
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Algonquin Committee of Whole considers seeking grant to build bike path

Webp meeting 06

At a recent meeting, the Algonquin Committee of the Whole considered seeking a state grant to fund construction of a bike path.

The Algonquin Committee of the Whole consists of the president and Board of Trustees.  After the Committee of the Whole has met to discuss issues related to community development, general administration of the village, or public works and safety, matters that need formal actions are placed on the agenda for the regular village board meeting.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the committee.

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Village of Algonquin

Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Held in Village Board Room

June 14, 2016

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum

Present: Trustees, John Spella, Jerrold Glogowski, Robert Smith, Debby Sosine, and

President Schmitt.

Absent: Brian Dianis

Staff Members Present: Tim Schloneger, Bob Mitchard, Deputy Police Chief Jeff Sutrick, and Attorney Kelly Cahill. Village Clerk Jerry Kautz was also in attendance.

Chairman Jim Steigert called the Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

A quorum was established.

AGENDA ITEM 2: Audience Participation


AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development

Mr. Schloneger reported:

A. Consider a Public Event for East Gate Manor August 5, 2016

Jason Benedict, Executive Director, from Eastgate Manor (101 Eastgate Court) has applied for a Public Event/Entertainment License for Friday, August 5, 2016. The event, which is being called “Summer BBQ”, will take place within the development’s backyard area from the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and will be open to the public. There are no admission fees. Due to this event including an outdoor amplified musical performance by a band and a petting zoo, the Village Board’s approval is required. The actual band has yet to be determined but the bands in the past have been low key due to this being a retirement home/assisted living care setting. Parking will be provided within the Eastgate Manor’s lot and the adjacent strip center’s parking areas. No additional signs have been requested. The required Certificate of Insurance noting the Village as additional insured has been provided as well as the hold harmless agreement. Following discussion, consensus of the Committee of the Whole was to pass this on to the Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration

Mr. Schloneger reported:

A. Consider an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates for the Village of Algonquin

This is a housekeeping measure per state statute, the Village is required to pass an ordinance establishing prevailing wage rates on an annual basis for public works projects. The Prevailing Wage Act requires contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers, and mechanics employed on public works construction projects no less than the general prevailing rate of wages (consisting of hourly cash wages plus fringe benefits) for work of a similar character in the county where the work is performed.

Consensus of the Committee of the Whole was to pass this on to the Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety

Mr. Mitchard reported on items A through E

A. Declare Certain Items as Surplus

As part of our normal operating processes, Public Works submit their semi-regular submission of items to be deemed surplus via board action. There many item listed and several pages long. The list can be viewed at Village Hall after the Board takes action at the next Village Board meeting of June 21.

Following review, consensus of the Committee of the Whole was to move on to the Board for approval.

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B. Consider an Agreement with Copenhaver Construction for the Surrey Lane Drainage Project

The project will involve filling in the creek channel and creating a naturalized drainage swale, as well as rerouting the stormwater flow into new storm pipe, which will be located in the parkway in front of these homes. It will also correct the erosion between homes on Surrey Court and Zange Drive through the installation and re-routing of the storm sewer. The final step in the project is the restoration of the oak woodland and the two creeks that enter the Village’s open space on Surrey Lane.

Berger Excavating was the low bidder on the project however, they failed to submit the prequalification requirements for the contractor/sub-contractor that will be completing all streambank restoration and appurtenant work as described on page 2 of the specification book. Based on input from the Village Attorney, this bid will be rejected on that basis. Thus, Copenhaver Construction is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $1,369,732.50. Copenhaver Construction has completed work in the Village in the past and CBBEL believes their bid to be in order. Consensus followed that moves this item to the Board for approval.

C. Consider an Agreement with Compass Minerals America for the Purchase of Rock Salt

Bids were opened on April 25, 2016, for the purchase of bulk rock salt for the 2016-17 winter season. This year, the Village participated in a joint bid for this material which was led by the McHenry County Highway Department and also included six other communities. Four bids were received for this material purchase.

Compass Minerals America Inc. out of Overland, KS was the low bidder for the product that Algonquin uses, which is enhanced (or treated) rock salt. This is chemically treated salt that lowers its melting temperature so that it is more effective when it is applied. The Compass bid came in at $69.84 per ton with an option for a second year renewal at $71.94 per ton. Money was budgeted for this in the MFT Fund under the Materials line items. Compass Minerals was our salt provider last winter and there were no issues with their product or service. The recommendation is to accept the Compass bid at $69.84 per ton with an option for a second year renewal at $71.94 per ton.

Committee of the Whole consensus was to pass this item on to the Board for approval.

D. Consider Federal Grant Funding through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for the Downtown Streetscape Project

A resolution is needed for an application to receive ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program)

Funding. These federal funds are administered through IDOT and are to be utilized to fund projects which enhance the transportation system by serving a transportation need or by providing a transportation use or benefit. This resolution signifies our commitment for the cost share to reconstruct/resurface the roadway as well as construct streetscape improvements to Main Street between IL Route 31 and Edward Street with a total project cost of approximately $3,184,860. The Village of Algonquin will provide approximately 37 percent local matching funds in the amount of $1,184,860 for the proposed project and requesting $2,000,000 in grant funding through ITEP.

Following discussion, it was the consensus to pass this on to the Board for approval.

E. Consider Federal Grant Funding through the Illinois Transportation EnhancemeProgram for the Construction of a Bikeway

A resolution for an application to receive ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program) Funding.

These federal funds are administered through IDOT and are to be utilized to fund projects which enhance the transportation system by serving a transportation need or by providing a transportation use or benefit.

This resolution signifies our commitment for the cost share to construct a bikeway between the south end of the existing IL Route 31 Bike Path and the Prairie Path with a total project cost of approximately $3,901,738. The Village of Algonquin will provide approximately 49 percent local matching funds in the amount of $1,901,738 for the proposed project and is requesting $2,000,000 in grant funding through ITEP.

Committee of the Whole consensus was to pass this item on to the Board for approval.

F. Consider Road Closure of Route 62 for Founders’ Days Parade, July 30, 2016

Deputy Chief Sutrick reported:

A Resolution for Road Closure is required by the State of Illinois in order to close a section of IL Route 62

for the Founders Parade on Saturday, July 30, 2016. This resolution, after it has been passed by the Board, signed by John Schmitt and attested to by the Village Clerk, Jerry Kautz, is returned to the Police

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Department. The department will forward it to the Illinois Department of Transportation to obtain their written permission for this road closure.

Consensus of the Committee of the Whole was to move on to the Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session


AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business

1. Mr. Schloneger reported electric rates at Com Ed have been falling below the Constellation Energy Program

this year, therefore residents on the Constellation Energy rate program my wish to opt out. The Vi llage will be publicly announcing this through the website, newspapers, and with a newsletter mailed with the water bills.

There is no time limit on opting out.

2. President Schmitt said he and Mr. Schloneger will be driving to McHenry County to attend the County Board

Transportation Committee who will vote on the appropriation for monies to be used in acquiring easements for the Randall Road project.

AGENDA ITEM 8: Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Steigert adjourned the Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:44 p.m.

Submitted: Jerry Kautz, Village Clerk