
McHenry Times

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Village of Cary Board of Trustees will meet Nov. 19

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Ellen McAlpine, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website

Ellen McAlpine, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website

Village of Cary Board of Trustees will meet Nov. 19

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Open Forum

The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concernnot otherwise on the agenda.

V. Mayor's Report

A. Proclamation - National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

VI. Consent Agenda

I will entertain a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A-G as shown on the Villagewebsite and as displayed on the video monitor during the Village Board meeting.

A. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated November 19, 2024

B. Consider for Approval the November 5, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes

C. Consider for Approval the November 5, 2024, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

D. Consider for Approval the 2025 Meeting Dates for the Village Board of Trustees, Committee of the Whole, Board of Zoning, Planning & Appeals, Police Commission, and Police Pension Fund

E. Consider for Approval a Resolution Waiving the Purchasing Policy Bid Requirements and Approving the Purchase of a 2025 Ford F350 from Sutton Ford Commercial & Fleet, Matteson, IL, in an Amount not to Exceed $50,506.00, and Outfitting with Service Body, Lift Gate, and Backup Camera Bar from Knapheide Truck Equipment Center Chicago, McHenry, IL, in an Amount not to Exceed $16,973.12 for a Total Price of $67,479.12

F. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator toApprove a Contract for Metra Parking Lot Terminal Upgrades with Total Parking Solutions, Inc., Downers Grove, IL, in an Amount not to Exceed $25,200.00 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Total Project Budget of $27,720.00

G. Consider for Approval a Resolution Amending the Engineering Services Agreement for the Well 14 Design and Construction Project with HR Green, McHenry, IL, Executed on June 20th, 2023

VII. Items for Separate Action

A. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to Execute an Event Participation Agreement with the CaryGrove Area Chamber of Commerce for the 2025 Cary Main Street Festival in Downtown Cary

VIII. Administrator's Report

IX. Department Head Reports

X. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board

XI. Adjourn
