
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education met June 26.

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education met June 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

A. Call to order

B. Introduction of Guests

C. Public Comments (3-5) minutes.

D. Consent Agenda 

1. Read and approve the minutes of the regular and executive session of May 24 and June 16, 2017 meetings. 

2. Read and approve the financial obligations of the District and the Treasurers Report. 3. Recommend acceptance of the Kooi and Pingel Educational Loan Trust Summary Report, John Swanson Trust, Union American Legion Scholarship and Franks Family Fine Arts Fund of May 31, 2017. 

4. Recommend approving David Engelbrecht as District Authorized Agent for TRS, IMRF, Bond and Investment Accounts, Building and Grounds, Bus Rentals, and all previously granted authority given the Superintendent according to District adopted Board of Education Policy and the School Code of Illinois for the fiscal year 2018.

5. Recommend the Board of Education and David Engelbrecht to attend the IASB/IASA/IASBO

Conference in Chicago on Nov. 17-19, 2017 as part of Board member training and development.

E. New Business

1. Recommend a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing to review the Amended FY2017 Marengo Community High School Budget at 7:05pm.

A. Public Comments

B. Motion to close the budget hearing and to reconvene to regular session at pm. 

2. Recommend adoption of the Amended FY2017 Budget for Marengo Community High School District 154, 

3. Recommend approval of the personnel report. 

4. Recommend passing a Resolution of the Marengo Community High School District #154, McHenry County, Illinois asserting the Prevailing Wages of Laborers, Workmen, and Mechanics Employed on Public Works District #154. 

5. Recommend approval of the proposed changes and additions to Board policies. 

6. Update and recommendation on school bus purchase. 

7. Recommend approval of the 2017-2018 Parent Student handbook. 

8. Recommend approval to release closed session minutes as listed. 

9. Recommend approval to solicit bids for a walk in cooler and installation.

10. Recommend approval of the application to the Illinois State Board of Education for a waiver of the 40 percent school poverty threshold requirement for Title I, Part A (schoolwide eligibility).

F. Executive Session to discuss personnel- The compensation and performance of employees of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

G. Possible action as a result from executive session

H. Superintendent/Board Report

I. Adjournment
