Commissioner Gavers’ question, Mr. Lawson noted six parking spaces are available in front of the building, with 30 spaces located in back.

Commissioner Speciale thanked Mr. Lawson for his vision and investment in Woodstock. In response to her question regarding sprinkling the property, Mr. Moore stated it is Staff’s understanding there is not enough square feet being altered to require sprinkling.

Commissioner Flores opined this is not a great location for an apartment, but stated he does see the petitioner’s hardship in trying to make the building better. He also sees the need for more rental property in Woodstock, so supports the request.

Commissioner Bellairs thanked the petitioner for trying to improve the area, and supports the request.

In response to a question from Chairman Sheriff, Mr. Moore provided information on the minimum square footage required for various rental spaces. Noting Mr. Lawson’s statement that this will be a 2,000 sf. apartment, Chairman Sheriff opined it is large enough for more than one apartment.

There being no further questions forthcoming from the Commission, Chairman Sheriff opened the floor for Public Comment.

There were no comments forthcoming from the Public.

The floor was opened for Commission discussion.

Commissioner Paluch echoed the comments from her fellow Commissioners, opining the petitioner has shown interest in improving an area of the city that needs it. She stated what is before the Commission is whether the zoning is appropriate and the special use criteria have been met. She stated she agreed with Staff’s report that the standards, as well as the requirements, have been met by the petitioner.

Commissioners Gavers, Speciale, Flores, and Bellairs expressed support.

Chairman Sheriff expressed support stating he does not feel the need to limit the number of units.

Motion by Paluch, second by Gavers, to recommend approval of a zoning map amendment from M1 Light Manufacturing District to the B3 Service and Retail District and a Special Use Permit to allow an apartment above a business at 210 North Seminary Avenue, noting the approval criteria in Sections 4.3.6 ad 4.4.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance have been met, in accordance with the findings included in the Staff Report.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Paluch, Speciale, and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan. Motion carried.

The Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:54 PM

b) Public Hearing – Variation to allow a Gravel Surface Parking Lot and Access Drive  at the Southeast corner of Dean Street and Hercules Road. Petitioner: The Land Conservancy of McHenry County, Owner.

Chairman Sheriff identified the subject of the Public Hearing.

Mr. Moore stated the Public Hearing was properly noticed as required.

A roll call was taken to establish the presence of a quorum.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch, Jackie Speciale, and Chairman Cody Sheriff.


Mr. Moore confirmed the Public Hearing was properly noticed.

Noting the presence of a quorum, Chairman Sheriff opened the Public Hearing at 8:55 PM. Gretchen Madison, representing the Petitioner, was sworn in by Chairman Sheriff.

Ms. Madison explained the work of The Land Conservancy and the history of the property, stating the organization is excited to be building a food forest on it and noting it will be an educational experience. She opined paving the parking lot would be at odds with the goals of the food forest, stating it is about being in nature and the entire interaction. She stated this is also in line with the historical use of the property which has been farmed. Noting the Land Conservancy is a not-for profit, she stated they needed a grant to do this project, much of which would be eaten up by paving the parking lot.

Mr. Moore provided the Staff Report, noting all the Land Conservancy brings to the community. He stated the question before the Commission is whether a variation for a gravel parking lot is warranted and whether it is felt the petitioner has offered suitable information to establish a hardship.

The floor was opened for Commission questions.

Commissioners Bellairs and Flores opined they see no problem with a gravel parking lot with the use identified.

Commissioner Paluch opined a gravel parking lot would be a benefit for the environmentally sensitive character of the property, which could be a factor in establishing a hardship.

Commissioner Gavers opined a paved surface could be problematic because of the freeze/thaw at this location. In response to his questions, Ms. Madison stated the lot will be maintained by The Land Conservancy and there likely will be no gate. Commissioner Gavers opined a paved approach will be needed for safety reasons due to the location of the property.

In response to a question from Commissioner Speciale, Mr. Moore explained what would happen should this request be granted and the property subsequently sold, stating if the variation is granted it can be limited to the current owner and use. City Attorney Clifton agreed.

In response to a question from Chairman Sheriff, there were no comments forthcoming from the Public.

The floor was opened for Commission discussion.

Commission Paluch opined the petition meets three of the standards necessary for establishing a hardship and believes the requirements have been met. It is consistent with the character of the vicinity, aligns with the environmental conditions of the property, and provides benefit to the community.

Commissioners Speciale, Flores, and Chairman Sheriff agreed with Commissioner Paluch’s comments.

Motion by Paluch, second by Bellairs, to recommend a variation from the Woodstock Unified Development Ordinance to allow a proposed parking lot and access driveway to have a gravel surface instead of the required paved surface at the property generally located at the southeast corner of Dean Street and Hercules Road in accordance with the discussion this evening and agreement that the points made regarding approval criteria for a variation have been met as listed in 4.5.7 and noting the variation shall be restricted to the use of the property as a food forest under The Land Conservancy ownership.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Paluch, Speciale, and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan. Motion carried.

The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:20 PM.


c) Public Hearing – Text Amendments to Various Sections of the Unified Development  Ordinance 

Chairman Sheriff identified the subject of the Public Hearing.

Mr. Napolitano stated this is a continuation of the Public Hearing which was properly noticed as required.

A roll call was taken to establish the presence of a quorum.

PLAN COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bellairs, Arturo Flores, Steve Gavers, Doreen Paluch, Jackie Speciale and Chairman Cody Sheriff.


Noting the presence of a quorum, Chairman Sheriff opened the Public Hearing at 9:23 PM.

Mr. Napolitano stated these changes are mainly to help the City’s Code Enforcement Officers with enforcement. He stated it is hoped to make the City Code clear and concise so when the Code Enforcement Officers are called, it is easier for them to resolve the matter.

Mr. Napolitano first reviewed the recommended changes, additions, and/or deletions, including language regarding Vehicle Parking/Storage in all Zoning Districts. This included the General Description, Definitions, Accessory Uses, and Use of Parking Facilities. He stated in many cases the language is being proposed to be consistent with the Motor Vehicle Code. He stated it also is to provide consistent language throughout the City Code, provide better definition and clarification, and remove redundant language.

Discussion ensued of some of the changes with no suggested changes made by the Commission to Staff’s recommendations.

Mr. Napolitano then reviewed the suggested changes for Cannabis Dispensing Organizations. Noting the City has currently approved one dispensary that has yet to receive its license, he stated that dispensary has asked the City to look at ways to help make it be successful. He stated the only thing Staff is comfortable with would be limiting the number of dispensaries as reflected in the proposed changes.

Discussion of these changes ensued with Mr. Napolitano again stating this is at the request of the dispensary. Commissioner Paluch opined this would deny the opportunity to other cannabis businesses, which would not be of any benefit to the City.

Mr. Napolitano then reviewed the Short-Term Rental Comparison stating the question is whether the Commission is interested in including regulations for short-term rentals in the Code. Noting the current regulations for Bed & Breakfasts, he stated the Code is silent regarding short-term rentals. He provided information on how other communities address this issue and stated the positives and negatives of regulation.

Commission discussion ensued of the issue with Commissioner Gavers noting Woodstock is a destination to which people want to come, but there are no hotels. Commissioner Paluch opined there is potential room to regulate this, but the City must determine how.

Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that short-term rentals should be permitted in all residential districts. It was also the consensus that the number of units allowed in the city should not be limited, the distance between them should not be regulated, and the rentals should be licensed, not through the UDO but possibly through a business license.

Mr. Napolitano stated the regulations and licensing would fall under the City Code. He stated he will provide further information in accordance with this evening’s discussion.

Motion by Paluch, second by Flores, to recommend approval of text amendments to various sections of the Unified Development Ordinance in accordance with the language in the Memorandum to the Plan Commission for the June 15, 2023 Plan Commission meeting, and subject to any modifications made by the Plan Commission during consideration of these amendments with the exception of that related to Chapter 7B.2.10.A Cannabis Business Establishments.

A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Paluch, Speciale, and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan. Motion carried.

The Public Hearing was closed at 10:01 PM.


Stating the next regular meeting date is Thursday, August 17, 2023, Mr. Napolitano noted this is the date of the Grand Opening of the Old Courthouse Center. He requested that the meeting be changed to Thursday, August 24th to allow Staff and Commission members to attend. It was the consensus of the Commission to change the date as requested.


Motion by Paluch, second by Speciale, to adjourn this regular meeting of the Plan Commission to a Special Meeting on Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall.

Ayes: Bellairs, Flores, Gavers, Paluch, Speciale, and Chairman Sheriff. Nays: None. Abstentions: none. Absentees: Ryan. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM.




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