
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission discuss reusable bag initiative

Webp meeting 02

Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission met Thursday, Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes as provided by Woodstock:



February 16, 2017

City Council Chambers

The Special Joint Meeting of the City of Woodstock Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission was called to order at 6:02 PM on Thursday, February 16, 2017 in the Council Chambers at City Hall.


COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Ellinghausen, Steve Wenzel, Chair Erica Poremba, William Donato, John Hudson, and Ivy Sagrado.

COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Laurie Kacmar, Jaci Krandel, and Jose’ Rivera.

STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Public Works Director Tom Migatz and Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie.



Motion by W. Donato, second by S. Wenzel, to accept the Minutes from the December 1, 2016 Joint Meeting of the Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission.

Ayes: Ed Ellinghausen, Steve Wenzel, Chair Erica Poremba, William Donato, John Hudson, and Ivy Sagrado. Nays: none. Absentees: Laurie Kacmar, Jaci Krandel, and Jose’ Rivera.

Abstentions: none. Minutes accepted.



a. Reports back from BIG 7 visits (W. Donato, J. Krandel): nothing new to report

b. Website update: T. Migatz said there are some donations on the website.

c. “Our Story” content development for website and program flyer/brochure – progress? (E. Poremba)

E. Poremba shared the draft of “Our Story” that she put together. Some of the information she took straight from the website. The compilation will include how this initiative got started. The City of Woodstock values came from D. Schober. 

W. Donator said Cynthia at the Defenders was instrumental in getting their reusable bag initiative started. Perhaps we should contact Cynthia for information and/or assistance. E. Ellinghausen said the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County has more information on Defend, Protect, and Sustain on their website. Commissioners offered some suggestions for changes and additional information that could be included on the website.

T. Migatz will locate the Defenders’ brochure and forward it to Chair Poremba.

d. “Reports back from the logistics subcommittee (W. Donato, J. Rivera, S. Wenzel,

E. Ellinghausen – when in town, L. Kacmar?) – Purpose: Formalize logistics of receipt of bags, stuffing of items in bags and delivery of bags

1. Delivery location and storage of initial shipment (to be delivered) confirmed at Woodstock North High School Bags for delivery are being stored at Woodstock North High School. The bags for purchase are in the basement at City Hall, for sale after bags are delivered to Woodstock households.

2. Bags to be received mid-January 2017. Bags to be delivered in spring 2017.

Bags arrived a couple of weeks ago.

3. Obtaining and logging of volunteers?

W. Donato is managing the volunteers and bag delivery, which is scheduled for Saturday, March 11 (rain date is March 18). He explained the process. Currently, he has over 100 volunteers from many groups: Lucia, Woodstock High School Student Council, McHenry County College Service Learning, Key Clubs from Woodstock High School and Woodstock North High School, Interact, Morning Rotary, Commission members, BYOBag group from Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, Woodstock High School Baseball Team, Economic Development Director Garrett Anderson and eight Boy Scouts, Education Committee from District 200, Woodstock Council of Teachers along with several individuals.

Staff will provide maps for volunteers. And, they will determine approximately how many homes each group should handle. Logistics will be discussed at the March 2 meeting. At that time, the bag insert will be available.

W. Donato would like permission from Mayor Sager to donate one bag to each volunteer.

The Commissioners would like to send a Press Release to the Northwest Herald and The Woodstock Independent, and inform their writers and photographers of this event. They also mentioned contacting Woodstock radio station STAR 105.5, as they might be interested in broadcasting live.

They would also like to have a donation box on site the day of the delivery.

W. Donato said he will contact the principal at Marian Central Catholic High School to find out if any of their groups and/or students might be interested.

Staff will share information with Krista to send to businesses w/ URL.

Also, post information on Facebook, once available.

e. Sponsorship Action Plan – work on obtaining additional sponsorships

f. Drafting of the Ordinance – including deciding on “price” of plastic/paper bags.

(10 cents was mentioned with Defenders, but Chicago just created theirs at 7 cents per bag. More info about the Chicago ordinance is available by clicking this hyperlink Chicago Plastic Bag Ordinance. More recently this was proposed as part of the 2017 budget 7 Cent Per Bag Tax-Chicago Proposal) This will be effective February of 2017.

Commissioners discussed the 7 cent cost in Chicago and discussed how much Woodstock could charge for a plastic/paper bag. A decision has not been made.

g. Schedule next meeting – both Special Meeting for items in bags approval (if necessary) and next Special Meeting.


Motion by W. Donato, second by E. Ellinghausen, to adjourn this Special Meeting of the Cultural & Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission at 6:35 PM. Ayes: Ed Ellinghausen, Steve Wenzel, Chair Erica Poremba, William Donato, John Hudson, and Ivy Sagrado. Nays: none. Absentees: Laurie Kacmar, Jaci Krandel, and Jose’ Rivera. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned until the next Special Meeting on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Howie

Chief Deputy City Clerk