City of Crystal Lake City Council met Oct. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes – September 19, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting
5. Accounts Payable
6. Public Presentation
The public is invited to make an issue oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. The public comment may be no longer than 5 minutes in duration. Interrogation of the City staff, Mayor or City Council will not be allowed at this time, nor will any comment from the Council. Personal invectives against City staff or elected officials are not permitted.
7. Mayor's Report
8. City Council Reports
9. Consent Agenda
a. Special Event Request - Festival of Lights Parade, Street Closure, Parking Restrictions, and Fee Waiver – November 24, 2023
b. Class 16 Temporary Liquor License Request – Knights of Columbus Council #10678 (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton) – Saturday, October 7, 2023
c. Class 20 Temporary Liquor License Request – NISRA Foundation
10. Break Monster 5K Fun Run and Walk Special Event Request and Police Assistance Fee Waiver – October 27, 2023
11. City Code Amendment to Increase the Number of Class 13 Liquor Licenses – Applicant: Shree Pashwa Inc., d/b/a Mobil Mart, 250 N. Route 31
12. City Code Amendment to Increase the Number of Class 15 Liquor Licenses – Applicant: Olio E Vino LLC d/b/a The Olive Tap, 68 N. Williams Street
13. 370 Greenview Drive - Simplified Residential Zoning Variation from the required 30-foot setback for a six-foot tall fence in the side yard abutting a street, allowing a five-foot setback
14. 99 Maple Street - Simplified Residential Zoning Variations to allow a detached garage greater than 600 square feet five feet from the interior side yard, an encroachment of two feet into the required 7- foot side yard setback, and five feet from the rear yard, an encroachment of 15 feet into the required 20-foot rear yard setback
15. 850 S. Route 31, Rita Corporation - Sign Variation to allow a freestanding sign exceeding the maximum height and square footage to allow a sign 8.9 feet high and 89.70 square feet
16. Midwestern Higher Education Compact Cooperative Purchasing Program for Desktop and Laptop Computers
17. Bid Award – Three Oaks Recreation Area Storage Building Concrete Installation 18. Proposal Award - Design Engineering Services for the Oak Street Improvements
Appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for Design Engineering Services related to the Oak Street Improvements
19. Proposal Award - Consultant Selection for Wastewater Engineering Services 20. Bid Award - Tree Pruning Services Contract
21. Board and Commission Reappointments – Historic Preservation Commission 22. Board and Commission Reappointments – Sustainability Committee
23. Council Inquiries and Requests
24. Adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters of pending and probable litigation, the sale, purchase or lease of real property, collective bargaining and personnel
25. Reconvene to Regular Session
26. Adjourn