
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Huntley Committee of the Whole met June 1.

Village of Huntley Committee of the Whole met June 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order: A meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main Street, Huntley, Illinois 60142.


Present: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Tim Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, Harry Leopold and John Piwko

Absent: Trustee JR Westberg

In Attendance: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour, Management Assistant Barbara Read, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman and Village Attorney James Hess.

Pledge of Alleginace: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments:

Dorothy O’Donnell, 13802 Pineview Drive, stated that she would like to be able to drive her golf cart across Route 47 and use the new path that is being constructed. She gave Staff information regarding the use of golf carts.

Items for Discussion:

a) Discussion – Approval of the April 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole, April 27, 2017

Village Board, May 4, 2017 Committee of the Whole, May 11, 2017 Village Board and May 18, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or changes to the Minutes; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the April 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole, April 27, 2017 Village Board, May 4, 2017 Committee of the Whole, May 11, 2017 Village Board and May 18, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.

b) Discussion - Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Temporary Use Permit and Temporary Sign Request for Don Smock Auction Company Inc. to hold a construction equipment auction on the property located east of Route 47 and immediately south of Rush Truck Center

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Don Smock Auction Company Inc. is seeking approval to hold an auction of construction equipment on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on the property located on the east side of Route 47, south of the Rush Trucking Center at 11816 Route 47. The subject site is owned by Plote Construction. Construction equipment to be auctioned would begin to be delivered to the site two (2) weeks prior (Tuesday, June 13, 2017) to the auction date, and would be removed from the site no later than a week after (Tuesday, July 4, 2017) the auction date. The petitioner has stated the proper paperwork has been filed with the State of Illinois to ensure the Village of Huntley is the point of sale for the purpose of sales tax revenue.

Temporary signage for the auction will be installed Friday, June 9th and removed after the event on Tuesday, June 27th and include two (2) twenty-four (24) square foot (4’ x 8’) banners installed in a V-shape between three (3) posts, south of the driveway access to the subject property.

Staff Analysis The Village of Huntley Zoning Ordinance allows for the issuance of a temporary use permit (TUP) for Sales and Special Promotions and temporary signs.

Sales and special promotions are subject to the following conditions: 1) approval on the basis of the adequacy of the parcel size, parking provisions, and traffic access and the absence of undue adverse impact on other properties, 2) limited to a period not to exceed five (5) days, and 3) adequate fire extinguishers, refuse containers and clean-up of the site upon termination of the event.

Temporary signs are subject to the following conditions: 1) not to exceed 30 days, 2) maximum size of 50 square feet and no more than 8 feet above ground, 3) not to be displayed on a fence or tree, and 4) not to be located in the rights-of-way.

Should the Village Board approve the request for a Temporary Use Permit, staff recommends the following conditions of approval:

1. The Auction shall be conducted in accordance with Mr. Larry Tess’ letter attached (not dated); any change shall require approval by the Village of Huntley.

2. The event shall be conducted so not to adversely impact surrounding properties.

3. The event location and surrounding area shall be cleaned of all trash at the end of the auction.

4. Prior to June 13, 2017, the petitioner shall submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance with required Village limits and listing the Village of Huntley as additionally insured.

5. The Village of Huntley shall be the point of sale for the purpose of sales tax revenue.

6. After the 5-day clean up period following the auction, the property owner shall remove all remaining materials from the site and shall regularly mow and maintain the property in accordance with the Village’s property maintenance code.

Financial Impact The Temporary Use Permit Fee is $75.00 and the Temporary Sign permit Fee is $50.00, plus a $100.00 compliance bond fee returned after the signs are removed.

Legal Analysis None required.

Director Nordman reported that Larry Tess was in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Piwko asked if the Auction was a rain or shine event; Mr. Tess said it would go on regardless of the weather. Trustee Piwko asked if a tent would be set up; Mr. Tess stated that there would be no tent because they use a trailer as their office.

Trustee Leopold stated that he was concerned about how the property would be left after the auction and if the Village required them to post a security deposit. Mr. Tess stated that he had to post a $5,000 security deposit with Plote Construction, the property owners. Trustee Leopold asked Staff if that was sufficient; Village Manager Johnson stated that the security deposit to Plote should be sufficient.

Trustee Kanakaris stated that he liked the sales tax revenue the auction provides. Mr. Tess stated that they hope to gross $300,000 to $400,000.

Mayor Sass asked how many items he anticipated auctioning off; Mr. Tess stated that there will be 50- 100 items on pallets and approximately 20 items such as trucks and equipment.

Trustee Leopold asked if the items to be auctioned were all construction items; Mr. Tess said yes that it is only construction items.

Mayor Sass asked if there is enough parking available on site; Mr. Tess stated that there will be room for approximately 200 vehicles.

Trustee Kanakaris asked if there will be restrooms; Mr. Tess said yes.

Trustee Goldman asked what the plans were for traffic control; Mr. Tess stated that they will either use off-duty police officers or a security firm.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution Granting the Issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to hold an Auction and post Temporary Signs Promoting the Auction on the Subject Property.

c) Discussion - Consideration of an Ordinance Approving (i) a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision; and (ii) a Preliminary Planned Unit Development including any necessary relief for the B-3 (PUD) Shopping Center Business District-zoned, ±55-acre parcel located generally east of Illinois Route 47 and north of Powers Road (PIN: 02-04-100- 006), in accordance with the application submitted to, and is on file with, the Village of Huntley Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that RUBY-02-HNTLYCMRCL, LLC is proposing to subdivide the subject ±55-acre Huntley Crossings – Phase II property into a total of six (6) lots: four (4) Outlots adjacent to Route 47 and north of Regency Parkway and two (2) larger tracts, one, north of Regency Parkway and the other between Powers Road and Regency Parkway.

The subject ±55-acre Huntley Crossings – Phase II subdivision, zoned B-3 PUD Shopping Center Business District – Planned Unit Development, and the adjacent ±30-acre tract, which includes the Huntley Springs retirement residence community, were annexed and rezoned in December 2006 (Ordinance (O)2006-11.08) as part of the Riedl Annexation Agreement.

Staff Analysis On March 23, 2017, the Village Board approved a second amendment to the Annexation Agreement governing the subject property. The amendment accommodated the proposal by Cameron General Contractors to construct Huntley Springs, a 130-unit senior independent living facility, on a portion of the residential Phase III property and also made changes to certain restrictions for the commercial Phase II property.

The following is a summary of the most significant changes pertaining to the commercial Phase II property:

• The number of subphases allowed for developing the property was increased from two to four.

• The maximum number of drive-thru restaurants was increased from two to four.

• A restriction was added that free standing medical service providers may be allowed on the Phase II Parcel, except that no free standing medical service provider shall be allowed in the outlots having frontage on Illinois Route 47 unless subsequently approved by the Village as a special use. There was no restriction on the location of free standing medical service providers in the original agreement.

• The permitted height for the shopping center monument sign was increased from 30 to 32 feet and the allowed height for an outlot monument sign was increased from 6 to 10 feet.

• The setback for the outlot monument signs was reduced from 50 to 10 feet.

• The developer will contribute $25,000 for the construction of the new pedestrian and bicycle path the Village is constructing within the existing Illinois Route 47 right-of-way.

Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision The proposed preliminary/final plat of subdivision includes dividing the ±55-acre property into six lots. The plat will create four outlots adjacent to Route 47, north of Regency Parkway. The remaining property will be divided into two large lots for future development. Right-of-way dedications include 0.43 acres along the eastern edge of Lot 6 to accommodate the northern extension of Powers Road that will be constructed as part of the Huntley Springs senior independent living project, as well as the dedication of the necessary right-of-way for the eastern extension of Regency Parkway.

The four proposed outlots along Route 47 range in size from 0.804 acres to 1.257 acres, with lot widths of between 112.70-feet and 159.15-feet. The B-3(PUD) zoning district requires a minimum lot area of 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres) and lot width of no less than 200 feet. Therefore, all four (4) proposed lots require relief from the minimum lot area and width requirements.

Preliminary Planned Unit Development The proposed Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) will create four outlots adjacent to Route 47, north of Regency Square. The Preliminary PUD will also create the necessary stormwater management facilities to accommodate development of the four outlots. Access to the outlots will be provided from the existing north-south private drive connecting Regency Parkway with the Huntley Grove commercial subdivision to the north. There shall be no direct access to Route 47 from the Outlots and no cross-access required between Outlots. Stormwater detention will be provided within the 100 foot greenbelt area along Route 47 and the eastern (rear) portions of Lots 5 and 6.


The petitioner has submitted a landscape plan in accordance with the Annexation Agreement requirements for plantings within the Route 47 Greenbelt Buffer/Stormwater detention area adjacent to Outlots 1 through 4. The installation of this landscaping must be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any outlot. Additionally, the petitioner is responsible for the planting of the requisite (1 tree/40 feet) parkway trees along Regency Parkway. The site landscaping on the individual Outlots will be reviewed/approved with the Final Planned Unit Development process for those individual sites.

Signage The amendment to the Huntley Crossings – Phase 2 Annexation Agreement allows the following signs to be constructed within the Route 47 Greenbelt Buffer, with each sign set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the dedicated Route 47 right-of-way: (i) one shopping center monument sign at the Regency Parkway entry, having a height not to exceed thirty two (32) feet, and (ii) one independent monument sign on each Outlot fronting Route 47, with a maximum height of ten (10) feet each.

The petitioner is not proposing to construct a shopping center monument sign at this time and will need to submit a design for approval by the Village Board should they wish to construct a sign at some point in the future.

Requested Relief The following relief is requested as part of the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision:

1. Relief is requested to allow a Minimum Lot Area of 0.804 acres rather than the requisite 80,000 square feet (1.84-acres) in the B-3 (PUD) zoning district.

2. Relief is requested to allow a Minimum Lot width of 112.70 feet rather than the 200 feet minimum lot width required in the B-3 (PUD) zoning district.

Plan Commission Recommendation The public hearing to consider the request for the Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision and Preliminary Planned Unit Development including any necessary relief was held before the Plan Commission on Monday, May 8, 2017. No members of the public spoke in support or opposition to the request. Having considered the criteria for Preliminary Planned Unit Development Review the Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request by a vote of 7 to 0, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans (see list of exhibits) and all other applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner will comply with all final engineering revisions to be approved by the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

3. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management. The petitioner, its agents and assignees are responsible for not increasing the rate of stormwater runoff and will be required, to the extent practicable, to minimize any increase in runoff volume through “retention” and design of multi stage outlet structures.

4. A sidewalk shall be provided along the northern right-of-way for Regency Parkway, between Route 47 and the private drive.

5. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

6. The petitioner shall obtain final approval of the Landscape Plan from the Development Services Department.

7. In accordance with Section 155.221(A)(6) of the Subdivision Ordinance, the plat of subdivision shall be recorded with the Recorder of Kane County within three months of approval by the Village Board. Failure to record the Plat(s) of Subdivision within three (3) months shall render the documents null and void.

8. No building permits are approved as part of this submittal.

9. No sign permits are approved as part of this submittal. 10. The petitioner shall file with the recording of the final plat the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements.

Strategic Plan Priority The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies “Promote New Business Development, Retention, and Expansion” as a Strategic Priority.

Financial Impact In accordance with the Annexation Agreement Amendment, the Developer has agreed to contribute $25,000 to offset the costs incurred by the Village to construct the new pedestrian and bicycle path currently being constructed along Route 47. The Developer shall pay such contribution to the Village on December 31, 2017, or within ten (10) business days after the Developer receives notice of completion from the Village, whichever is later.

Director Nordman reported that the petitioner’s architect was in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Kanakaris asked about the front setback; Director Nordman reported that the detention pond was located in the front setback and Engineer Lauren Downing stated that the building setback is 100 feet. Director Nordman reported that parking may be placed right up to the edge of the front setback.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board an Ordinance Approving (i) a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision; and (ii) a Preliminary Planned Unit Development including any necessary relief for the B-3 (PUD) Shopping Center Business District- zoned, ±55-acre parcel located generally east of Illinois Route 47 and north of Powers Road (PIN: 02-04-100-006), in accordance with the application submitted to, and is on file with, the Village of Huntley.

d) Discussion - Approval of a Resolution Executing the Construction Contract Change Order to Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for the 2017 MFT Street Improvement Program and to J.A. Johnson Paving Company in the amount not to exceed $5,000 for the Pavement Patching Program and to Amend the FY17 Budget

Village Manager David Johnson reported that on May 11, 2017 the Village Board approved a Bid from Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount of $723,966.76 for the 2017 Street Improvement Program consisting of the grind and overlay of the following streets:

Street Limits Length (ft.) Del Webb Blvd. Eakin Creek Ct. to Dakota Fields Dr. 8,200 Oak Creek Pkwy IL. Rt. 47 to Terminus 1,275 Jamestown Rd Reed Rd. to Rainsford Dr. 1,850 Evendale Rd. Wheatlands Way to Haligus Rd. 650

Total Length = 11,975 ft. (2.27 miles)

The rehabilitation will generally consist of spot concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, ADA curb ramp upgrades, Class D HMA patching, base repair and HMA resurfacing. The estimated cost for the base bid was $880,192.85 and the FY17 budget is $880,000.00 for this work. The actual bid of $723,966.76 is lower than the estimate mainly due to the low price of the HMA Surface Coarse of $52.50 per ton, a price not seen on a Village Street Improvement project in several years.

On April 13, 2017 the Village Board approved a Bid from J.A. Johnson Paving Company in the amount not to exceed $50,000 for the Pavement Patching Program consisting of patching in the following areas:

Haligus Road: Reed Road to Scott Drive Jim Dhamer Drive: Countryview Boulevard to Quality Drive Due to the favorable bid price for the Street Improvement Program, staff has investigated options for expanding the scope of the Pavement Management Program.

Staff Analysis Staff proposes the following streets be added to the FY17 MFT Street Improvement Program:

Street Limits Length (ft.) Cost Haligus Road North Village Limit to South of Reed Rd. 3,200 $140,000 Main Street Manhattan Road to Haligus Road 1,700 $60,000

Total 4,900 ft. $200,000 (.93 mile)

The favorable bid prices will allow the Village to pave a total of 3.2 miles of roadway in FY17, an increase of 41% from the original distance of 2.27 miles.

Staff also proposes that Countryview Boulevard from just north of Clanyard Road to Sun City Boulevard be added to the Pavement Patching Program for a net cost adjustment as follows:

Remove Haligus Road Patches from Scope: ($10,375.00) Add Countryview Boulevard Patches to Scope: $15,375.00

Total Add: $5,000.00

The locations of work are generally identified in the attached exhibits.

Strategic Plan Priority The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Promote Sound Financial Management and Fiscal Sustainability as a Strategic Priority, and “enhance asset management program to sustain level of service at economical life cycle cost” as an objective.

Financial Impact The FY2017 Budget includes $880,000 in the MFT Fund line item 42-05-3-6750 for the 2017 Street Improvement Program and $50,000 in the Road and Bridge Fund, 43-05-4-7501 for the Pavement Patching Program. A budget amendment is required to increase expenditures. The additional $5,000 in Road and Bridge will come from the fund balance in that fund. The additional cost for the Street Improvement Program of $44,000 over the original budgeted amount of $880,000 will be funded through the Street Improvement Fund line item 04-10-4-7500, which requires a budget amendment to increase that expenditure line from $130,000 to $174,000.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution executing the construction contract change order to Arrow Road Construction Company, in the amount of $200,000 for the 2017 MFT Street Improvement Program and to J.A. Johnson Paving Company in the amount of $5,000 for the Pavement Patching Program and to amend the FY17 Budget.

e) Discussion - Consideration of an Ordinance Approving Amendments to Chapter 156: Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Huntley Code of Ordinances, specifically: (i) modify and add definitions to Article II Interpretations and Definitions, Section 156.011 Definitions; (ii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article V Business and Non-Residential Districts, Section 156.046 ORI Office/Research/Industrial District; (iii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article VI Planned Development District, Section 156.063 BP Business Park District; and (iv) add criteria for Plan Commission consideration to Article VII Special Use Permits, Section 156.068 Special Use Permits

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed the following Power Point presentation:

The requested amendments propose to: (i) modify and add definitions to Article II Interpretations and Definitions, Section 156.011

Definitions; (ii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article V Business and Non-Residential Districts, Section 156.046 ORI Office/Research/Industrial District; (iii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article VI Planned Development District, Section 156.063 BP Business Park District; and (iv) add criteria for Plan Commission consideration to Article VII Special Use Permits, Section

156.068 Special Use Permits.

Village Board Policy Direction

• On May 4, 2017 the Village Board provided policy direction and referred the proposed amendments to the BP and ORI zoning districts into the formal review process in accordance with Section 156.204 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Proposed Amendments

• The amendments will update permitted and special uses within the BP and ORI zoning districts so that the uses align with the purpose and intent of each zoning district.

• Uses having some special impact or uniqueness will be changed from permitted to special uses so they can be reviewed for their location, design, configuration and special impact.

• Examples include, but are not limited to, golf courses, distribution, storage and warehousing, and childcare centers.

• The special use permit allows the Board of Trustees to impose conditions and limitations upon the premises benefited by the special use permit in order to prevent or minimize substantial or undue adverse effects upon neighboring properties or upon public facilities and services.

• Uses have been removed from the zoning districts that were either outdated or not in conformance with the purpose of the district.

• Such examples include, but are not limited to, a mushroom production barn, taxicab garage, and drive-through food service.

• Several uses are also being added to the districts that were not previously included.

• These uses include, but are not limited to, restaurants, microbrewery/winery, and gasoline service stations.

• Definitions are being modified and/or added for uses that are currently vague or undefined within the Zoning Ordinance.

• These uses include Light Manufacturing, Motor/Rail Freight Terminal, Truck Terminal, Warehouse, Warehouse and Distribution, and Wholesaling.

• A modification to the definition for Warehousing and Distribution was made based on a suggestion from Huntley Investment Partners (owners of a C-2 zoned property)

• The standards and criteria for the Plan Commission’s review of special uses are also being amended to clarify that water consumption and waste generation are factors to be considered when determining if a development will be served by adequate public facilities.

• The public benefit criteria will be amended to include job creation, aesthetics, and enhancement of the Village’s reputation as factors for consideration by the Plan Commission.

Statement of Need and Justification

• In accordance with Section 156.204(E)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance, a statement of need and justification shall be provided for the proposed text amendment.

• The proposed text amendments are required to define uses within the Zoning Ordinance that are currently vague or undefined.

• Amendments to the BP and ORI zoning districts are proposed to better promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community, to protect and conserve the value of buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of land.

• To accomplish this, revisions are proposed to the “purpose” of each district and an “intent” has been added to both districts.

• Amendments to the permitted and special uses are proposed within each district to accomplish the “purpose” and “intent” of the zoning districts and to ensure that uses having some special impact or uniqueness are reviewed for their location, design, configuration and special impact.

• The amendments to Section 156.068 are intended to clarify that water consumption and waste generation shall be considered when determining if a development is served by adequate public facilities and the Public Benefit criteria shall include the consideration of job creation, aesthetics, and enhancement of the Village’s reputation.

Standards for Amendments In accordance with Section 156.211(E) of the Zoning Ordinance, the wisdom of amending the Zoning Ordinance is a matter committed to the legislative discretion of the Board of Trustees and is not dictated on any set standard.

Plan Commission Recommendation

• The public hearing to consider the proposed text amendments was held before the Plan Commission on Monday, May 22, 2017.

• 41 certified letters were sent to BP and ORI property owners. As a courtesy, notice was also sent to other property owners near the interchange that have property zoned other than BP or ORI.

• Mr. Rich Turasky, Huntley Investment Partners/Outlet Mall, spoke in opposition of the text amendments and submitted a letter written by Michael Reschke, dated 5/22/17, into the record. A copy of the letter was included in the meeting packet.

• Dr. Preston Kaye, Kaye Eye Care, was also in attendance and asked a question about water usage that was answered by staff.

• Having considered the statement of need and justification and all testimony the Plan Commission determined the amendments promoted the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community, protected and conserved the value of buildings, and encouraged the most appropriate use of land within the BP Business Park and ORI Office / Research / Industrial zoning districts.

• The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the text amendments by a vote of 7 to 0.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold complimented Staff on doing a good job and asked if the attorney reviewed the amendments; Village Manager Johnson stated that the attorney did review the amendments.

Trustee Hoeft asked about the purpose and intent and asked who comes up with the approval; Village Manager Johnson reported that it would be up to the petitioner to meet the Village Board’s satisfaction.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward to the Village Board an Ordinance Approving Amendments to Chapter 156: Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Huntley Code of Ordinances, specifically: (i) modify and add definitions to Article II Interpretations and Definitions, Section 156.011

Definitions; (ii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article V Business and Non-Residential Districts, Section 156.046 ORI Office/Research/Industrial District; (iii) modify the purpose, add intent, and modify permitted uses and special uses in Article VI Planned Development District, Section 156.063 BP Business Park District; and

(iv) add criteria for Plan Commission consideration to Article VII Special Use Permits, Section 156.068 Special Use Permits.

f) Discussion – Approval of the June 8, 2017 Bill List in the amount of $311,172.02

Mayor Sass reported that $64,388.25 or (20.7%) of the total bill list is attributable to payment to Layne Christensen Co. to pull and service Well#11 Well Pump.Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole forward on to the Village Board for approval to authorize the payment of the June 8, 2017 Bill List in the amount of $311,172.02.

Village Attorney’s Report: None

Village Manager’s Report:

Trustee Piwko asked if the multi-purpose path being construction will go all the way to Kreutzer Road; Village Manager Johnson stated that it will be going to Kreutzer Road.

Village President’s Report: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: None

Executive Session: None

Action On Closed Session Items: None

Adjournment: There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Piwko Second: Trustee Leopold The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.




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