Johnsburg Community Unit School District 12 Board of Education Committee met May 9.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Oeffling at 7:03 p.m. and proceeded with roll call.
The roll call found Mr. J. Barrett, Mr. J. Harker, Mrs. V. Klos, Mr. S. Link, Mr. T. Oeffling and Mrs. M. Tinsley
present. Absent: Mrs. C. Neiss.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. T. Oeffling led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Time for Citizens to Speak
There were no citizens to speak at this time.
Finance Report
Mrs. A. Mulvaney began the meeting by updating the Board on the status of this year’s budget. She
reviewed the charts illustrating the various funds, as well as the year-end estimates. She noted that the budget
showed a better than projected result regarding expenditures but not for revenue, due to the outstanding payments
from the state. Mrs. A. Mulvaney reviewed the status of state funding, when vouchered payments might be
received, as well as the timeline for the receipt of property taxes and the annual audit. She also informed the Board
that the attorney that handles property tax objections for the District moved to a new law firm and that the Board
would need to approve the new firm at the next regular meeting. Mrs. A. Mulvaney completed her report on
finances by answering a variety of questions from the Board.
Operations Report
Mrs. A. Mulvaney began the report on operations by noting that an auction for 3 buses and
trucks/trailers from the High School Vocational Department was active until May 10th. She and Mr. T. Schwartz
updated the Board on the progress regarding the Ringwood School renovation project and noted that they are
working with the vendors to finalize details, review submittals and drawings. They showed the Board examples of
the carpet, tile and base that have been selected for the building and detailed the plan that will be used to eliminate
the old interior doors without having to deal with additional asbestos abatement costs. Mrs. A. Mulvaney and Mr. T.
Schwartz reviewed the timeline for classroom moves and noted that the multipurpose room sound system was
scheduled to be completed during the week of May 15th. They completed their report on Ringwood by answering
several questions from the Board.
Mr. T. Schwartz reported on the process and personnel that was used to develop and complete the new
walking/running track at Ringwood School. Dr. D. Johnson noted that commendations for those involved with the
project would be done at the May 23rd Board meeting.
Mrs. A. Mulvaney updated the Board on the long-term plan regarding transportation and noted that the
route changes and starting time modifications at the Junior High School this year had a positive impact and that
there had been less issues with long routes and staffing. She reviewed the current fleet of buses, potential leasing
options and noted that the District will continue to look at possible options for the future regarding transportation,
but with the uncertainty of the budget situation for the state of Illinois, any changes will likely wait for a year.
Mr. T. Ross presented his annual report on athletics. He updated the Board on each of the Athletic
Department’s long-term goals including professional development for coaches and student athletes and potential
options for increasing the academic standards for athletes. Mr. T. Ross detailed the list of needs regarding the
facilities including track resurfacing, long/triple jump pits construction, tennis court repainting and pole vault pit
work. He also updated the Board on the statistics regarding the Junior High’s two conferences, the High School’s
Kishwaukee River Conference, articulation between coaches, community facility usage and the feeder sports
programs. Mr. T. Ross completed his report by answering questions from the Board and noting that a transition plan
for the new athletic director was being developed.
Personnel Report
There was no report at the meeting.
Student Services Report
Mrs. F. Milewski began the Student Services report by presenting information on the special education
data reporting requirements that are used for the State Performance Plan. She also discussed each of the results and
compliance indicators. She showed the Board the most current results for Johnsburg District 12’s state performance
indicator scores, which were very positive. She also reviewed what has been accomplished regarding the
department’s long-term goals concerning curriculum, professional development and communication.
Mrs. F. Milewski completed her report by highlighting the plans for the summer, which will include
the introduction of the new Assistant Student Services Director, discussions with principals regarding staff
evaluations, planning for quarterly professional development and developing interventions for academics and
behavioral screenings.
Curriculum/Instruction Report
Mrs. T. Engelbrecht began her report by highlighting what is being done in the buildings to help achieve the goals of improving instructional practices, increasing staff literacy skills and increasing the efficacy of existing professional learning communities in the District. She noted that the goals and plan would be revised and updated during the summer to be ready for the 2017-18 school year. Mrs. T. Engelbrecht updated the Board on the number of teachers becoming Google certified educators and planned workshops on grading for learning. She also discussed the changes with the multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) and the latest happenings with the academically talented program. She also updated the Board on the spring assessments and noted that the data would be available for the Board to review and discuss at a meeting during the summer.
Mrs. T. Engelbrecht completed her report by reviewing the accountability changes involved with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Title Grant programs. Throughout her presentation she answered a variety of questions from the Board regarding the different areas of curriculum.
Board Policy Report
Dr. D. Johnson asked the Board if they had any questions or concerns regarding the IASB’s recommendations for Board policy updates that were included in their meeting materials. After answering a few questions from the Board regarding the process for Board policy updates, Dr. D. Johnson noted that this meeting would be considered the first reading for the recommended updated policies, 2:100, 3:70, 4:15, 5:120, 5:230, 5:285, 5:300, 6:70 and 7:100 and that they would be presented for second reading and formal approval at the May 23rd Board meeting.
Other Business
There was no other business for discussion at this time.
Closed Session – 9:07 PM – 10:10 PM
It was moved by Mrs. M. Tinsley and seconded by Mrs. V. Klos to go into Closed Session at 9:07 p.m. regarding possible action concerning the hiring and performance of staff members. On roll call vote, "Ayes": Mr. J. Barrett, Mr. J. Harker, Mrs. V. Klos, Mr. S. Link, Mrs. C. Neiss, Mr. T. Oeffling, Mrs. M. Tinsley. "Nays": None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. C. Neiss and seconded by Mr. J. Barrett to come out of Closed Session at 10:10 p.m. On roll call vote, "Ayes": Mr. J. Barrett, Mr. J. Harker, Mrs. V. Klos, Mr. S. Link, Mrs. C. Neiss, Mr. T. Oeffling, Mrs. M. Tinsley. "Nays": None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Adjournment – 10:11 PM
It was moved by Mrs. V. Klos and seconded by Mr. J. Harker to adjourn the meeting at 10:11 p.m.
On roll call vote, "Ayes": Mrs. K. Baird, Mrs. V. Klos, Mr. T. Oeffling. "Nays": None. Absent: Mr. J. Harker,
Mr. T. Low, Mrs. M. Martin, Mrs. M. Tinsley. Motion carried.