Alden Hebron School District 19 Board of Education met May 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Strategic Plan Mission Statement:
Alden-Hebron School District #19, in partnership with our community, will educate and inspire our students to reach their individual potential enabling them to be responsible members of society.
I. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Correspondence
IV. Communications
Note:“Communications” are a time for community members and district employees to express a point of view, not to debate an issue. There will be a sign-up sheet for the public to identify their name, address, phone number, name of the organization you represent (if any) and a brief description of the topic to be addressed. According to Board Policy 2:230, comments are limited to 5 minutes. If there is an item that you would like discussed, please contact Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg, Superintendent, or Sue Walters, Board President, and we will consider the appropriateness of placing the item on an upcoming agenda.
1. Public Comments
2. Staff Comments
3. Board Comments
V. Consent Agenda
*A. Approval of May 1, 2017 Meeting Minutes
*B. Recap of April 2017 Expenditures
*C. Treasurer’s Report for April 2017
*D. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll
*E. Final 2016-17 school calendar- last day May 26, 2017
*F. 2nd Reading of Policies
School Board:
2:100, Board Member Conflict of Interest\
General School Administration:
3:70, Succession of Authority
Operational Services:
4:15, Identity Protection
4:180, Pandemic Preparedness
5:70, Religious Holidays
5:80, Court Duty
5:110, Recognition for Service
5:120, Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
5:140, Solicitations By or From Staff
5:210, Resignations
5:230, Maintaining Student Discipline
5:285, Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5:300, Schedules and Employment Year
5:320, Evaluation
6:70, Teaching About Religions
6:185, Remote Educational Program
7:100, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations, and Exclusion of Students
Policies for 5-year Review-
School District Organization:
1:10, School District Legal Status
1:20, District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements
School Board:
2:10, School District Governance
2:40, Board Member Qualifications
2:50, Board Member Term of Office
2:60, Board Member Removal from Office
2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct
2:130, Board-Superintendent Relationship
2:210, Organizational School Board Meeting
General School Administration:
3:10, Goals and Objectives
3:30, Chain of Command
Operational Services:
4:40, Incurring Debt
4:90, Activity Funds
4:100, Insurance Management
4:120, Food Services
General Personnel:
5:150, Personnel Records
5:180, Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
5:290, Employment Terminations and Suspensions
5:310, Compensatory Time-Off
6:31, Class Size
6:230, Library Media Program
6:255, Assemblies and Ceremonies
6:260, Complaints About Curriculum, Instuctional Materials, and Programs
6:310, High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students
7:12, Fines, Fees, and Charges
7:170, Vandalism
7:280, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
7:285, Food Allergy Management Program
7:330, Student Use of Building-Equal Access
Community Relations:
8:20, Community Use of School Facilities
Policies Recommended for Deletion-
General School Administration:
3:05, Organizational Chart (will be an exhibit to 3:30, Chain of Command)
3:51, Administration in Policy Absence
Operational Services:
400, Goals and Objectives
4:10.1, Fiscal Management-Revenue-Tuition
4:50.1, Fiscal Management-Expenditures-Imprest Fund
4:60.1, Fiscal Management-Expenditures-Project Administration
4:80.1, Buildings and Grounds Management-Sale of Buildings
General Personnel:
500, Goals and Objectives
6:10, Educational Philosophy and Objectives
6:305, Participation of Students with Disabilities in Graduation Ceremony Certificate of Completion Students:
700, Goals and Objectives
Community Relations:
800, School-Community Relations Goals
8:40, Spectator Conduct at School Events
VI. Business
A. Administration
1. ES/MS Principal Report
2. HS Principal/SSC Report
3. Superintendent’s Report
4. Village Report
B. Finance
C. Physical Structures/Maintenance
Building and Grounds Report
D. Transportation
Transportation Report
E. Technology
F. Curriculum/Policy
G. Special Education
H. Athletics
I. Music/Arts
J. Dietary/Food Service
VII. Communications
1. Public Comments
2. Staff Comments
3. Board Comments
VIII. Executive Session
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; selection of a person to fill public office.
IX. Return to Open Session
*Consideration of any other action deemed necessary as a result of executive session.
*Appointment of Board Members and Oath of Office
X. Adjournment
* Requires Board Action