
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education will meet November 27.

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Marengo Community High School District 154 Board of Education will meet Nov. 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to order

Introduction of Guests

Public Comments (3-5) minutes.

Consent Agenda

1. Read and approve the minutes of the regular and executive session of the October 10, 2017 and October 23, 2017 meetings.

2. Read and approve the financial obligations of the District and the Treasurers Report.

3. Recommend acceptance of the October 31st, 2017 Summary Reports for the investments of the John Swanson Trust, Union American Legion donation and Franks Family Fund.

4. Review of the October 31st, 2017 Summary Reports for the investments of Kooi and Pingel Educational Trust.

New Business

1. Recognition of the Boys Cross Country team as 2017 IHSA Class 1A State Cross Country Meet Team Qualifiers.

2. Recommend approval of the personnel report.

3. Recommend the first reading of the proposed Board Policy changes.

4. Recommend approval of the proposed estimated aggregate tax levy on 2017 property tax assessments, which is less than 105% of the amount of property taxes extended for the final aggregate levy in the preceding year, and the Truth in Taxation Certificate of Compliance.

5. Recommend approval of the Boys Baseball Team for an overnight trip to the “Play the Turf' High School Jamboree in Jacksonvill, IL the weekend of March 23, 2018.

Executive Session: Personnel, Litigation, Real Estate, Negotiations, Student Discipline

Recommend possible action as a result of executive session.

Superintendent/Board Report

