
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Huntley Village Board met June 27

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Trustee Vito Benigno | Village of Huntley Website

Trustee Vito Benigno | Village of Huntley Website

Village of Huntley Village Board met June 27

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:03 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley, Illinois 60142.


PRESENT: Village President Timothy Hoeft; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Mary Holzkopf, John Piwko, and Ric Zydorowicz

ABSENT: Trustees Benigno and Westberg


Village Manager David Johnson, Deputy Village Manager Lisa Armour, Police Chief Linda Hooten, Village Attorney Betsy Gates-Alford, Chief Financial Officer Cathy Haley, Assistant Director Kristi Ward-Nichols, Communications and Compliance Manager Sarah Palaszewski, and Management Analyst Morgan Kaiser.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Village President Hoeft lead the Pledge of Allegiance.



All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and may be approved and/or accepted by one motion with a Roll Call Vote. If further discussion is needed, any member of the Board may request that an item be moved off of the Consent Agenda to Items for Discussion and Consideration.

Village President Hoeft read aloud the following Consent Agenda items:

5.1 Consideration – Approval of the June 13, 2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes

5.2 Consideration – Approval of the June 27, 2024 Bill List in the Amount of $ 1,540,227.12

5.3 Consideration – Approval of Payout Request No.1 to GO Painters, Inc. for the 2024

Streetlight Repainting Project in the amount of $42,251

5.4 Consideration – Resolution Authorizing Expenditure of Funds for the Purchase of Information Technology Support Services from Advanced Business Networks in the Amount of $44,400

5.5 Consideration – Resolution Approving a Temporary Use Permit and Off-Premise Signs for Huntley Area Lions Club to Hold the Brat and Brew Fest, August 2, 2024

5.6 Consideration – Resolution Approving a Temporary Use Permit and Off-Premise Signs for Huntley Area Lions Club to Hold the Brat and Brew Fest, August 3, 2024

5.7 Consideration – Resolution Appointing an Alternative Delegate and Removing an Alternative Delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA)

5.8 Consideration – Resolution Designating Assistant Director of Finance Kristi Ward-Nickels as the Village Treasurer

5.9 Consideration – Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Lauterbach

& Amen, LLC for Contractual Services for Training and Development for the Finance Director Position

5.10 Consideration – Resolution Approving a Bid Award to Fox Valley Fire & Safety in the amount of $48,440 for the Fire Protection System for the West Wastewater Treatment Garage Storage Building Contract

Village President Hoeft asked if the Village Board had any comments related to the consent agenda; there were none.

A MOTION was made to approve the June 27, 2024 Consent Agenda.

MOTION: Trustee Piwko

SECOND: Trustee Goldman

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Piwko, and Zydorowicz

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Trustees: Benigno and Westberg

The motion carried: 4-0-2


6.1 Transmittal – Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year-End December 31, 2023

Assistant Director of Finance Kristi Ward-Nickels invited Sikich Partner, Nick Bava, to summarize the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The narrative below identifies the components included in the audit summary presentation by Nick Bava, Principal, Government Services, Sikich CPA LLC. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year-end December 31, 2023, has been completed and is transmitted to the Village President and Board of Trustees to accept and place on file.

Staff Analysis

Pages 1 – 3: Independent Auditor’s Report; Less than 3/10 of 1% of all government agencies nationwide and only 1 out of 20 in the State of Illinois receive a “clean” unmodified opinion.

The Village of Huntley is one of these agencies. The auditor’s opinion: Village’s financial records are presented fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Village of Huntley, Illinois, as of December 31, 2023, and the respective changes in financial position, and, where applicable, cash flows, thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

MD&A5: Table 1; The Statement of Net Position mirrors the basic accounting equation, assets = liabilities + equity. Deferred outflows and inflows are noncurrent assets and liabilities and must be presented separately in accordance with GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions.

MD&A7: Table 2; The Change in Net Position compares the revenue and expenses for the current and prior fiscal years’ Governmental and Business Activities. Governmental Activities reports a $573,360 loss in net position due to changes in OPEB, Police Pension and IMRF liabilities. Business Activities reports a decrease of $913,648 in net position primarily due to depreciation expense of $3,596,298.

The Village’s cash position remains strong; cash and investments total $43.1 million; the Village Board governs an operation with assets in excess of $263.98 million.

The Statement of Activities displays the cost of providing services to Village residents. In 2023, the cost totaled $35.95 million.

Governmental Funds - fund balances total $23.2 million. General Fund reserve policy requirements equal 25% of operating expenditures during the prior twelve-month period. The General Fund balance assignments are listed below:

Non-spendable in form – prepaid items $ 46,708

Non-spendable in form – advances $ 5,280,000

Assigned for future operations, 25% fund reserve $ 4,620,892

Unassigned $ 4,886,639

Total General Fund balance Dec 31 $14,834,239

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances summarizes the resources used during the year. The General Fund reports a Net Change in Fund Balance totaling ($108,686). Removing Transfers and Sales of Capital Assets included in Other Financing Sources reports the Excess of Revenues over Expenditures as follows:

General Fund Net Change in Fund Balance $ (108,686)

Sales of capital assets: $ (157)

Transfers in: $ (10,000)

Transfers out: $ 3,556,957

General Fund Excess of Revenues over Expenditures: $ 3,438,114 

The Proprietary Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Net Position report an operating gain in the water funds and an operating loss in the wastewater funds before capital grants and contributions. Removing depreciation, a non-cash transaction updates net income (loss) in both funds.

Business-Type Activities

Water Sewer Total

Operating Revenues $3,783,815 $3,641,239 $7,425,054

Operating Expenses - Less

Depreciation $2,890,254 $2,783,786 $5,674,040

Operating Income/(Loss) $893,561 $857,453 $1,751,014

The Benefits Fund is an internal service fund reporting employer and employee contributions for health insurance and life benefits. The fund reports an increase in Net Position totaling $345,417.

The Village of Huntley Police Pension Fund reports a net increase of $3,083,198, and includes assets totaling $18.3 million as of December 31, 2023.

Long-term debt instruments reported as of December 31, 2023, are Downtown TIF 2020 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Net Pension Liability for IMRF and Police, Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB), Two Installment Contracts, Asset Retirement Obligations, Compensated Absences, 2022 General Obligation Bonds, and the Wastewater 2020 General Obligation Refunding Bonds.

2022-2025 Strategic Plan Alignment

The Strategic Plan identifies “Organizational Excellence” as a strategic focus and the following goal: “Fiscal Responsibility.” The findings of the ACFR demonstrate the Village’s commitment to this goal and that the Village is a good steward of public dollars entrusted to it to ensure the resources needed to provide services are available today and in the future.

Financial Impact

Not applicable.

Legal Analysis

Not required. Sikich CPA LLC, the Village’s accounting firm, will be in attendance to answer any questions.

Village President Hoeft asked if the Village Board had any comments related to this agenda item; there were none. The report was accepted and placed on file.

This item was presented for discussion purposes only.

6.2 Recognition of Retirement of Chief Financial Officer Cathy Haley Village President Hoeft read aloud the following proclamation:

WHEREAS, Cathy began her career with the Village of Huntley’s Finance Department in 2017, and led the Village through the migration of its financial management system to a new and more modern system; and

WHEREAS, throughout her tenure, the Department received several accolades, such as a special Triple Crown medallion recognizing the achievement of receiving all three GFOA awards: the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Distinguished Budget Presentation, and the Popular Annual Financial and;

WHEREAS, in her time as Chief Financial Officer, Cathy helped navigate the complexities of municipal finance and established a lasting practice of excellence, and was recognized as a highly capable, competent, and extremely valuable leader;

WHEREAS, Cathy has faithfully and thoroughly fulfilled her roles and responsibilities, frequently going above and beyond, with her conscientious efforts benefitting the Village of Huntley and its residents and she will retire as Chief Financial Officer on June 28, 2024; and

WHEREAS, Cathy will be remembered not only for her attentiveness but also for her professional and composed nature, her optimism and leadership, and her love for travel, golf, and the Chicago White Sox.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Timothy J. Hoeft, President of the Village of Huntley, extend the Village Board’s heartfelt congratulations to Cathy Haley for her career in Public Service and the legacy she will leave behind. The Village Board thanks Cathy Haley for her financial stewardship and unwavering dedication to the residents, the community, and the Village of Huntley.

Village Manager Johnson acknowledged Chief Financial Officer Cathy Haley’s family in attendance. He shared that Chief Financial Officer Haley has served the Village for 2,568 days. He acknowledged her career achievements, including those listed in the proclamation, such as overseeing a quarter billion dollars in budgets during her time in Huntley, earning seven budget awards, six audit awards, six PAFR awards and four GFOA Triple Crown Winner designations, which only 33 agencies in Illinois have earned the recognition. In conclusion, he shared that she is a steady, patient, kind, calm mentor and professional; an incredibly good person who will be missed.

Chief Financial Officer Cathy Haley thanked the Village President and Village Board for their support. She thanked Village Manager Johnson, whom she described as the best Village Manager she has worked for in her career. She thanked the Village’s department heads and the Village Staff for their collaboration. She acknowledged the entire Finance team, including Jessica, Peggy, Morgan, Zoey, Carla, Tracey, and Kristi, for their individual strengths and their collaboration as a team. She expressed her gratitude for the support of her family, which includes her mother, her husband Tim, her children Erin and Connor, her son-in-law Tim, and her grandchildren Collin and Tegan.

This item was presented for discussion purposes only.

6.3 Conceptual Review – Proposed Development of a 297-unit Multi-Family Apartment Development Including Eight (8) Two-Story Buildings and Four (4) Three-Story Buildings, Generally Located East of the Huntley Crossings Access Drive at the Southeast Corner of Route 47 and Powers Road, including:

(i) Consideration – A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Development Agreement for a Residential Development

(ii) Consideration – An Ordinance Approving:

a. Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to Identify the Property as Planned for Multiple Family

b. Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for Huntley Crossings I

c. Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone Portions of the Property from “B-3 (PUD)” Shopping Center Business District – Planned Unit Development to “R-5” Multiple Family Residence District

d. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision

e. Special Use Permit for Multiple Family Dwelling – 21 to 50 units in the “R-5” Multiple Family Residence District

f. Preliminary Planned Unit Development, Including Any Necessary Relief Per the request of the petitioner, this agenda item was removed from consideration and will be considered at the July 11, 2024 Village Board Meeting.



VILLAGE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Village President Hoeft invited the community to the upcoming special events: Summer Concert Series, 4th of July Fireworks, and Tip a Cop at Culver’s.


NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Holzkopf read aloud the following statement: “As of 12:01AM Friday June 28, I will be resigning as a Village of Huntley board member. This resignation is not by choice, but rather being forced by the State’s Attorney’s office due to an accidental and unintentional issue with the submittal of my statement of economic interest form. While I have done absolutely everything in my power to rectify the situation and resubmit the form, I have been told that the only option I have is to resign. For the record, all my answers on the statement of economic interest were N/A as I have absolutely no financial gain from holding this position - even the small stipend we are given has always been 100% donated directly to my church in the form of a monetary monthly donation, nor do I have investment properties. While I do not agree with the consequences that have been given, I accept full responsibility for the accidental and unintentional error in filing as well as the consequences that come with it. I have 5 little ones looking up to me for how to handle hard situations, so I will hold my head high, take accountability, and show them how to handle consequences with grace. The day I was sworn in as a Trustee was one of the proudest moments of my life, and at that ceremony someone took the opportunity to say hateful and untrue statements about me and my character in a packed room designed to honor and celebrate others. In that moment I swore to myself that regardless of the opportunity presented, I would never make another person feel the way those words made me feel. I recognize that the words I say speak far greater to my character than anything else, so I will give the grace I wasn’t given. I’ve been thinking a lot about grace through this entire situation, and I walk away having a much deeper gratitude to Christ for the grace He gives me for my worst mistakes knowing some people can’t even give grace for the most basic and accidental ones. I have seen firsthand how a seed of truth can sprout into a weed of lies, and how sometimes a weed of lies can grow from absolutely no truth at all. It is for this reason I am choosing to make this very public statement about what has occurred. I don’t want to leave any room for a false narrative to be formed about my resignation. While I am incredibly saddened that this is how my time as a public servant in this capacity has come to an end, especially knowing there was so much more I wanted to accomplish, I am immensely proud of the way I have represented this Village during the time I’ve been appointed. From the time I campaigned to run as Trustee to today, I have stuck to my word with everything I said I would advocate for. This can be seen in every vote that was made and every discussion that was had. Whether I was alone on an island or in agreement with my colleagues, I have always done what I genuinely felt was right and what I believed to be for the betterment of this village. I want to take a moment to personally thank Dave and Lisa for the countless hours they spent with me in meetings and on the phone. While we didn’t always see eye to eye, there was never a single time I felt disrespected or unheard. You both have always answered all my questions, listened to my opinions, and given me time to process and pray over things. When I think of the qualities it takes to hold the title you both hold, it’s like you wrote the book on it. I’ve always felt like I could be 100% my genuine self with both of you, and that type of environment is what is desperately needed for individuals to feel confident enough to use their voice to advocate for what is right. Our time together, and the knowledge I have gained because of you, are two of the things I will miss most. Thank you to the constituents who voted me into this position and trusted me to represent you all. Whether I’m in this chair or not, I am going to continue using my voice to advocate for positive change in this Village while also recognizing how amazing our Village is as it stands. Finally, thank you to my husband who has always put my desires above his own, has loved me so fiercely in absolutely everything I’ve done in the last 25 years, and who is the true living, breathing example of what it means to love your wife as Christ loves His church. I know my God works all things for the good, so I am fully trusting this is all part of His plan and that He will turn, what I find to be an absolutely egregious consequence, into something beautiful."

Village President Hoeft thanked Trustee Holzkopf for her service and her dedication to this position. He concluded by saying it has been a pleasure to serve with Trustee Holzkopf.




There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Holzkopf

SECOND: Trustee Zydorowicz

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.




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