
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met July 19

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met July 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at Crystal Lake City Hall.

2. Roll Call/Attendance

Present were the following committee members: Steve Platt, Amy Olson, Carol Elkins, Simon Gibson, Cordell Crane, Jen Oliver, and Emilie Hoffman. Members of the public in attendance were Vignesh Tiruvannamalai and Management Analyst Josh Allain.

3. Public Comment

Vignesh Tiruvannamalai presented an item for the Committee to consider for publishing on the City’s social media account. Vignesh has created items in the past for the Committee’s review. The Committee approved of the new focus that will deviate from past topics. Amy Olson requested that the social media post mention the topic of plastic recycling at grocery stores, Josh Allain confirmed this will be possible. The Committee discussed the importance of calling out specific recycling and disposal locations for items such as plastic bags. Amy Olson, Jen Oliver, and Carol Elkins researched possible stores who will collect the specialty items. Simon Gibson inquired on how the Committee can begin to better educate and promote the topic of plastic bag recycling to the public through communications. The group discussed the possibility of having a recycling themed social media post for the following month. Following the discussion of social media posts on recycling, Steve Platt asked the Committee how they can get in touch with businesses to partner with them for plastic bag recycling at their stores.

Following discussions on recycling and social media, the Committee focused on the 2023 Green Business Designation program. The Committee talked about taking a more active role in the promotion and recognition of businesses who received the designation. The Committee talked about the possibility of recognizing businesses on social media, with window decals showing the official emblem, and the possibility of having City Council recognition. Josh Allain explained that the City does recognition for commercial business anniversaries and new businesses on social media, so social media would be a possibility. Steve Platt brought up the idea of having some formal get together event for all businesses who received this designation. The group ended the discussion of the Green Businesses Designation program and decided that recognition in newsletters, social media, and some form of council recognition would be preferred methods.

4. Chairperson and Vice Chair Selection

Before beginning the vote for the Char and Vice Chair, the Committee discussed past position holders. Cordell Crane said that he believed the Committee should expand their scope to discuss City wide sustainability initiatives and that they should be working with the Fire department on the City’s emergency response initiatives in the case of disasters. The group discussed what could qualify the Committee to be expanding its scope from environmental sustainability to City sustainability issues.

Amy Olson nominated Carol Elkins for the position of Sustainability Committee Chairperson, Jen Oliver seconded this motion. All Committee members presented voted aye, Carol Elkins was unanimously voted as the Chairperson.

Carol Elkins nominated Amy Olson for the position of Sustainability Committee Vice Chair and Jen Oliver nominated Cordell Crane for the position of Sustainability Committee Vice Chair. All Committee members presented voted and unanimously elected Amy Olson as the Vice Chair.

5. 2023 Goals: Greenest Region Compact / Mayor’s Monarch Pledge

a. Focus: Recycling and Composting

The Committee wants to review the GRC and has requested that copies of it be sent out to the group. Amy Olson would like to have members of the Committee review the documents and outline which items they believe the Committee should focus its attention on. As a part of the larger discussion on recycling, Simon Gibson brought up the importance of recycling clothing. Simon Gibson and Carol Elkins spoke of methods to recycle clothing. Amy Olson brought up the impacts and benefits that clothing donations can have. Carol Elkins focused the group back on to the five pillars of the Greenest Region Compact. Carol wanted to know where the City was at in regards to gardens that were being created in front of City Hall.

6. Johnny Appleseed Festival: September 30

Jen Oliver talked about the possibility of setting up a table at the event that focused on recycling. The Committee asked if they will have a budget for this event. Cordell Crane asked if the table will provide some form of entertainment for people at the Festival. The Committee prefers to create some form of a game that will get children to interact with the table and allow members of the Committee to talk to families about environmental sustainability topics. The Committee also talked about creating some form of branded “swag” that could be given out at the Festival.

7. Open Discussion


8. Next Meeting: August 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

9. Adjourn

There being no further business, Cordell Crane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Amy Olson seconded the motion. On voice vote, all voted aye. Motion passed.
