
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met Aug. 6

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Cary Village Mayor Mark Kownick | Village of Cary Website

Cary Village Mayor Mark Kownick | Village of Cary Website

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met Aug. 6

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Open Forum

V. Mayor's Report

A. Proclamation - School's Open Safety Week - August 19-23, 2024

B. Employee Recognition - Bill Freeman, Public Works Department, 20-Year Employment Anniversary

C. Employee Recognition - Kealan Noonan, Director of Public Works & Engineering, 1-Year Employment Anniversary

D. Employee Recognition - Travis St. Amand, Public Works Department, 1-Year Employment Anniversary

E. Employee Recognition - Joshua Costabile, Public Works Department, 1-Year Employment Anniversary

F. Employee Recognition - Jackson Moretti, Police Department, 1-Year Employment Anniversary

VI. Consent Agenda

A. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated August 6, 2024

B. Consider for Approval the July 16, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes

C. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Granting Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, and Planned Development for the Ridgefield Park PUD

D. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Granting a Variance to Reduce the Rear Yard Building Setback from Forty (40) Feet to Zero (0) Feet for the Property Located at 405 Cary Avenue

E. Consider for Approval a "Class F" Temporary Liquor License Permit to the Rotary Club of Cary-Grove for a Craft Beer Event on September 28, 2024

VII. Administrator's Report

VIII. Department Head Reports

IX. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board

X. Executive Session:

Litigation: Pending or Imminent, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

Real Estate: Purchase or Lease (Buy)

XI. Adjourn
