
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Aug. 19

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Aug. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. Wednesday, August 19, 2023 at Crystal Lake City  Hall.  

2. Roll Call/Attendance 

Present were the following committee members: Steve Platt, Amy Olsen, Carol Elkins, Simon  Gibson, Jen Oliver, Terry Dieckhoff, and Emilie Hoffman. Members of the public in attendance  were Management Analyst Josh Allain and former committee member Scott Kuykendall.  

3. Public Comment 

Scott Kuykendall, Water Resource Specialist with McHenry County Planning and Development  came to speak with the Committee about the McHenry County Water Forum event. Scott informed  the Committee that this event will focus on water conservation this year. While speaking, Scott  also talked to the committee about water conservation topics including the “Flume” device. This  device was said to be a useful tool that the Committee should look into, as it can track the water  usage within households. Steve Platt asked Scott about other similar devices.  

Event flyers were distributed to all members of the Committee. Scott continued to talk to the  Committee about the importance of water conservation and the impacts that can face our  community and region in the future if we face water shortages. Simon Gibson asked Scott about  the concept of conservation pricing for water. A detailed description of water collection, the use of  aquifers, and Lake Michigan water access was provided by Scott. Carol Elkins asked if other  communities in the region are also implementing water conservation pricing. Following the topic  of water collection and conservation, Steve inquired on the topics of flooding. Scott informed  Steve that the City of Crystal Lake has done a great job at mitigating this. The Committee asked if  Scott would be willing to present his water modeling displays at the Johnny Appleseed Festival. He said he would.  

4. Approval of Minutes from the May 17, 2023 Meeting  

Simon Gibson moved to approve the minutes from the May 17, 2023 meeting. Jen Oliver seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed. 

5. Approval of Minutes from the July 19, 2023 Meeting 

Emilie Hoffman moved to approve the minutes from the July 19, 2023 meeting. Simon Gibson  seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed. 

6. 2023 Goals: Greenest Region Compact / Mayor’s Monarch Pledge 

a. Focus: Recycling and Composting 

Carol Elkins and Josh Allain walked the Committee through where the City is at with the  Mayors Monarch Pledge. The topic of public art for the program was focused on. Josh  informed the Committee that he can speak with the member of City Staff who works with the 

Public Arts Commission to see if they have anything planned in relation to Monarch  Butterflies. Carol asked Jen Oliver to champion the public arts project. The Committee  discussed a few possible solutions for the public art piece. First, the idea of having children  from the schools in Crystal Lake complete some form of temporary chalk art pieces was  proposed. The idea of a possible piece of temporary wall art was proposed. Carol reminded the  Committee that this project also needed some form of a cultural element as well. It was  proposed that this art tie in an education element regarding the migration of monarchs to  Mexico.  

Amy Olsen asked where the City was at with implementation of signage at pollinator pockets.  Josh informed Amy that conversations are being had with Public Works for the creation of these signs. Carol asked if something can be done to remove the Oriental Pear at Three Oaks  Recreation Area. Josh told Carol that conversations can be had with staff from Three Oaks  Recreation Area. Carol Elkins brought up the portion of the pledge that asks the City to  encourage developers to plant native plants. Josh let the Committee know that we can speak  with the planning department to see what we can do to encourage this. Emilie Hoffman asked  what can be done to complete some type of survey to poll the community on environmental  topics that they want the Committee to focus on. The Committee will consider the use of a  survey moving forward.  

7. Johnny Appleseed Festival: September 30 

The Committee talked about availability for the event. The Committee agreed to divide the day  into sections and take turns managing the event. The Committee agreed to follow up with Scott  Kuykendall about his availability for the festival. Simon Gibson asked what the Committee  planned on doing for passing information out at the event. The Committee agreed to use a QR  code that passerbys can scan with their phones. Conversations are still on going for some sort of a  children’s activity. The Committee agreed that a coloring activity tying back to the Monarch  Pledge would be a good thing for kids to do. Many different display and themes were brought up  for the event, but the Committee ultimately agreed to focus on the Mayors Monarch Pledge.  

8. Discuss possible topics for event handouts.  


9. Open Discussion 

The Committee talked about refurbishing the Green Business Designation Program. Josh Allain  walked the Committee through his proposed changes to the program after reviewing it and hearing  comments regarding how the program has operated in the past. Committee members agreed to  adjust the calendar structure for submission, and to find a way to increase the amount of  recognition that the businesses receive.  

10. Next Meeting: September 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. 

11. Adjourn 

There being no further business, Terry Dieckhoff moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Steve  Platt seconded the motion. On voice vote, all voted aye. Motion Passed
