
McHenry Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Huntley Plan Commission met July 22

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Trustee Mary Holzkopf | Village of Huntley Website

Trustee Mary Holzkopf | Village of Huntley Website

Village of Huntley Plan Commission met July 22

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


A meeting of the Village of Huntley Plan Commission was called to order on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main Street, Huntley, Illinois 60142.


Chairwoman Dawn Ellison led the Pledge of Allegiance.


PRESENT: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison.

ABSENT: Commissioner Ron Hahn

IN ATTENDANCE: Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Assistant Director of Development Services Scott Bernacki, and Senior Planner Nick Arquette




A. Approval of the June 24, 2024 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes

A MOTION was made to approve the June 24, 2024 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes.

MOTION: Commissioner Dennis O’Leary

SECOND: Commissioner Joseph Holtorf

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, and

Chairwoman Ellison.

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz



A. Petition No. 24-07.01, CalAtlantic Group, LLC. / Lennar Corporation, Owner, Relating to Lot 2 and Lot 4 in Regency Square – Phase 2B and Lot 1 in Regency Square – Phase 2C, generally located at the southwest corner of Charles H. Sass Parkway and Princeton Drive, Request for approval of (i) Final Plat of Subdivision; and (ii) Final Planned Unit Development, including any necessary relief, in accordance with the plans that have been submitted to, and are on file with, the Village of Huntley, pursuant to the requirements of Section 156.204 of the Huntley Zoning Ordinance.

Chairwoman Dawn Ellison turned to Village staff to begin the PowerPoint presentation to review the petition.

Senior Planner Nicholas Arquette thanked the Chairwoman and introduced the petitioner's request for a Final Plat of Subdivision and Final Planned Unit Development for the proposed construction of 224 dwelling units in the Regency Square Subdivision.

Senior Planner Arquette described the Final Plat of Subdivision proposed for the property, including the 58 residential lots and 11 outlots. The outlots proposed to be maintained by the Regency Square Homeowners Association, including the drainage and stormwater management areas, have been expanded to include the existing ±1.29 acre stormwater detention basin located northeast of the Deer Path of Huntley Property. Senior Planner Arquette noted that the public streets and private access drives proposed for the site have been designated as Alburry Drive, Dodwell Street, Wentworth Drive, Barcroft Circle, Chandra Circle, Hanburry Road, Radford Street, Tinsley Street, and Clayton Road.

Staff added that the proposed PUD Site Plan unit mix and access points remain as proposed originally, with 38 duplex units, 119 urban townhomes, and 67 traditional townhomes.

Senior Planner Arquette displayed the architectural elevations and renderings depicting the proposed home designs for the property, which remain consistent with the Preliminary Planned Unit Development approvals.

Senior Planner Arquette stated that the proposed landscaping includes 1,329 trees, including twenty (20) varieties of shad trees, ten (10) varieties of ornamental trees, and six (6) varieties of evergreen trees. The evergreen trees along the Sun City Neighborhood 7 adjacency are intentionally placed to maximize screening and will not impact the existing buffer vegetation.

Senior Planner Arquette added that dense landscaping and ornamental fencing are provided at the development's entrances. Staff recommended that stone entry columns be placed at the end of the feature fences flanking the intersections of Charles H. Sass Parkway and Wentworth Drive, and Princeton Drive and Alburry Drive.

Staff displayed the final park plan for the Huntley Park District dedication, noting that the ±3.4 acre park site will include a playground, dog park, and a 20 vehicle parking lot.

Senior Planner Arquette described the Model homesites for the duplex units, urban townhomes, and traditional townhomes, noting the locations near the intersections of Regency Parkway and Charles H. Sass Parkway as well as Wentworth Drive and Charles H. Sass Parkway. The temporary signage includes two community marketing signs along Charles H. Sass Parkway and various model home parking, identification, and welcome signs.

Senior Planner Arquette reviewed the Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Plat of Subdivision approvals from the Plan Commission and Village Board from March and April of 2024, including the updates to the plans resulting from the approvals. The Declaration for Regency Square (CCRs), which establishes the Regency Square Owners Association for the maintenance of common areas and improvements, includes the prohibition of playsets, trampolines, above ground fences, swimming pools, swimming spas, and sheds.

Senior Planner Arquette stated that Staff recommends the following conditions be applied should the Plan Commission forward a positive recommendation to the Village Board:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans and all applicable Village codes, ordinances, and Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. The petitioners will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

4. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi-stage outlet structures.

5. Decorative entry stone column endcaps shall be enlarged to exceed the height of the proposed 6’ high decorative fencing at the intersection of Regency Parkway and Charles H. Sass Parkway. The same 5 decorative entry treatment shall be provided at all access points, including the intersection of Charles H. Sass Parkway and Wentworth Drive, and Princeton Drive and Alburry Drive. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Department.

6. Roadway lighting specifications located on the extended Regency Parkway shall be coordinated with and approved by the Public Works Department.

7. A backup SSA shall be created for the residential subdivision.

8. The Declaration for Regency Square (CCRs) are subject to Village of Huntley attorney review.

9. Street names are subject to final review by the Village of Huntley and Huntley Fire Protection District.

10. The side and rear elevations of the duplex homes and townhomes shall provide upgraded elevations that feature the following

a. 4/4x4” wood window surrounds and corner boards

b. 4/4x8” frieze boards

c. Window Grills

d. Either shutters or trim around the windows or a bay window on the first floor.

11. No building plans, construction permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

Senior Planner Arquette concluded the presentation and returned the floor to Chairwoman Ellison.

Chairwoman Ellison asked if the petitioner had any comments to add. The petitioner, John McFarland, stated that Lennar has continued coordinating with the Neighborhood 7 residents throughout the process and reports that the adjacent property owners are happy with the project's progress.

Chairwoman Ellison turned to the Plan Commissioners for comment.

Commissioner Terra DeBaltz inquired about the entrance at Princeton Drive, the project phasing, and the parking spaces available for the urban townhome units. Director of Development Services Charles Nordman clarified that the width of the roadway led the Village Board to decide that the entrance should remain right-in/right-out only.

John McFarland stated that the home types would be constructed sequentially and that parking spaces were added where possible within the development to supplement the existing parking for each unit.

Commissioner Don Walz asked about the backup SSA for the development. Development Services Director Nordman clarified that the backup SSA would be in place should the HOA fail to maintain the property.

Commissioner Walz said the project would be a good addition to the Village.

Commissioner Dennis O’Leary stated that he appreciates the coordination between Lennar and the neighboring Sun City residents.

Commissioner Jeff Peterson requested confirmation that the petitioner is agreeable to the conditions recommended by Staff and that the Village is considering taking over the maintenance of Princeton Drive. John McFarland stated that Lennar has provided some additional entry columns, but not within all of the named intersections, as he did not feel it necessary. Director Nordman stated that the Village plans to take over maintenance of Princeton Drive and noted that the roadway will be resurfaced, but not widened. Commissioner Peterson said that he also appreciates the continued coordination with the Sun City Neighborhood 7 residents.

Commissioner Joseph Holtorf stated that he does not have any further questions. 

Chairwoman Ellison expressed concern about the parking provided on the property. She inquired about the restrictions on the structures permitted in the rear of the properties and the potential issues with visibility relating to the proposed stone columns. John McFarland stated that the duplex products are similar to townhome living, as the association maintains the exterior of the properties. Senior Planner Arquette stated that the stone columns would not impact visibility, as they are setback outside the right-of-way and behind the proposed roadway stop bars. Chairwoman Ellison stated that she appreciated the continued coordination with Neighborhood 7 and expressed support for the overall project and building design.

There were no further comments.

Chairwoman Dawn Ellison requested a motion to approve the petition.

A MOTION was made to approve Petition No. 24-07.01, Requesting approval of (i) a Final Plat of Subdivision; and (ii) a Final Planned Unit Development, including any necessary relief, in accordance with the plans that have been submitted to, and are on file with, the Village of Huntley, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans and all applicable Village codes, ordinances, and Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. The petitioners will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

4. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi-stage outlet structures.

5. Decorative entry stone column endcaps shall be enlarged to exceed the height of the proposed 6’ high decorative fencing at the intersection of Regency Parkway and Charles H. Sass Parkway. The same decorative entry treatment shall be provided at all access points, including the intersections of Charles H. Sass Parkway and Wentworth Drive, and Princeton Drive and Alburry Drive. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Department.

6. Roadway lighting specifications located on the extended Regency Parkway shall be coordinated with and approved by the Public Works Department.

7. A backup SSA shall be created for the residential subdivision.

8. The Declaration for Regency Square (CCRs) are subject to Village of Huntley attorney review.

9. Street names are subject to final review by the Village of Huntley and Huntley Fire Protection District.

10. The side and rear elevations of the duplex homes and townhomes shall provide upgraded elevations that feature the following

a. 4/4x4” wood window surrounds and corner boards

b. 4/4x8” frieze boards

c. Window Grills

d. Either shutters or trim around the windows or a bay window on the first floor.

11. No building plans, construction permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

MOTION: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz

SECOND: Commissioner Dennis O’Leary

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

NAYS: None




B. Petition No. 24-07.02, Journey Church Huntley, Inc. (Christ Community Church), Owner, Relating to the property located at 10547 Faiths Way, Request for Site Plan Review, including the necessary relief, in accordance with the plans that have been submitted to, and are on file with, the Village of Huntley, pursuant to the requirements of Section 156.204 of the Huntley Zoning Ordinance.

Chairwoman Dawn Ellison turned to Village staff to begin the PowerPoint presentation to review the petition.

Senior Planner Arquette thanked the Chairwoman and introduced the petitioner's request for Site Plan Review, including any necessary relief for a proposed expansion of the existing parking lot. Christ Community Church reports that attendance has grown by 30%, requiring additional parking capacity for Sunday services.

Senior Planner Arquette provided a detailed description of the project, noting that the 42 space extension of the parking lot will result in a total parking count of 136 spaces. The new parking spaces will measure a compliant 10’ wide by 19’ deep. The existing sidewalk along the west side of the parking lot will be extended to maintain the same design as the existing parking lot, and a bicycle rack will be installed to accommodate bicycle parking. Relief is requested to allow one of the parking lot aisles to match the existing 24’ wide drive aisle, which is 1’ below the required 25’ width.

Senior Planner Arquette outlined the site's landscaping, which is proposed to continue the existing parking lot landscaping. The proposal features 14 trees and 79 shrubs, including enhanced hedge screening between the parking lot and the adjacent residential properties.

Senior Planner Arquette noted that three new light poles are proposed within the expanded parking lot area. All light fixtures on the site will be a matching Lithonia D-Series full cutoff LED area luminaire. External glare shields will provide glare protection from adjacent residential properties.

Senior Planner Arquette stated that Staff recommends the following conditions be applied should the Plan Commission forward a positive recommendation to the Village Board:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans and all applicable Village codes, ordinances, and Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning, and Building) site design standards, practices, and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. The petitioners shall comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

4. All light fixtures shall include glare shields to provide glare protection for the residential properties directly west and north of the property.

5. All landscape beds are required to be mulched on an annual basis, and dead plantings must be replaced immediately upon decline.

6. No building plans, construction permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

Senior Planner Arquette concluded the presentation and returned the floor to Chairwoman Ellison.

Chairwoman Ellison requested a motion from the Commission to open the public hearing.

A MOTION was made to open the public hearing to consider Petition No. 24-07.02

MOTION: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz

SECOND: Commissioner Don Walz

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

NAYS: None



Chairwoman Ellison stated that this is a public hearing and anyone wishing to testify must be sworn in. The following persons were sworn in: Senior Planner Nicholas Arquette and Petitioner representative Todd Carlson of Carlson Architecture.

Chairwoman Ellison asked if the petitioner had any comments to add, to which the petitioner’s representative, Todd Carlson, stated that he had nothing further to add.

Chairwoman Ellison turned to the Plan Commissioners for comment.

Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, and Terra DeBaltz expressed support for the project and stated that they had no further questions.

Commissioner Don Walz asked if there are any future plans to construct additional buildings on the subject property. Todd Carlson stated that there are currently no plans.

Chairwoman Ellison inquired about the proposed landscaping. Senior Planner Arquette noted the landscaping is designed as a continuation of the existing parking lot landscaping on the property.

Chairwoman Ellison asked if any other members of the public had any comments to add, to which Keith Gliszczynski, 10512 Hunter Trail, stated that he is in close proximity to the subject property. Keith Gliszczynski stated that he does not oppose the current parking lot proposal but does not support a building expansion.

Director Nordman stated that no building expansion is contemplated as a part of the request, and that any building addition would require a future application and public hearing.

There were no further comments. Chairwoman Ellison requested a motion to close the public hearing.

A MOTION was made to close the public hearing to consider Petition No. 24-07.02

MOTION: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz

SECOND: Commissioner Jeff Peterson

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

NAYS: None



Chairwoman Dawn Ellison requested a motion to approve the petition.

A MOTION was made to approve Petition No. 24-07.02, Requesting approval of the site plan review, including any necessary relief, in accordance with the plans that have been submitted to, and are on file with, the Village of Huntley, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans and all applicable Village codes, ordinances, and Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning, and Building) site design standards, practices, and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. The petitioners shall comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

4. All light fixtures shall include glare shields to provide glare protection for the residential properties directly west and north of the property.

5. All landscape beds are required to be mulched on an annual basis, and dead plantings must be replaced immediately upon decline.

6. No building plans, construction permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

MOTION: Commissioner Jeff Peterson

SECOND: Commissioner Don Walz

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

NAYS: None




Director Nordman updated the Commission on potential and ongoing developments. Chairwoman Ellison noted potential concerns relating to the use of Airbnbs within the Village.


There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 pm.

MOTION: Commissioner Terra DeBaltz

SECOND: Chairwoman Dawn Ellison

AYES: Commissioners Joseph Holtorf, Jeff Peterson, Dennis O’Leary, Don Walz, Terra DeBaltz, and Chairwoman Dawn Ellison.

NAYS: None






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