Harvard City Council will meet May 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll Call
3. Appointments/Swear in Aldermen Vacancies
4. Public Comment
5. Approve Regular and Year End City Council Meeting Minutes April 25h, 2017
6. Milk Day Certificate Requests - Saturday, June 3, 2017
• Eric Brehm/Hub Lounge and John Schneider/Bopp's Bar and Grille are requesting a Milk Day Certificate pursuant to Section 25.06B.2 for the outside consumption of alcohol and to encroach on the City sidewalk, Will require action from the City Council to approve of deny the request with the same conditions as last year to encroach on the sidewalk with a fence erected and to allow alcohol to be consumed outdoors with a 8100 permit fee and 8500 security deposit.
7. Special Event Liquor Licensef Harvard Boys League on Saturday, July 8th, 2017
• The Harvard Boys League is requesting a Special Event Liquor License for Saturday, July 8', 2017 from 8 am - 11:59 pm at Harvard Boys League Moose Athletic Field. The fees have been paid
8. Proclamation Reverend Dr, Jeff Borgerson Day
• Action requested is to sanction the Mayor's approval of a proclamation designating Sunday, May 14th, 2017, as the Reverend Dr. Jeff Borgerson Day in the City of Harvard.
9. Prevailing Wage Ordinance
• Action requested is to approve an ordinance ascertaining the general prevailing rate of hourly wages in City of Harvard for laborers, mechanics and other workers engaged in construction of public works.
10.Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) Electric Aggregation Renewal
• The City conducted a solicitation for bids on May 18" for the Municipal Electric Aggregation. The low bidder' is MC Squared for a 13 month period at 6.73 cents per kilowatt hour. Action requested is to sanction execution of the contract documents.
11. Parks Board Meeting Minutes May 15, 2017
a) Action requested is to approve the Committee's recommendation to appoint Andy Wells to fill the vacancy on the Park Board.
12. Events Committee Resignation
• Action requested is to accept Wanda Marzahl's resignation from the Events Committee.
13. Route 14/Airport Rd. Sidewalk Study
• Action requested is to call a Streets & Alleys Committee Meeting for further discussion,
14. Department Head Reports
15. Committee Reports
16. Treasurer's Report
17. Attorney’s Report
18. Administrator's Report
19. Clerk's Report
20. Mayor's Report
21. Adjournment