
McHenry Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Huntley Area Public Library District Board of Trustees met June 21.

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Huntley Area Public Library District Board of Trustees met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District met at the library on June 21, 2017. President Leslie Threadgill-Smith called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Also present were Chris Budzynski, Sean Cratty, Shannon McKibben, David Moore, David Novalinski, Marge Smith, Frank Novak, Director and Leigh Ann Porsch, Head of Marketing and Public Relations. James Smith was present as a guest.

Public Comment: James Smith stated he was visiting to earn his Communications Merit Badge for Boy Scouts.

Installation of Trustee: Sean Cratty was sworn in as a Library Trustee by president, Threadgill-Smith.

Secretary’s Report: McKibben motioned, Moore seconded to approve the April 26, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion approved.

Smith motioned, Budzynski seconded to approve the May 17, 2017 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion approved.

Financial Reports and Checks: McKibben motioned, Novalinski seconded to approve the checks and financial report as submitted. Voice votes were: McKibben-Aye, Budzynski-Aye, Cratty-Aye, Novalinski-Aye, Moore-Aye, Smith-Aye and Threadgill-Smith-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion approved.

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): Trustees reviewed the report and there were no questions.

Librarian’s Report: Presented by Novak.

ALA Trip is Monday, June 26 and the bus will leave at 7:00 a.m. sharp. Attendees will be provided with $15 for lunch. We expect to arrive back to the library on the bus about 4:30 p.m. The library and book drops are closed for the day.

The Prevailing Wage Ordinance is included in the Board Packet and is required annually.

The annual audit is underway. Paul Inserra will visit the September Board Meeting to provide his report and findings.

The library has a safe deposit box, but right now Novak is the only one with access. He would like the Board Officers to also have access.

The Friends breakfast fundraiser earned $4,800. Threadgill-Smith encouraged all board members to join the Friends if they are not already members.

Beginning in July the Board will be provided with anniversary cards to sign for staff members. The cards will be dispersed to staff on their anniversary date.

Sun City approved the addition of a Little Free Library within the community. The exact location is being determined.

Committee Reports:

Board Policy: No report.

Finance: Moore shared that Novak reviewed the budget and accompanying narrative information.

Facilities: No report.

Community Outreach: No report.

Friends’ Liaison: Reported by Smith. Staff support ensures the success of the Friends Foundation. Last month they raised $861 in book sales, two Little Free Libraries were installed and plaques have arrived, the Father’s Day raffle raised $175, Kona Ice raised $273 during summer reading sign-up, and their next event is the Mini-Links Fundraiser on Friday, August 4. The July membership meeting will be held at Tom’s Farm.

Threadgill-Smith discussed the committee appointments for the coming year, but noted that committees are fluid and can be changed. All members are welcome at any meeting.

Policy: Threadgill-Smith (Chair), McKibben, Smith

Finance: Moore (Chair), Cratty, Budzynski

Facilities: Smith (Chair), Moore, Novalinski, Budzynski

Community Outreach committee is being eliminated as all trustees will be involved in outreach.

Friends committee is being eliminated but reports will still inform the board of activities.

It is possible that a new IT Committee could be formed in the future.

New Business:

Prevailing Wage Ordinance: Smith motioned to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance as presented. Cratty seconded. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion passes.

Meeting Date Discussion: Cratty expressed that he has a conflict on Wednesday evenings, and requested the board consider meeting on a different day of the week. Discussion among members resulted in the suggestion of meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. Threadgill-Smith will consider the change noting that it may present a conflict for her.

Budget: A draft of the working budget was presented. Novak reviewed that staff wages were increased 3%, to be divided 1 ½% cost of living and 1 ½% merit. There is also money set aside for the possible purchase of a used mini-van if we cannot obtain one as a donation. Cratty motioned to approve the working budget as presented. McKibben seconded. Voice votes were: McKibben-Aye, Budzynski-Aye, Cratty-Aye, Novalinski-Aye, Moore-Aye, Smith-Aye and Threadgill-Smith-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion approved.

Old Business:

The library sign is still being considered at the village level.

Upcoming Dates:

Regular Board Meeting, July 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Board Discussion: None.

Adjourn: Novalinski motioned, Moore seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion approved.
