
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education will meet September 25.

Webp meet

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education will meet Sept. 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

A. Call to Order

B. Introduction of Guests

C. Public Comments (3-5) minutes.

D. Consent Agenda

1. Read and approve the minutes of the regular and executive session of the August 28, 2017 meeting and the minutes of the regular and executive session of the September 11, 2017 special meeting.

2. Read and approve the financial obligations of the District and the Treasurers Report.

3. Recommend acceptance of the August 31st, 2017 Summary Reports for the investments of the Kooi and Pingel Educational Trust, John Swanson Trust, Union American Legion donation and Franks Family Fund of August 31, 2017.

4. Recommend authorizing Superintendent Engelbrecht to prepare the Truth in Taxation hearing timeline and Resolution defining details, notice, publication and date.

5. Recommend approval of the Quarterly Report of Pupils No Longer Enrolled in School.

6. Recommend approval of the ROE report on Developer Impact Fees from July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017.

New Business

1. Recommend a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing to Review of the FY2018

a. Public Comments

b. Motion to close the budget hearing and to reconvene to regular session. 

2. Recommend adoption of the FY2018 Budget for Marengo Community High School District #154. 

3. Recommend approval of the personnel report. 

4. Recommend the first reading of the proposed Board Policy changes. 

5. Recommend appoint the district's representatives to the RIF Grouping Committee. 

6. Recommend approval of the FY2017 Annual Financial Report (AFR) 

7. Recommend approval of the job description for Musical Vocal Director. 

8. Recommend approval of the Intergovernmental agreement between Marengo Township and MCHS for employment of transition students.

9. Presentation from student group.

F. Executive Session: Personnel, Litigation, Real Estate, Negotiations, Student Discipline

G. Recommend possible action as a result of executive session.

H. Superintendent/Board Report

I. Adjournment
