
McHenry Times

Friday, January 3, 2025

McHenry County Mental Health Board approves funding for the Law Enforcement Care Coordination Services Program

McHenry County Mental Health Board met Tuesday, Feb. 28.

The McHenry County Mental Health Board is a special purpose unit of the county government that's regulated through the Community Mental Health Act. The board administers mental health funds, collected through an annual tax levy, through the direction of a nine-member board of community representatives.

Here is the agenda as provided by McHenry County:

McHenry County Mental Health Board Regular Meeting February 28, 2017 ● 6:00 p.m. Held at: Mental Health Board, 620 Dakota Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60012


Board Members present: Mike Baber, Cathy Ferguson, Lynn Kasicki, Ray Lapinas, Connee Meschini, Dawn Pruchniak, Sarah Wilson, and Paula Yensen Board Members absent: Sam Melei Others present: Scott Block, Terry Braune, Jane Wacker, Pat Peterson and other interested parties

1. CALL TO ORDER – Connee Meschini called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken.

2. PUBLIC COMMENT Brian Bode and Joe Lawler, Pioneer Center – Brian, a MHB funded Wellness Nurse for Pioneer Center, told the Board that this position allows for greater service provision to clients including the Health Matters program. Scott Naydenoff – Deputy Chief of Field Operations, Cary Police Department thanked the Board for funding the Mental Health First Aid Program initially presented to the First Responders. Scott attended the Instructor training and has since provided 10+ trainings. The program is having a positive impact in our community. The department has partnered for domestic violence assistance at Turning Point.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FOR ACTION Cathy Ferguson motioned to approve the Minutes of the January 24, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. Seconded by Ray Lapinas. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Ray Lapinas - Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen – Yes, Connee Meschini - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.

4. REPORTS A. President's Reports - C. Meschini i. Introduction of New Members Connee introduced Paula Yensen, County Board Liaison, Lynn Kasicki and Mike Baber. ii. Committee Assignments The 2017 Mental Health Board Committee List was discussed and amended slightly with approval by all. iii. Appointment of Secretary Pro tem Connee asked Lynn Kasicki to serve as Secretary Pro tem. Lynn accepted the temporary appointment. iv. Events and Announcements – Connee pointed out the events and announcements within packets. v. Annual Town Hall Meeting - Thursday, May 18, 2017

B. Director's Report - S. Block

BHF has chosen BB Communications to develop and implement a Community Outreach and Communications Plan. The goal of the effort is to increase community awareness of behavioral health services available to McHenry County residents. Service Provider/Consumer input will inform plan development and the plan will leverage collective activities wherever possible. Plan development and implementation will be funded through BHF and grant dollars. MHB ED made the County Administrator and County Board Chair aware of this initiative as the County is also looking at opportunities to increase community outreach efforts.

MHB ED met with the County Auditor to discuss the County Enterprise Resource Planning System. MHB will be in attendance at product demos as the County has narrowed its search to 3 vendors. The new system is anticipated to be operational as of December 2018. Depending on the level of system access granted to the MHB and the MHB’s willingness to adopt the new system for its use, FY 18 budget may be necessary to actively support this system which will replace Performance and Fund Ware. Scott has asked for Board Liaison’s assistance in joining in this system. More discussion will be held for FY18 Budget.

2017-03-28 Board Approved

The “A Way Out” – McHenry County Program development team led by State’s Attorney Kenneally met this week to solidify action steps. The program is anticipated to begin May 1, 2017. The MHB ED will schedule a presentation overview of the program at the April MHB meeting. MHB has set aside up to $75,000 in FY 17 to assist the program’s operations. At present it is anticipated the MHB will develop contracts with multiple inpatient/residential substance abuse treatment providers to allow access to care for uninsured McHenry County residents.

The Network Council completed its Strategic Planning efforts on February 27th. Results will be presented by Health & Disability Advocates at the MHB’s April 22nd Strategic Planning Meeting. The Buildings and Grounds Committee met on February 9th and received a presentation on the Facility Condition Assessment results. Post discussion, RuckPate was asked to develop an addendum focusing on potential solutions to the Annex/CRC entrance which develops a layer of ice that blocks the door throughout the winter. RuckPate completed an assessment and is drafting the addendum. Two items in need of immediate repair were the basement drywall and drain pipe in janitor’s closet. Both issues have been remedied through County Maintenance.

MHB ED is working with Aurora University to standardize outcomes based on the SAMHSA National Outcome Measures. A Network Council Ad Hoc Committee will review the established Outcome Domains. It is anticipated that the domains will be operational in FY 18.

MHB Finance and Audit Committee met but took no action due to lack of quorum on February 21st. Agenda items and topics of discussion included the FY 17 Fund Balance Reserve Spend Down Plan and development of a stand-alone Reconciliation Policy to formalize the process which is going into its third year.

The MHB ED will be added to the April 27th PHCS Meeting Agenda to provide the committee with a MHB Annual Report Summary.

MHB ED has scheduled a meeting to review the MHB Annual Report with Illinois State Representatives Andersson, Reick, and Skillicorn on April 20th.

Our CARF Accreditation has been filed as a Network Accreditation. With this Accreditation, MHB will be viewed as a hub for services and will be one of the first MHB’s to receive this accreditation.

C. Buildings and Grounds Committee - C. Ferguson RuckPate Architecture firm presented their Building Assessment to the Committee. They found the facilities to be in great shape and laid out an organized plan for the Board to follow. Two items needing repair were fixed immediately by County Maintenance. The Committee pointed out an ice buildup issue that the firm is going to research and bring a plan for resolution back. It was a comprehensive report and the Committee was pleased.

D. Finance and Audit Committee - S. Melei Jane Wacker presented the Finance and Audit report due to absence of Sam Melei. On the Balance Sheet (pg. 24) some significant number changes were to reverse out the Receivables of FY16 of $310,000 that is not collectable as property taxes and reported $10.9M Receivable for FY17 because as of the end of the year we have a legal right to it. This is down in deferred section because it can’t use it until December came. Staff also increased receivables for amount due after agency reconciliation was complete and finished final payroll accruals to reconcile with County end-of-year. These changes flow through to the next two pages. On the FFS Report there is not much new due to time of year. Jane will meet with new members to go through numbers it in greater details. On pg. 35 the ending balances of FY16 flow through to the beginning balance of FY17 those numbers also change. We footnoted $1M designated for early debt payoff. On pg. 37, historically a FFS Report has been done in January. MHB changed its policy and now requires a signed contract prior to payout and as of preparation time only three agencies had completed their contracts. Because of this there was no need to complete a FFS Report.

E. Network Council - C. Ferguson QMT Intake meetings are helping clients that need access to multiple services. CoC homelessness count was discussed and TBI Task Force, Substance Abuse Task Force and IDD Task Force provided reports. The results of QPR studies show success in reducing suicide within the County. The Council’s Strategic Planning identified 6-7 strategies and ideas will be compiled. Cathy asked for agency input on type of breakout session that they would like Board members to attend while at NATCON. F. Behavioral Health Foundation - R. Lapinas Ray noted that a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday of next week.

5. CONSENT AGENDA - FOR ACTION A. 201702-16 Treasurer's Reports for the Period Ending Nov. 31, 2016 (V.3) and Jan. 31, 2017 B. 201702-17 MHB Monthly Bills - $305,471.90 C. 201702-18 Legal Bills - $4,862.25 D. 201702-19 Vendor Categories Preapproved for Check Release Cathy Ferguson motioned to approve Consent Agenda items A, B, C, and D. Seconded by Paula Yensen. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Ray Lapinas - Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen – Yes, Connee Meschini - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.


A. 201702-20 Fund Balance Reserve Spend Down Plan and Designation From packet page 44 Scott explained the Fund Balance Reserve Spend Down Plan and Designation noting that the earliest it can be paid off without penalty is December 2018. This would allow for an appropriate fund balance while maintaining the same level of services offered. Cathy Ferguson motioned to accept the Fund Balance Reserve Spend Down Plan and Designation as presented. Seconded by Sarah Wilson. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Ray Lapinas - Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen – Yes, Connee Meschini - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.

B. 201702-22 FY 17 Funding Agreement with AID in Support of Law Enforcement Care Coordination Services Program Scott provided background with Cathy Ferguson adding additional information as to how this budgeting works. The program was designed to allow five departments to each access a FT Mental Health professional on a specific day of the week. A Social Worker would work together with Police Departments to serve clients that need behavioral healthcare. Mike noted that a social worker can provide value to the system. This will not replace Crisis, instead it is an approach for non-urgent needs. Scott looks for commitment of FY17 and Dec-Apr FY18, ($28,000), and feels it is worth the opportunity to seed this program. The onus is on AID and the Police Departments to sustain this program. Days will be rotated between the departments and a bilingual MHP level is being sought to fill this position. Cathy Ferguson motioned that The McHenry County Mental Health Board, Board of Directors directs the Executive Director to develop a FY 17 Funding Agreement with the Association for Individual Development in the amount of $52,156.00 in support of the Law Enforcement Care Coordination Services Program. Seconded by Sarah Wilson. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Ray Lapinas - Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen – Yes, Connee Meschini - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.

C. CILA and Community Employment Services Funding Notices Update Scott provided an update on the two NOFA’s released for CILA’s and CES Funding that are now closed. Two applications were received for CILA’s by Clearbrook and AID. AID and Little City submitted request for funding for CES. At present, staff are formatting these for review. MHB staff will review these throughout this month and submit them to Board with comments, questions, budget and timeline. Board should present questions to staff who will answer back to Board members. Agencies will be asked to be present at the meeting.

D. Pioneer Center Update Scott provided an update on Pioneer Center. The MHB team including Scott, Terry, Jane and Ray Lapinas met yesterday with Pioneer Center Co-CEO’s and their Finance team to review cash position and A/R. Review of FY16 year-end close numbers determined a payback in the amount of $6,572.29 related to unallowed expenses in TBI program, Autism program and Transportation and Medication funds. Pioneer Center has agreed and has begun the process to send check in this amount to MHB. Pioneer Center’s financial audit, financial statements for year-end 2015 and 2016 were reviewed. A couple of areas of significance were noted. Their line of credit was originally at $1.5M. With the money from bequeath an initial payment of $250,000 and subsequent monthly payments of $100,000, they project pay-off of this debt in June of 2017. They continue to make monthly payments toward debt payoff. More concerning is the significant debt commitment with a balloon payment of $7M coming due in June of 2019. The Pioneer Center plan involves the close long-term relationship with their bank, increased fundraising and aggressively seeking sales of two facilities and look to refinance long-term debt notes. They are proactively trying to do everything they can to reduce chance of programs/services closure. With Ray voicing concern of the situation by June 2017, the Pioneer Center noted they have projected conservatively. With increased fundraising and state payments Pioneer Center feels they would be able to make ends meet without program closures or reductions. A trend upward would be welcome, but there are many agencies probably in this same situation. A special condition included in Pioneer Center contracts require them to notify MHB within 60 days should they have plans to reduce or close programs. This ensures time for a proactive response to provide that client services continue should closure occur. Co-leadership was discussed. Job descriptions were reviewed and all was disclosed to the Pioneer Center auditors who offered no recommendations and found no problem with the co-leadership system. MHB and Pioneer Center will meet again in April and in the future every two months. MHB is only about 10% of the Pioneer Center over-all budget and remains concerned about accountability of MHB contracts but does want to take a proactive approach on behalf of the community. Ray noted that cash flow drops to about $153,000 in the bank at the end of June. This amount is not a lot when their payroll is near $250,000. He also noted the State is paying now, due to court decree but if State does not continue to do so, many agencies will be facing the same issues. Two loans had a call in June 2017 and Pioneer leadership reported that the bank will allow them to defer so there are many moving parts. Scott reminded the Board that no one is in position to say what will happen in the future and whether or not things are getting better. The trend is toward stabilization and hopes are that Pioneer Center can sell their buildings as soon as possible and move on as a solvent organization. Ray noted he was impressed with their transparency and Scott complemented them on “cleaning up” their Accounts Receivable.

7. NEW BUSINESS - FOR DISCUSSION/FOR ACTION A. DRAFT FY16 Annual Report for Review The Draft FY16 Annual Report was handed out to Board members for review.

B. FY18 Funding Application Timeline - Draft Scott explained the FY18 Funding Application Timeline draft and noted significant dates.

C. 201702-21 Epilepsy Foundation Contract Amendment with Revised Special Conditions Scott reviewed the amendment for Epilepsy Foundation for Medicaid certification. Their plan is to become certified by 2020. There is no push for certification. The Epilepsy Foundations would need to invest in a FT billing position and software if MHB wanted to push for them to get the certification sooner. Cathy noted that it does not make sense for the agency to do so at this time and does not make sense. Ethics and Compliance Committee asked staff to bring back a revised special condition and to monitor volume in the future. Cathy Ferguson motioned that The McHenry County Mental Health Board, Board of Directors directs the Executive Director to complete a contract amendment reflecting the revised Special Conditions page as presented. Seconded by Sarah Wilson. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Ray Lapinas - Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen – Yes, Connee Meschini - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.

8. PUBLIC COMMENT Sam Tenuto, Pioneer Center - noted there are no mergers or closures planned. The Pioneer Center team is very accessible to the MHB and respects tax payer dollars. They welcome new DD providers to the County and are obligated to shore up CILA’s and work within the DSP shortage. Numbers are stabilizing and the Pioneer Center is not dependent on MHB funding for success. Chris Gleason, Rosecrance – updated the Board on C & A services and SASS services. He noted 552 clients in service lines and will be hiring two additional therapists. They are three weeks out on assessments and have placed two counselors in D200 - Woodstock. Rosecrance has also added another SASS worker and has completed over 500 assessments with 152 clients on file.


Dawn Pruchniak motioned to move into Closed Session at 7:34 p.m. Lynn Kasicki seconded. A VOICE VOTE WAS TAKEN. All in favor. Motion carried.

Sarah Wilson motioned to move into Open Session at 7:42 p.m. Seconded by Lynn Kasicki. A VOICE VOTE WAS TAKEN. All in favor. Motion carried.

No Action was taken in Closed Session.

10. ADJOURN Sarah Wilson motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Lynn Kasicki. A VOICE VOTE WAS TAKEN. All in favor. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.




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