
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Historic Preservation Commission met Oct. 5

Webp 18

Ellen Brady, Re-Elect Ellen Brady Help Ellen with her re-election campaign by clicking Donate Now Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.ellenbradycrystallakecitycouncil.com/

Ellen Brady, Re-Elect Ellen Brady Help Ellen with her re-election campaign by clicking Donate Now Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.ellenbradycrystallakecitycouncil.com/

City of Crystal Lake Historic Preservation Commission met Oct. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1) Call to Order

B. Wyman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2) Roll Call/Attendance

The following Commission members were present, Judi Halter, Nancy Haskins, Bob Kosin, Brittany Niequist, and, Bob Wyman.  Ana Freund, Diana Kenney, and Lisa Solak were absent.  City Planner, Elizabeth Maxwell, was present for staff.  

3) Public Comment


4) Approval of Minutes of the September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting

B. Niequist make a motion to approve the minutes.  B. Kosin seconded the motion.  On voice vote all voted aye.  Motion passed.

5) 217 Edgewater Drive Demolition

Chris Howard was present to discuss the proposed demolition.  He stated his wife’s mother grew up on the lake on Leonard Parkway.  In 2016 they purchased 233 Edgewater Drive.  This was just for the summer.  They want to purchase this property and build a new home to live in year round.  He stated he does not think this house is that old as it has a poured concrete foundation.  He will keep the garage and build a new house.

B. Wyman said he researched the property and it is over 50 years old.  The architecture is not great.  The Commission looks at if a prominent person in the community lived there or if there is significant architecture.  There is nothing historic that sticks out in this property that would qualify.  The other members of the Commission did not have any concerns with the demolition.  J. Halter stated this will be a nice lot.  The applicant thanked the Commission and left. 

6) Trolley Tour 2024

B. Niequist looked at the previous moved/removed tour book and at some of the more obscure properties and thought some needed to be featured again.  They agreed that there are some good homes from the previous tour.  On the removed, they should focus on the ones that would encourage people to landmark their property so that important structures cannot be removed.  There were lots of hotels that were removed; Pingry Hotel, Crystal Lake Hotel, Leonard Parkway Hotel.  N. Haskins said she has a video of the Pingry Hotel being torn down.  They need to keep the area geographically tight and to stay away from the Lake.  

They could create some posters illustrating the removed homes so the riders could see what they are talking about.  J. Halter likes that idea, which would help them better visualize the former structure on the lot.  If anyone is still upset about the Pump House that is a reason to landmark properties.

B. Wyman asked for the moved/removed tour book to be scanned in and sent to everyone.  They should all make a list that can be finalized at the November meeting.  J. Halter mentioned the big purple house at Oriole Trail and McHenry Avenue.  B. Niequist said she is working with a friend of hers at 115 Elmhurst that was a moved house from where Kalck’s is now.  She also noted a lot of the “removed” structures were not voluntary as they burned down.  Maybe that could be a third category.  

7) Presentation on McCormick Memorial Park

B. Wyman and B. Kosin presented the history of the area.  The park was platted as part of the Crystalville town.  There was an old route along Route 14 going to the lead mines in Galena.  This was a park with old hitching posts.  When they were looking for significant places, Crystal Lake selected this park and so it is plaqued and has a time capsule that should be open in 2036.  Reverend Edwin McCormick was a pastor at the local St. Thomas church.  Thousands wanted the park renamed after his unexpected passing.  They showed a photo of a young, former Commission Member Jim Wyman attending the services for the pastor.  

B. Kosin and B. Wyman stated they will proceed with the application.  There was questions regarding what will be protected with the landmark, would the trees be protected, the Chamber building façade, etc.  That will be clarified with the application.  

8) Member Inquiries and Reports


9) Adjournment

There being no further business, J. Halter made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  N. Haskins seconded the motion.  On voice vote, all members voted aye.  The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
