
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Huntley Plan Commission met Oct. 24

Webp 23

Trustee Ronda Goldman | Village of Huntley Website

Trustee Ronda Goldman | Village of Huntley Website

Village of Huntley Plan Commission met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairwoman Dawn Ellison called to order the Village of Huntley Plan Commission meeting for October 24, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Municipal Complex Village Board Room at 10987 Main Street, Huntley, Illinois 60142.


Chairwoman Ellison led the Pledge of Allegiance.


PLAN  COMMISSIONERS: Commissioners Ron Hahn, Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Terra DeBaltz and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Ric Zydorowicz

ALSO PRESENT: Director of Development Services Charles Nordman and Senior Planner Scott Bernacki 

4. Public Comment: 


5. Approval of Minutes 

A. Approval of the July 25, 2022 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes

A MOTION was made to approve the July 25, 2022 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes.  

MOVED: Commissioner Jeff Peterson 

SECONDED: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz 

AYES: Commissioners Ron Hahn, Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison 

NAYS: None 

ABSTAIN: Commissioners Jeff Peterson and Terra DeBaltz 


6. Petition(s) 

A. Petition No. 22-10.02, Lennar Communities of Chicago, LLC, Petitioner and Owner, Relating to ±63.36 acres commonly known as Pod 10 of the Talamore Subdivision, Request is for consideration of a Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat of Subdivision pursuant to the requirements of Section 156.204 of the Huntley Zoning Ordinance.

Chairwoman Ellison turned to Village staff to begin the PowerPoint presentation to review the petition.

Senior Planner Scott Bernacki introduced the request from the petitioner for Final Planned Unit Development and a Final Plat of Subdivision for Talamore Pod 10.

The aerials were reviewed to show the 63.36 acre property which has been re-zoned for residential development and preliminarily approved for PUD and Plat of Subdivision by the Village Board in July 2022.

The final plans were reviewed to include 129 single family lots and 4 outlots. The four outlots consisted of Outlot A 5 which provides a 25’ – 35’ landscape buffer between homes abutting to Reed Road; Outlot B as supporting a public patio and seating area within the mid block landscaped island on Amos Street; Outlot C being a 15.1-acre stormwater management easement that encircles the pod behind lots 57 – 107 and includes the detention basin at the west end of the pod; and lastly Outlot D which provides a buffer along the southern edge of Pod 10, adjacent to the McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD) property that abuts the railroad tracks.

The final plat was summarized stating the minimum lot area and width as consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat of Subdivision. The petitioners request to reduce the rear yard building setbacks from 40’ to 35’ on select lots within the pod was reviewed. The petitioner stated that this reduced setback is proposed upon 90 lots in order to accommodate the ranch home models which gives the purchaser an option for a rear addition. The petitioner 15 requests these lot standards be accepted as part of the Final PUD for Pod 10.

The seven home models were reviewed to offer four different elevations and are the same homes being constructed in the neighboring Pod 8A. Several architectural upgrades were listed as standard for all side and rear elevations upon the homes in the Talamore Subdivision and to be used in Pod 10. 5/4” window surrounds and frieze boards, window grills, shutters around windows, at least one rear gable, different color architectural shingles, trim that carries over from the front elevation, and all corner lots will having a minimum of two first floor windows along the corner side elevation. One model home and a temporary parking lot are proposed to be located on Lots 106 and 107 with access provided off Garleib Drive. The Santa Rosa model will be constructed on Lot 107 and will serve as the sales center. Lot 106 will be utilized as a temporary parking lot with 5 off street parking spaces provided. Signage will be installed in the locations identified on the plans and be approved as part of this PUD.

The landscaping plans were reviewed to include the required parkway trees and provide typical landscape packages for the single family lots. It was said that the existing offsite wetland area to the east of Pod 10 will remain untouched as part of this development. The petitioner is proposing entry plantings located on either end of the main pod entrance. Outlot B shows a public paver patio and seating area within the landscaped island on Amos Street and also proposes the construction of a pergola with all outlot amenities to be maintained by the Talamore HOA.

The McHenry County Conservation District owns property on either side of the railroad tracks. A 2006 license agreement between MCCD and the petitioner includes a letter of intent that stated the buffer adjacent to MCCD’s property would be conveyed to MCCD when Pod 10 is platted. Lennar proposes two 50-foot wide outlots along the southern property line. Lennar proposes to convey Outlot D to the MCCD. The MCCD is still determining the amount of buffer, if any, they would like conveyed. The second 50-foot wide buffer would support a landscaped berm with a row of newly planted shade and evergreen trees to assist in shielding the residential lots 67-85 from the railroad tracks. This second strip would be maintained by the HOA.

It was stressed that in preparation of the engineering plans, the petitioner and Village staff met with the both upstream and downstream property owners on several occasions to discuss the proposed drainage improvements and to ensure that the development will not restrict drainage off their property. The offsite investigations determined that an independent draintile will drain the area of Pod 10 without impacting the drainage of the downstream farm located south of the railroad tracks. Pod 10 will not utilize the draintile system serving the farm. The tile system west of Coyne Station Road is in a state of failure, which does impact the downstream farm. The petitioner has agreed to repair this portion of the draintile on the residential property to ensure that the tile system will freely drain to the creek. The petitioner has come to an agreement with the conservation district, subject to action by their Board of Trustees, for a grant of easement for the stormwater drainage improvements that cross their land. It is noted that the conditions of final approval include the requirement for the petitioners to comply with all final engineering revisions as approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department and that the Village of Huntley requires adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management.

The commission was reminded of their Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision recommendation for approval on June 27, 2022. Concerns of stormwater, drainage, subdivision access, traffic impact, and reduced setbacks were reviewed to all be addressed in a satisfactory manner by the petitioner.

Planner Bernacki stated that Staff recommends the following conditions be applied should the Plan Commission forward a positive recommendation to the Village Board including:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted preliminary plans and all other applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioners will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

3. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi-stage outlet structures.

4. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District. 

5. Prior to the acceptance of the Pod 10 public improvements, an agreement between the Petitioner and McHenry County Conservation District shall be reached regarding the conveyance of the buffer. 

6. The model home parking proposed for lot 106 shall be revised in accordance with recommendations from the Development Services Department.

7. The Final Plat for Pod 9 shall include the dedication of land to the Village for the future extension of Algonquin Road.

8. The Petitioner shall disclose upon sale to the buyers of Lots 83-93 of the future plans to extend Algonquin Road.

9. The following architectural upgrades are standard for all side and rear elevations for the detached single family homes

i. 5/4” window surrounds

ii. 5/4” frieze boards

iii. Window grills are standard (as an option, a homeowner may opt out of window grills on non-corner/non-rear facing road lots)

iv. Shutters around windows

v. At least one rear gable

vi. Different color architectural shingles

vii. Trim will carry over from the front elevation

viii. All corner lots will have a minimum of two first floor windows along the corner side elevation

10. No building construction permits, plans, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

Chairwoman Ellison thanked Planner Bernacki for the presentation and asked if the petitioner, John McFarland of Lennar Communities of Chicago, had anything to add or present to which John McFarland thanked the Plan Commission and remained available for questioning.

Commissioner Ron Hahn stated that he was pleased to see that the lots utilizing the reduced setback primarily back up to wetland or open space and not to a neighboring lot.

Commissioner Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, and Terra DeBaltz mentioned they were satisfied with the proposed solutions to the concerns that were raised during the preliminary review.

Commissioner Dennis O’Leary sought clarification of condition 6 of the recommended conditions of approval. 50 Planner Bernacki identified that the Village has standards for how the temporary parking areas are to be provided for model homes. Principally of note, requiring that the parking spaces do not back out directly into the right of way.

Commissioner O’Leary clarified with Planner Bernacki that no modifications were proposed for the wetland area to the east of Pod 10 and that the area known as Pod 9 is intended to be developed as residential in the future.

Chairwoman Dawn Ellison expressed her appreciation for Lennar working with the neighboring residents on the drainage concerns. She also expressed that she was satisfied with the sole proposed access point for a subdivision of this size.

There were no further comments.

Chairwoman Ellison requested a motion to approve the petition.

A MOTION was made to approve Petition No. 22-10.02, Requesting approval of a Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat of Subdivision for Pod 10 of the Talamore Subdivision, including any necessary relief, in accordance with the plans that have been submitted to, and are on file with, the Village of Huntley subject to the following conditions: 

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted preliminary plans and all other applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements. 

2. The petitioners will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department. 

3. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi-stage outlet structures. 

4. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District. 

5. Prior to the acceptance of the Pod 10 public improvements, an agreement between the Petitioner and McHenry County Conservation District shall be reached regarding the conveyance of the buffer. 

6. The model home parking proposed for lot 106 shall be revised in accordance with recommendations from the Development Services Department. 

7. The Final Plat for Pod 9 shall include the dedication of land to the Village for the future extension of Algonquin Road. 

8. The Petitioner shall disclose upon sale to the buyers of Lots 83-93 of the future plans to extend Algonquin Road. 

9. The following architectural upgrades are standard for all side and rear elevations for the detached single family homes 

i. 5/4” window surrounds 

ii. 5/4” frieze boards 

iii. Window grills are standard (as an option, a homeowner may opt out of window grills on non-corner/non-rear facing road lots) 

iv. Shutters around windows 

v. At least one rear gable 

vi. Different color architectural shingles 

vii. Trim will carry over from the front elevation 

viii. All corner lots will have a minimum of two first floor windows along the corner side elevation 

10. No building construction permits, plans, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal. 

MOVED: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz 

SECONDED: Commissioner Joseph Holtorf 

AYES: Commissioners Ron Hahn, Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, 

Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison 

NAYS: None 



There were no further comments.

8. Discussion 

There were updates given to the commission on several projects including the water main project on Route 47, ITS, Old Fire Station, The Cornell Building, and other ongoing permitted work.

9. Adjournment 

At 6:52 pm, a MOTION was made to adjourn the October 24, 2022 Plan Commission meeting. 

MOVED: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz 

SECONDED: Chairwoman Dawn Ellison 

AYES: Commissioners Ron Hahn, Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Terra DeBaltz and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison 

NAYS: None 


