
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education met April 24

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Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education met April 24.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The regual meeting of the board of Education of District #154 was held at the high school on April 24,


President Henning called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Henning, Dujmovich, Ranzino, Torman, and Kanaly.

Absent: Volkening and Fillmore

Administration: Engelbrecht, Fink, and Secretary Baser

Guests: Erika Nelson, and Pat Signore

Press: None

Moved by Torman and seconded by Dujmovich to adopt a resolution in recognition of Scott Fillmore for

his four years of service as a member of the board of Education. Roll Call vote: 5 ayes, 0 Nays. Motion


Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to appoint Superintendent Engelbrecht as President Pro Tem

to conduct the meeting for election of officers. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Henning and seconded by Kanaly to appoint Beverly Baser as Secretary Pro Tem. Voice Vote:

Motion Carried.

Moved by Torman and seconded by Kanaly to adjourn “Sine Die” for the purpose of reorganization. Roll

Call Vote: 5 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Henning and seconded by Dujmovich to open the regular meeting and reorganization meeting

of the Board. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

President Pro-tem Engelbrecht seated the newly elected member, Pat Signore, and the incumbents Todd

Volkening, Linda Dujmovich and Jodie Kanaly and administered the ‘oath’ of office to them and are

declared official members of District #154 Board of Education. All Board members listened to the

“Code of Conduct” as read by the Superintendent. Each Board Member accepts a copy of the “Ten rules

of school board members” and “Foundational Principles of Effective Governance.”

Moved by Torman and seconded by Kanaly to open the floor for nominations. Voice Vote: Motion


Moved by Torman and seconded by Kanaly to nominated Elizabeth Henning as President. There were no

other nominations and President Pro-tem Engelbrecht declared the nominations Closed. Roll Call Vote: 6

Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

President Henning calls for nominations for the office of Vice President.

Moved by Henning and seconded by Kanaly to nominate Dianne Torman as Vice President. There were

no other nominations. Roll Call Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

President Henning calls for nominations for the office of Secretary.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to nominate Linda Dujmovich as Secretary. There were no

other nominations. Roll Call Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Ranzino to approve the Board of Education Calendar for 2017-18.

Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved Kanaly and seconded by Torman to nominate Linda Dujmovich as the District’s representative of

the SDEOM Governing Board of Director’s Representative. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Torman to adopt a resolution for Board member Development and

Training. Roll Call Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Torman to approve the following consent agenda items: the minutes

of the regular meeting of March 21, 2017; to not release the executive session minutes of March 21, 2017;

to pay the financial obligations of the District as presented; the March 2017 Treasurer’s report; and to

accept the Kooi and Pingel Educational Loan Trust Summary, the John Swanson Trust, the Union

American Legion Scholarship, and the Franks Family Fine Arts Fund reports of March 31, 2017. Roll

Call Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to approve the first reading of the proposed changes/addition

to Board policies. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Torman and seconded by Kanaly to appoint Board Member Dujmovich and Henning to serve

as committee members for the Kooi-Pingel Education Foundation Trusts. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to hire Michael Fauth as a teacher for the 2017/18 school

year. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Superintendent presented the Board with the 3rd quarter financials of the District. The District has

received 51.88% of all anticipated revenues and expenditures are at 73.12% of the total budgeted amount.

Erika Nelson discussed a new student organization, True Equality Alliance (TEA). It was moved by

Ranzino and seconded by Kanaly to approve the TEA as an MCHS student organization. Voice Vote:

Motion Carried.

Superintendent/Board Report:

1. Discussed end of the year items-who would like to present diplomas.

2. If any member has a resolution for the 2017 IASB Assembly it needs to be proposed by the

end of June.

3. All Economic Interest Forms must be completed by May 1, 2017.

4. No discussion on the School Business Daily.

5. Discussed upcoming dates.

Moved by Kanaly and seconded by Torman to go into executive session to discuss personnel at 8:05 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

The Board returned to the regular meeting at 8:40 p.m.

There being no other business, Signore moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
