The village of Fox River Grove Committee of the Whole met Sept. 15 to approve a townhome development.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:
All members of the Fox River Grove Village Board are members of the committee of the whole, which reviews and approves items to be placed for vote on the village board agenda. The committee of the whole meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at Village Hall, 305 Illinois St.
Village Of FOX River Grove
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Trustee Migdal called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were President Nunamaker, Trustees Anderson, Blohm, Curtiss, Knar, Migdal and Wall. Also present were Administrator Soderholm, Management Assistant Bechler, Chief Lukasik, Operations Manager Reese, Operations Manager Zintl, Finance Manager Menz and Deputy Village Clerk Majkrzak.
PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEE REPORTS President Nunamaker reported that the negotiations on the redevelopment agreement for the downtown redevelopment project made progress this week.
A brief discussion was held on the staff monthly reports.
1. APPROVAL: SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SESSION MINUTES Trustee Migdal made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 1, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting. Trustee Curtiss seconded. Roll Call: Trustees Anderson, Blohm, Curtiss, Knar, Migdal and Wall-all "yes". MOTION PASSED.
2. DISCUSSION: SPECIALUSE PERMIT-PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, FOX BARRINGTONGLEN Great Properties II, Michael Graft, is proposing building townhomes on the 3 acre parcel on County Line Road. The proposed development includes 8 duplexes and 2 quad-plexes. If there is a lack of market for residential, they would like to Construct 10 duplexes and 3 Commercial buildings. A discussion was held on the real estate market, traffic concerns, reason why sidewalks are not feasible, Snowplowing options, size of the detention area, Village responsibility relative to this subdivision and on expanding the Talon SSA to this area of the proposed development.
Trustee Migdal made a motion to accept the recommendations of the consultants, the recommendations of the PEDC and direct staff to draft the Special Use Permit Ordinance for Village Board consideration. Trustee Wall seconded. Roll Call: Trustees Anderson, Blohm, Curtiss, Knar, Migdal and Wall-all "yes". MOTION PASSED.
3. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Blohm wanted the trustees to know that School District 3 had been using volunteer Coaches but this year they are using paid coaches and are thinking of how to thank those volunteers. Trustee Blohm also mentioned that there was some interest in possibly constructing a six lane track at the Algonquin Road SOCCer fields near ARS.
Administrator Soderholm reported that the Village has received a quote of $350 to number the 54 parking Spaces at Picnic Grove Park and that staff is planning on starting the work now in preparation for the new parking fee which is to start in the Spring.
Today was the bid opening for the SCADA System Upgrade. The bid came in within the budgeted amount and will allow the Village to add the equipment to automate the finished flow pump readings as well as remotely read the levels of the three lift stations. For an additional $6,000, the Village could add the pump reading equipment to Wells #1 and #2. Village Board was in agreement to proceed with the additional work.
The Village Administrator noted the 2016-17 Water/Sewer Capital Fund budget includes replacing the generator at WTP#1 and resurfacing the screw pumps at the WWTP. The current generator's capacity is 90K but due to EPA concerns/specifications a new 90K generator will not give us the power that we need. This generator needs to be replaced with a 125K generator (at a higher cost). Therefore the Village will be deferring this item to the 2017-18 budget. The cost for the resurfacing of the screw pumps is higher than budgeted and is also being deferred.
Administrator Soderholm explained that the excavation contractor for the new Public Works facility is asking for an additional $13,000. The change order request is all related to the excessive ground water issues that have occurred. The Committee agreed to grant the change order.
ADJOURMENT Trustee Knar made a motion to adjourn the Committee of the Whole at 8:05 p.m. Trustee Wall seconded. Roll Call: Trustees Anderson, Blohm, Curtiss, Knar, Migdal and Wall-all "yes". MOTION PASSED.