Melissa McMahon, City Council Member - City of Woodstock | LinkedIn
Melissa McMahon, City Council Member - City of Woodstock | LinkedIn
City of Woodstock Historic Preservation Commission met Oct. 28
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
A Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Woodstock was called to order by Commissioner Chairman Donovan Day at 7:00 PM on Monday October 28, 2024, in Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Erica Wilson, Tom Ellinghausen and Chairman Donovan Day.
COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jose Rey and Marilyn Cuevas
STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Darrell Moore and Commission Clerk Melissa Bauer
a. September 23, 2024
There was a motion made to approve the September 23, 2024, meeting minutes as presented.
MOTION: T. Ellinghausen
SECOND: E. Wilson
A roll call was taken
AYES: E. Wilson, T. Ellinghausen and Chairman D. Day
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jose Rey and Marilyn Cuevas
Motion carried
3. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
4. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
Chairman D. Day reviewed the procedures for a public hearing.
a. PUBLIC HEARING—118 E Calhoun Street, Sign Variation and Certificate of Appropriateness
Chairman D. Day opened the public hearing at 7:01 pm.
COMMISSION MEMBERS’ PRESENT: Erica Wilson, Tom Ellinghausen and Chairman Donovan Day.
COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jose Rey and Marilyn Cuevas
Chairman D. Day swore in petitioner Jim Hurless.
Petitioner Jim Hurless approached the Commission and advised that his business is in an “L” shaped building with the front door not being easily visible from the street.
Continuing, Petitioner Hurless advised he was requesting to install a business sign on the side of the building adjacent to the entrance.
Discussions ensued and it was noted that the owner of the building has signed the petition and has approved the proposed location of the business sign.
E. Wilson inquired if the proposal was in accordance with the sign ordinance. Planner
D. Moore advised that during the initial review the proposed sign is the appropriate size, but the petitioner has been advised if the sign is not constructed of wood and was a composite material, it would be required to be in a framed format.
E. Wilson further inquired if the sign would be lit. Petitioner Hurless advised that the sign would not be lit.
Chairman D. Day noted the Sign Variation Approval Criteria found in the 10-28-2024 HPC Meeting packet on page 9.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
CLOSING ARGUMENTS: There were no closing arguments.
There was a motion made to approve of a Certificate of Appropriateness and variations from the UDO to allow a wall sign: 1) on a building attached to and located on the same property as the subject business; and 2) on a wall that neither fronts a public street nor has an architecturally emphasized public entrance, at 118 East Calhoun Street based on the Sign Variation Approval Criteria found in the staff analysis.
MOTION: T. Ellinghausen
SECOND: E. Wilson
A roll call was taken
AYES: T. Ellinghausen, E. Wilson and Chairman D. Day
NAYS: None
ABSENT: M. Cuevas and J. Rey
Motion carried
b. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS—City Hall, 121 W Calhoun Street, exterior door replacements
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Erica Wilson, Tom Ellinghausen and Chairman Donovan Day.
COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jose Rey and Marilyn Cuevas
Brent Aymond was present representing the City of Woodstock Public Works Department.
Planner D. Moore reviewed the request and advised that the City is requesting to replace three exterior doors on City Hall that are in poor condition with security and functionality issues.
Continuing, Planner D. Moore advised that the doors are proposed to be replaced with insulated steel doors that can be designed to match or replicate the features of the existing doors, including, the color of the painted doors, the raised trim, and the proportions of the existing glass. Further, all reasonable attempts to match the existing features have been pursued by the
City, however, the City has been unable to find a door manufacturer which will produce the configuration of the two front doors and noted that this design does not allow for security necessary for the building.
Discussions ensued regarding the size and materials of the replacement doors with E. Wilson suggesting the use of fiberglass doors.
E. Wilson noted that there was some damage to the masonry around the doors and inquired if the damaged masonry would also be repaired during the door replacement project. B. Aymond advised that any damage that was connected to the doors would be repaired and felt that the masonry issues would be addressed with a different project.
Planner Moore summarized the request of the Commission noting that wood grain finished fiberglass doors are preferred, one door as opposed to a door and half for the main entrance is recommended as well as that one door having a divided window.
B. Aymond will return to the Commission with samples of materials and costs of fiberglass doors as opposed to steel doors and exhibits of the new proposed rendering of the doors.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Erica Wilson, Tom Ellinghausen and Chairman Donovan Day.
COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jose Rey and Marilyn Cuevas
Heather Weber (Formally Heather Darnell) was present as the petitioner.
H. Weber approached the Commission and advised that she was requesting an update to her original Certificate of Appropriateness that was issued in February of 2024. H. Weber advised that during the rehabilitation and removal of the interior wall the brick and mortar on the front of the building crumbled away. Continuing H. Weber stated if she was required to try and reuse the original brick, the planned window infill would stick out four inches beyond the brick facade.
H. Weber offered an alternative stone/concrete clad system that was applied as a linked together siding.
E. Wilson inquired if H. Weber had a cut sheet of the product proposed and asked what brand of cladding was proposed. H. Weber did not have a cut sheet and was unsure of the product’s brand.
E. Wilson expressed concerns with seeing the edging of the proposed cast stone and having the facade look mismatched or uneven. H. Weber stated there would be two by fours that would butt up to the cast stone and vinyl siding with trim pieces being wrapped so there will be no rough edges.
E. Wilson inquired about the type of posts being proposed. H. Weber stated they would be composite cedar wrapped posts.
Chairman D. Day stated that the facia and gables should be aluminum wrapped and white around the doors and windows with the cross beam and posts being cedar.
Planner Moore summarized the discussion noting the cast stone will replace the original brick, if finished corner pieces are available, they should be installed but if not, aluminum wrapped 2x4s should be used for terminating points; the posts and cross beam should be stained or natural cedar and the louver window, windows, doors and facia should be white aluminum.
There was a motion made to approve the following amendments to the Certificate of Appropriateness at 327 E. Jackson Street:
1. Original brick will be replaced with a cast stone siding
2. White aluminum will be allowed to replace prior cedar trim around the louver window, windows, doors and facia.
MOTION: Chairman D. Day
SECOND: E. Willson
A roll call was taken
AYES: T. Ellinghausen, E. Wilson and Chairman D. Day
NAYS: None
ABSENT: M. Cuevas and J. Rey
Motion carried
a. Landmarks Illinois Oct 18
Planner D. Moore advised that he and other city representatives were present to accept a Landmarks Illinois Preservation Award for the Courthouse Renovation project at that organization’s annual awards ceremony in Chicago. He added that the award was being showcased in the front lobby of City Hall.
Chairman D. Day suggested contacting Woodstock’s local representatives and advise them of the award.
E. Wilson suggested contacting the Chamber of Commerce advising them of the award for possible promotion and marketing.
b. Commission changes
Chairman D. Day advised that tonight’s meeting would be his last meeting as he was resigning his position due to other obligations and commitments. Chairman D. Day advised that it had been an honor to volunteer for the City and was proud of the accomplishments the Commission has made during his tenure.
Planner D. Moore thanked Chairman D. Day for his service to the Commission and the City.
a. Next regular meeting: November 25, 2024
There was a motion made to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m.
MOTION: E. Wilson
SECOND: T. Ellinghausen
AYES: T. Ellinghausen, E. Wilson and Chairman D. Day
NAYS: None
ABSENT: M. Cuevas and J. Rey
Motion carried
The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.