
McHenry Times

Friday, February 7, 2025

Huntley trustees discuss proposed veterinary hospital


The Huntley Village Board has released the minutes of its April 7 committee-of-the-whole meeting.

All members of the Huntley Village Board are also members of the Committee of the Whole, which reviews and approves items to be placed on the Village Board voting agenda. The committee meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of the month.

Here are the minutes from the committee of the whole meeting as provided by the village:

Village of Huntley

Committee of the whole 

April 7, 2016


Call to order

A meeting of the committee of the whole of the village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, April 7, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St.


Present: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Tim Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, Harry Leopold, John Piwko and JR Westberg.

Absent: None

In attendance: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour, Management Assistant Barbara Read, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Chief Robert Porter and Village Attorney John Cowlin.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public comments: None

Items for discussion:

a) Discussion – Approval of the March 10, 2016, Village Board, March 17, 2016, Committee of the Whole and March 24, 2016 Village Board Meeting Minutes. Mayor Sass asked if the committee had any comments or changes to the Minutes; there were none. It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the March 10, 2016, Village Board, March 17, 2016 Committee of the Whole and March 24, 2016 Village Board Meeting Minutes.

b) Discussion – Approval of the April 14, 2016 Bill list in the amount of $155,215.09. Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions regarding the Bill List; there were none. It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the April 14, 2016, Bill List in the amount of $155,215.09.

c) Discussion – Consideration of an Ordinance Approving (i) a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow a Veterinary Hospital as a Special Use in the “M” Manufacturing District and (ii) a Special Use Permit for a Veterinary Hospital in the “M” Manufacturing District-zoned property at 11804 Route 47. 

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Randall Road Veterinary Hospital and Thomas Manning, and FNBC Bank & Trust, owner, are proposing to locate a veterinary hospital within the existing multi-tenant building at 11804 Route 47. The veterinary clinic will occupy the first floor tenant space at the southwest corner of the building adjacent to Route 47. The facility will operate under the name Huntley Animal Care.

The veterinary hospital plans to provide preventative care, minor surgery and treatment of sick animals, primarily dogs and cats, five or six days a week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Initially, the facility will operate with one veterinarian and two or three employees with the possibility of hiring additional staff in the future as needed. The veterinary clinic staff will transfer any animals requiring more intensive care and/or overnight accommodation to their Crystal Lake facility and will not board animals overnight. A dog waste station will be required adjacent to the facility’s parking area.

Staff Analysis

The subject site, 11804 Route 47, is zoned “M” Manufacturing District, which does not permit a veterinary hospital as an allowed or special permitted use. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance allows a veterinary hospital/clinic within the “B-2” Highway Service District, “C-1” Neighborhood Retail District and “C-2” Regional Retail District as a Permitted Use and in the “O” Corporate Office District as a Special Use (“C-1”, “C-2”, and “O” are part of the Planned Development District).

In order to allow a veterinary hospital to locate at the subject site the text of the Zoning Ordinance must be amended to add a veterinary hospital as a special use within the “M” zoning district. The proposed amendment would allow any “M” Manufacturing zoned property to request a Special Use Permit for a veterinary hospital.


There are thirteen (13) parking stalls immediately adjacent to the proposed facility entrance on the southwest corner of the site. The Zoning Ordinance minimum parking requirements are five (5) parking stalls per 1,000 square feet or twelve (12) parking spaces for the proposed 2,250 square foot animal hospital facility.

Plan Commission Recommendation

The public hearing to consider the Text Amendment to allow a Veterinary Hospital as a Special Use in the “M” Manufacturing District and a Special Use Permit for a Veterinary Hospital to locate within the “M” Manufacturing zoned property at 11804 Route 47 was held before the Plan Commission on Monday, March 14, 2016. A Huntley Pet Vet representative and two residents from the Woodcreek residential development adjacent to the subject property attended the public hearing and no one offered testimony in opposition to the request. 

Having considered the Standards for Amendments and for Special Use Permits and having fully heard and considered testimony, the Plan Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0, subject to the following conditions:

1. All improvements must occur in full compliance with all applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building), practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. No Signage is approved as part of the Special Use Permit.

Added by the Plan Commission

4. An animal waste station shall be provided on the exterior of the tenant space and shall be properly maintained at all times.

Village Board Conceptual Review

The Village Board reviewed the conceptual plans for the project at the January 21, 2016, Committee of the Whole meeting. The Village Board was generally supportive of the proposal and clarified that the Veterinary Hospital would occupy only the ground floor portion of the subject leased space.

Financial Impact

The petitioner is required to pay any applicable occupancy and sign permit fees. Director Nordman reported that representatives of the petition were in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked if signage was part of the request; Director Nordman stated that signage was not part of the petition.

Trustee Westberg asked if ingress and egress was only available from Route 47; Director Nordman reported that Route 47 would be the only way to access the veterinary hospital.

Mayor Sass asked if the second floor would be used; Mr. Tom Manning, property owner, said that the second floor would not be used.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval an Ordinance adopting (i) a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow a Veterinary Hospital as a Special Use in the “M” Manufacturing District and (ii) a Special Use Permit for a Veterinary Hospital within the “M” Manufacturing zoned lease space at 11804 Route 47.

d) Discussion – Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Temporary Sign Request for the 4th Annual Cooley Run 5K & Superhero 100 Yard Dash.

Mayor Sass reported that the Village of Huntley Zoning Ordinance allows for the issuance of a temporary sign permit. Temporary signs are subject to the following conditions: 1) not to exceed 30 days, 2) maximum size of 50 square feet and no more than 8 feet above ground, 3) not to be displayed on a fence or tree, and 4) not to be located in the rights-of-way.

Mayor Sass reported that on Feb. 25, 2016, the Village Board approved the 4th Annual Cooley Run 5k & Superhero 100 Yard Dash to be held on Sunday, May 8, 2016, as part of the 2016 Special Events approval. Since that time, staff has received a request to place temporary signs in the Village rights-of-way announcing this event.

Staff analysis

The village is in receipt of a request from the Cancer Kiss My Cooley organization for the following:

1. To post 18”x24” corrugated plastic signs at the following locations listed below. These will be posted beginning April 24 and will be removed no later than May 9:

- Route 47 and Reed Road

- Route 47 and Algonquin Road

- Route 47 and Mill Street

- Route 47 and Del Webb Boulevard

- Route 47 and Kreutzer Road

- Route 47 and Dean Street

- Route 47 and Main Street (NE corner)

- Algonquin Road and Haligus Road (NE and SW corners)

- Huntley/Dundee Road and Haligus Road

- Kreutzer Road and Haligus Road

- Reed Road and Haligus Road

- Haligus Road and Main Street

- Huntley/Dundee Road and Main Street

The Cancer Kiss My Cooley organization acknowledges that some sites are not under the Village’s jurisdiction and others may not be feasible in the noted location. No signs will be posted on private property without prior authorization of the property owner.

2. To post directional signage on the day of the event at the following locations:

a) Entrance to Stingray Bay

b) Route 47 and Mill Street

c) Entrance to Deicke Park

A variation from the Ordinance is required to locate the signs in the Village’s rights-of-way.

Financial Impact

The temporary sign permit fees are waived by Section 156.115 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution Granting the Issuance of a Temporary Sign Permit to Cancer Kiss My Cooley.

e) Discussion – Proposed McHenry County Conditional Use for Tee 2 Green Indoor Golf, LLC to allow an Outdoor Athletic Facility.

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reported that the Village is in receipt of a legal notice from the McHenry County Department of Planning and Development regarding an upcoming public hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals for a petition by Tee 2 Green Indoor Golf, LLC for a Conditional Use to establish an Outdoor Athletic Facility. Tee 2 Green, 11193 Dundee Road, is requesting to create two volleyball courts, one bocce ball court, two horseshoe pits, an open entertainment area with movable seating and games, and an area for beverage and food service on a 1-acre unincorporated parcel located east of the business’s parking lot. The site plan provided with the petition includes additional footnotes stating “courts to be netted at perimeter” and “lighting to be solar or battery powered,” but no further details are provided at this time.

The McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing for the petition on Thursday, April 14, 2016.

Staff analysis

Tee 2 Green is located within the Huntley Tech Center at 11193 Dundee Road which is within the Village of Huntley corporate limits; however, the land to the east and south of the building is unincorporated McHenry County. The proposed outdoor athletic facility would be located on the 1-acre unincorporated parcel directly east of the parking lot. The area is currently a grass field.

Village staff has reviewed the site plan and has the following comments and concerns:

1. The parcel is unincorporated; therefore, the Village will have no authority to regulate the use of the outdoor area.

2. Tee 2 Green currently holds a Village of Huntley liquor license for the indoor golf facility and adjacent outdoor deck; however, the license does not allow the sale or consumption of alcohol on the unincorporated parcels, as they are outside the corporate limits of the Village. Tee 2 Green will need to obtain a liquor license from McHenry County for this area. Staff contacted the Liquor Commissioner’s Office at the County and was informed that the owner does not agree that another liquor license through the County would be required and stated he intended to review this with the State’s Attorney. Staff is concerned with how Tee 2 Green will serve alcohol on the unincorporated parcel without utilizing the Village of Huntley license since there does not appear to be any facilities from which to store and serve the alcohol on the unincorporated parcel.

3. The proposed plan relies on the restrooms within the Tee 2 Green tenant space. The Illinois Plumbing Code provides requirements for the number of water closets (toilets) and urinals necessary for a business based on an occupancy load (calculations are provided in the plumbing code to determine occupancy loads). The Tee 2 Green tenant space currently has 3 water closets for women and 1 water closet and 2 urinals for men, which complies with occupancy load for the tenant space only. The creation of the outdoor athletic facility would increase the occupancy load and therefore would require additional water closets and urinals in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois Plumbing Code.

4. No information is provided for the proposed lighting. A photometric plan and fixture specifications are needed to determine any impact to surrounding properties.

5. No information is provided for the proposed netting or if the overall site will be enclosed with fencing.

6. No details are provided for the proposed beverage/food service area, such as whether there is a structure or how beverage and food service would be provided without water, sanitary sewer, or electric to a structure.

Staff is requesting that Village Board provide feedback concerning the petition being considered by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals. Specifically, staff is requesting the following questions be considered:

1. Does the Village Board wish to formally oppose, or support, the petition under consideration by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals?

2. Should the Village approach the property owner, Huntley Tech Center Inc., about annexing the unincorporated parcels?

3. If necessary, should the Village investigate forcibly annexing the unincorporated parcels?

Legal analysis

The Village Attorney has reviewed the status the Village liquor license as it relates to serving alcohol outside of the Village corporate limits.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Piwko stated that he opposes the request as there would be no control over anything taking place in the proposed area and that it would not be under the Village’s jurisdiction. Trustee Piwko stated that the Village should approach the property owner to consider annexing into the Village.

Trustee Kanakaris stated he did not care for the proposal unless the property is annexed into the Village; the outside of the building is updated and the parking lot is not striped. Trustee Kanakaris also reported that McHenry County liquor licenses have closing times one-hour later than the Village which would be 2:00 a.m.

Trustee Leopold stated that he opposes the petition. He stated that the owner should annex into the Village but he does not want the Village to forcibly annex the property.

Trustee Goldman stated that the first step before approving the petition would be to annex the property into the Village then have the petitioner come back before the Board with specific plans.

Trustee Westberg stated that the Police Department should not have to patrol or control this area for an extra hour and stated that he opposed the petition.

Trustee Hoeft stated that he agreed with the Committee members on opposing the petition and stated that the plans were too vague.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to have the Village oppose the petition before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals and contact the property owner to discuss annexation.

f) Discussion – Consideration of a Resolution to Enter into an Agency Communications Service Agreement between Southeast Emergency Communications (SEECOM) and the Village of Huntley for 911 Dispatch Services.

Chief Robert Porter reported that the State of Illinois passed Public Act 099-0006 on June 29, 2015, mandating the consolidation of 911 Public Safety Access Points (PSAPs) in the State of Illinois. The act mandated that each county within the state reduce the number of PSAP’s by 50% or down to two whichever number is larger. This mandated consolidation must be completed by July 1, 2017. McHenry County had six PSAPs which meant that the total number would need to be reduced to three. On January 21, 2016 the McHenry County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) voted and approved the closing of PSAPs located in Lake in the Hills, Harvard and Woodstock. This action left PSAP locations which are the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department, Southeast Emergency Communication (SEECOM), and McHenry City Police Department. The Huntley Police Department is currently under contract for dispatching services with the Lake in the Hills Police Department. The ETSB action to close the Lake in the Hills dispatch center has resulted in the Village having to select an alternative PSAP.

Staff analysis

Representatives from the Huntley Police Department and Village Staff attended several meetings with the three remaining PSAPs. Several different criteria were considered during the process of making a recommendation of which PSAP to select for services. 

The following criteria were considered by Staff:

1. Annual fees to include annual percentage increases as well as base line rate, in addition to any costs associated with the transfer of services

2. Physical location of the agency

3. Types of services provided, including fractured dispatching

4. Increased efficiency of mutual aid

It was determined that SEECOM provided a lower cost per call and base rate than both McHenry City Police Department and the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department. SEECOM is located closer to the Village of Huntley. Entering into this agreement would also eliminate the current fractured dispatch of police and fire service and the continued fractured service that would be the result of contracting with the McHenry Police Department or the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department. Essentially all 911 calls and emergency services for all locations within the Village of Huntley would be handled by the same dispatch agency. Contracting with SEECOM would also provide for more efficient mutual aid as SEECOM currently dispatches for several agencies that either border or are close to the Village of Huntley.

After completing the analysis of the remaining three PSAPs, Staff presented to the Village Board Committee of the Whole on February 18, 2016, a request to enter into a letter of intent to enter into a contractual services agreement with Southeast Emergency Communications (SEECOM) for future 911 and Public Safety Dispatch Services. The Village Board approved the request on February 25, 2016. Staff has worked with SEECOM to finalize an agreement that is now presented for approval. The agreement will become effective May 1, 2017. The term is for five years. The agreement provides for an option to begin service sooner at a pro-rated fee.

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Protect the Safety and Well-Being of all People Residing in, Working in, or Visiting the Village as a Strategic Priority, and “identify options and associated costs for state-mandated consolidation of PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Point)…” as an objective.

Financial Impact

The consolidation mandate will have a significant financial impact on the Village budget. Dispatch fees will increase to $334,895 from $155,000 as budgeted in FY2016. The base rate increases 3% annually. The base rate was determined on a baseline of 9,822 calls for service (CFS). New growth is determined by calls for service in excess of 9,822.

Base Rate


New Growth (NG)


04.07.16 COW Minutes 8


Year 1





Year 2



Yearly CFS above

$344,907+ New Growth

Year 3



9,822 multiplied by

$355,220+ New Growth

Year 4



the approved

$365,841+ New Growth

Year 5




$376,782+ New Growth

Legal Analysis

The Village Attorney has reviewed the agreement.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked which dispatch service was the second lowest in cost; Chief Porter stated that it was very close between the Village of McHenry and McHenry County.

Trustee Piwko asked if it was possible to start with SEECOM earlier and how early. Chief Porter stated that the Village could start with SEECOM early but no earlier than January, 2017. Trustee Piwko stated that he would support starting with SEECOM earlier than proposed.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution to enter into an Agency Communications Service Agreement between Southeast Emergency Communications (SEECOM) and the Village of Huntley for 911 Dispatch Services

g) Discussion – Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Contract with William Ruth Landscape for the Village of Huntley 2016 Landscape Maintenance Services.

Mayor Sass reported that the Village distributed a Request for Proposals for Landscape Maintenance Services and received three (3) proposals on March 24, 2016. 

The areas to be maintained are:

- Village of Huntley Municipal Complex, 10987 Main Street (center island and flower pots)

- Village of Huntley Entrance Signs - (5) current locations and (2) future locations

- Main & Route 47 Intersection (triangle-Railroad, Coral, Dwyer Streets area, Northeast corner retaining wall)

- Main & Route 47 Intersection (11879 Main St., McHenry County Visitor Center; Northwest corner)

- Wing Pointe Subdivision (Haligus Rd. & Dundee Rd. (main entrance median and southeast entrance sign area)

- Southwind Subdivision (Cambridge Dr. main entrance median and sign area)

- Town Square area (2017-2018 seasons): Town Park, Chamber of Commerce at 11704 Coral, municipal parking lots, right-of-way landscaping

Staff Analysis

The proposals have been reviewed by Staff. The proposals, shown below, ranged from $33,536 to $38,910. William Ruth Landscape from Huntley submitted the lowest proposal of $33,536. The contract period will begin on May 1st and end on October 31st.


Proposal Amount

William Ruth Landscape


Langton Group


Whitetail Landscaping


Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Improve Appearance of Public and Private Properties and Improve Maintenance of Public Right-of-Ways as a Strategic Priority, and “develop and implement annual maintenance plans for subdivision entryways not maintained by a homeowner’s association.”

Financial Impact

The FY 2016 budgeted amount for this program is $70,000 in line item 05-10-2-6379.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked who will be maintaining the medians; Village Manager Johnson reported that APEX Landscaping Inc. will be maintaining the medians.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution Approving a Contract with William Ruth Landscape for the Village of Huntley 2016 Landscape Maintenance Services in the amount of $33,536.

Village attorney's report: None

Village manager's report: None

Village president's report: None

Ufinished business: None

New business: None

Executive session: None

Action on closed session items: None


There being no further items to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Piwko

Second: Trustee Westberg

The voice vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.


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